After being nearly annihilated by a hawk within 15 seconds whilst in a Cat I've wanted one and now I do
I've been told to put scatter guns on it but what else should i use?
Didn't read the many posts after op because i have an answer.
Makes a huge difference ( I don't experience issues that plague the reddit ) and from what i can tell most of the people who have issue have 16GB
Im not someone to take advice from.... that being said
Burn the
Aurora LN
Ranger TR
X1 Force
keep the aurora like people who keep the dollar bill ina picture frame you need a reminder of how far you have come
The single-player IMO is one of the best campaigns ever from a cod game, I'm a huge fan of cod MW - mw3 campaigns. Multiplayer went to crap after mw3 for me.
I'm not a fan of this mp either I can't stand the hop drop be bop hip hop style of play.