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  1. CRISS9000

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    I can confirm, armored core 6 is fun. if you play it, add me on steam so we can explode eachother.
  2. CRISS9000

    Most epic mining guide ever.

    " ... We're back, baby! Ladies and gentlemen, as you can tell We are alive and well. Everything we once knew, Everything we have learned has changed. Now we have to operate a little differently. They can change the game up on us all they want. They can try to destroy us. It doesn't matter. We...
  3. CRISS9000

    Looking for help to buy a new PC mouse

    it seems the M65 is TEST Squardon's favorite computer mouse. 😛
  4. CRISS9000

    Looking for help to buy a new PC mouse

    that would be :glorious: indeed. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it meets the requirements I outlined in the OP. That one seems like it's a serious contender for me. where has it been my whole life? it seems short enough, has enough buttons, made of aluminum and not plastic, and I might be able to...
  5. CRISS9000

    Looking for help to buy a new PC mouse

    I'm looking for a new mouse that will fit my specific grip. Also I've been holding on to my malfunctioning mouse (that I spilled coffee on) for far too long. My hand is 19 by 9.5 CM (roughly 7.5 by 3.9/4.0 inches). For reference, I have a Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition which is 12.5CM in...
  6. CRISS9000

    Patch 3.21 PTU

    I already posted that)))
  7. CRISS9000

    Patch 3.21 PTU

    then why not delay 3.21.0 and release a version with the number 3.21.0 when the replication layer arrives? 3.21 isn't even on the roadmap yet. it's yet another brainfart from CIG. EDIT: Spectrum post here. From what I gather, they put 3.21 on the PTU and not 3.20.1 because they are changing...
  8. CRISS9000

    EVE Online making another attempt at first person shooter

    more like 2 minutes, not 2 days. Vanguard doesn't seem to have anything that can remotely be described as a stand-out feature. and even as someone who never even thought of touching that subgenre of FPS, I feel confident enough to say that EVE Vanguard won't have any feature to set it apart...
  9. CRISS9000

    EVE Online making another attempt at first person shooter

    This time it will be plugged right into EVE (meaning it won't be separate but sort of an alternative gamemode - "for and within EVE online".) and be on PC. It is poised to be a PvPvE Extraction Shooter. There will be loot, different ammo types crafted in the field and squad play. View...
  10. CRISS9000

    Cyberpunk 2077 (is here!)

    I have finally finished downloading the offline install files (99.3G in size) and can't wait to play this game again. after about a month of sanic mode anime mech game (AKA Armored Core 6), I can definitely use an excuse to tear myself away from that giant mountain of fun. ... altho I'm sure...
  11. CRISS9000

    Shit new applicants are saying

    for now...
  12. CRISS9000

    Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion - Phantom Liberty — Official Teaser

    might happen in 'Punk 78.
  13. CRISS9000

    Starfield - Discussion Thread

    That arguement is invalid. I know for a fact that past bethesda spoiled me. When I watch all the videos of Starfield, I look back to Fallout 4 and I think to myself: I'll take FO4 over SFail any day. And don't give me the "many years of post launch development" nonsense. Every game that's being...
  14. CRISS9000

    Starfield - Discussion Thread

    Well, Bathsalts did mess with the winning formula. They went from a big-world RPG with many factions that are each very different from eachother, interesting stories and a world packed full of locations, items, atmospheres and things to do (and loot), To a shallow RPG with a bunch of...
  15. CRISS9000

    Apparently you can't call out bad business practices on spectrum

    You're still working yourself up just to make a mountain out of a molehill. what an odd thing to say... Anyway, I'm done. You can stay petty if you want, and keep digging into this one mistake that a brain-broken moderator, who probably needs time off, did this one time. But I'm done.
  16. CRISS9000

    Starfield - Discussion Thread

    I didn't play it, but after watching a bunch of youtubes about it, here's my moderately informed take: Give it a few more years in the oven and I might pirate it and then mod it a lot. And I have not pirated anything in well over a decade. I HAVE bought NMS and CP77 tho, specifically after...
  17. CRISS9000

    Apparently you can't call out bad business practices on spectrum

    This seems to me like something that has to do with a much bigger problem. This isn't about the guy who was slightly spicy or the moderator's reaction. This is something that you see all over the internet, and the more centralized websites in terms of traffic the more you will see this kind of...
  18. CRISS9000

    CIG announced changes to PTU Waves Eligibility

    inevitably. they've been riding high on record profits year after year until now. it was only a matter of time until they reached the point where profits just do not increase. it's on them if they were blind to that fact.
  19. CRISS9000

    CIG announced changes to PTU Waves Eligibility

    compared to other stupid things CIG have done in the past, this is relatively speaking a nothingburger. PTU is a worse experience than the still-messy Live servers. just wait for the next update to get to Live, and then wait another week or 2. that's the best thing to do.
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