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  1. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    That should be a video, people drive many grey cats out of a ship in space shooting as they go :D
  2. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Yes, those who control the jump points control space travel!
  3. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Second one is fun! No drama here cuz Pirate is cruise control for cool. So if instances split off like that, if you get a head shop and you split off instances of your corpse and 'wake up' elsewhyre -> would those space hospitals be like moving spawn points?
  4. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    "Our demand will be meet or I will stop playing SC for a week!"
  5. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Yes, yes I did. Now I'm obliged to post about piracy. So could we KO people and hold their character hostage in a holding cell? Then what happens if you log out with them in your ship?
  6. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Family got decent new PC two days ago. Decided to save for a nicer tier of PC ( $ win vs AMD nugget Immediately: Download SC, Step 1 Vandul Swarm with HOTAS (didn't even look at the key bindings or layout)... Well I did manage...
  7. Reptar Khan

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    Ok so name is ReptarKhan add me! Crashed to many times and am resetting ...
  8. Reptar Khan

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    Made it to Benard's, Adding you all. Someone post whatever the heck my name is for future sharing LOL
  9. Reptar Khan

    Hi, There!

    *you won in a special way
  10. Reptar Khan

    I am SlumLord aka SlvmL0rd....

    *Open Arms Heard of TEST PALS? :D
  11. Reptar Khan

    Future member Saying hi!

    WELCOME! Shoot things in AC win prizes ;D
  12. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Oh, didn't even think about Org <-> UEE standings... Yeah I've no prob joining ReTEST or something lol. Read PACT Wall'o'Text ... Let all gang up on pirates and have space lynch mobs, for Goood! ... If some pirates are really bothering/offended me we need to do the above more Pirates are...
  13. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    Logo looking good! Welcome PALS
  14. Reptar Khan

    Training, Newbies, and TEST.

    Good idea, I agree with TEST Test server. Have everyone rotate around in a fleet of Orions/Reclaimers/Ect. At this stage you could just put "Regular Times ppl play together sheet" just for easier match making? I'm new and soon will kick @rse in AC (pending new computer purchase & HOTAS not...
  15. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    I like them all (TEST IRS has a nice ring)! Perhaps we can just change our name on a semi-regular basis :D Oh how about Care Krakens
  16. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

  17. Reptar Khan

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    I'm in will sell all stuffs and get over to yall :D
  18. Reptar Khan

    TEST Fleet

    +1 Hornet Hehehe this is awesome!
  19. Reptar Khan

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    IN Got Hornet Ghost for said outings. Want to escort patrons across a system, to protect them from random vanduuls and unsavory sorts who want to take advantage of them ... for a small price of course, heck might even get repeat customers!
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