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  1. PeppaPigKilla

    Finally got myself a hawk, help me load it out

    After being nearly annihilated by a hawk within 15 seconds whilst in a Cat I've wanted one and now I do I've been told to put scatter guns on it but what else should i use?
  2. PeppaPigKilla

    Am I just late to the party or is this new?

    looks like me and my measley pledges can piss off
  3. PeppaPigKilla

    16 GB vs 32 GB ram

    Didn't read the many posts after op because i have an answer. Makes a huge difference ( I don't experience issues that plague the reddit ) and from what i can tell most of the people who have issue have 16GB
  4. PeppaPigKilla

    AMD Ryzen 3900x or Intel 9900ks ?

    Intel, just Intel
  5. PeppaPigKilla

    [Pricecheck] Constellation Aquila to Starfarer Gemini CCU

    Thought i had a gemini ccu in my buy backs but I dont, I have the standalone IAE I get spanked with vat though
  6. PeppaPigKilla

    3.8 Release date?

    I’m going to jump in with 12th December
  7. PeppaPigKilla


    It just gets better and better
  8. PeppaPigKilla


    Lets hug, welcome to Test
  9. PeppaPigKilla

    Help me spend my money wisely!

    Im not someone to take advice from.... that being said Burn the Aurora LN Ranger TR X1 Force Khartu-Al San’Tok.Yäi warden retaliator caterpillar keep the aurora like people who keep the dollar bill ina picture frame you need a reminder of how far you have come
  10. PeppaPigKilla

    Fleet Repository

    This looks like my buy back list that will stay as my buy back list forever
  11. PeppaPigKilla


    just started again and bought a kraken privateer ?
  12. PeppaPigKilla

    Finally ready

    Welcome to Test
  13. PeppaPigKilla

    Modern Warfare

    The LMG when i played last was the beast that people used the most
  14. PeppaPigKilla

    Modern Warfare

    The single-player IMO is one of the best campaigns ever from a cod game, I'm a huge fan of cod MW - mw3 campaigns. Multiplayer went to crap after mw3 for me. I'm not a fan of this mp either I can't stand the hop drop be bop hip hop style of play.
  15. PeppaPigKilla

    Drake Kraken Privateer

    I pulled over onto the side of the road and refreshed the shit out of my phone but was sold out.
  16. PeppaPigKilla

    Fleet Repository

    After a lot of buying melting buying melting and then some this will be my fleet come end of expo
  17. PeppaPigKilla

    Fleet Repository

    Real MVP
  18. PeppaPigKilla

    ERROR WARNING: Unmelting your Kraken may require concierge ticket

    So melting wasn’t an issue but buy back was the issue with the token ?
  19. PeppaPigKilla

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    I top man thanks.
  20. PeppaPigKilla

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    I’m happy to go either way. Who ever can help if I did it it will be £265
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