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  1. PeppaPigKilla

    Anyone know what the Subscriber Flair is this month?

    I’d wear a potato suit
  2. PeppaPigKilla

    Vanguard is a beast of a tank

    Ahh , can see why this was stopped... monies
  3. PeppaPigKilla

    Vanguard is a beast of a tank

    What’s a BUK ? I’ve seen this mentioned a few times now
  4. PeppaPigKilla

    Vanguard is a beast of a tank

    I smashed out AC in a warden app 15 waves. I couldn’t do this in any other ship available to me. That alone makes this a boss ship. it can take an ass kicking too, even when stationary it will take Almost anything. I’ve found it’s turning ability to be rather good too.
  5. PeppaPigKilla

    The „special Mantis CCU“, what are the mechanics behind it?

    Ah I was just coming here to post this View:
  6. PeppaPigKilla

    Vanguard is a beast of a tank

    The vanguard warden is the pride of my fleet
  7. PeppaPigKilla

    RDR2 coming to PC Nov 5th!

    story is one of the best ive ever experienced, guns works great the wildlife is fantastic, graphics ofc exploration too, map is big
  8. PeppaPigKilla

    3.7 pirate swarm - any one want a run?

    I’ve only completed it once but I’ll have a spin on this
  9. PeppaPigKilla

    Vanduul Stinger is 82% done per SQ 42 road map

    That looks very cool,
  10. PeppaPigKilla

    Buybacks available :)

    thank you 🙏🏻 I did check some of the more recent reply ones and no one had one from what I could see.
  11. PeppaPigKilla

    Buybacks available :)

    Wounded. Ok I may come back for the andro to Gemini end of month. Thanks.
  12. PeppaPigKilla

    Citizencon 2949 Manchester (UK)

    As a native Manc I can confirm it will be brass so be prepared. ive only been playing SC since may and only been around test a month and didn’t even know about this CitizenCon until recently. considered the volunteering for the rig setup as you get in free. hope you all have a great time in my...
  13. PeppaPigKilla

    Rainbow 6 Siege

    Any siege players on PC out there ? Would be great to get some games in with anyone else who plays it. I’m more a causal player but I play ranked too, I’m a laid back gamer on it. rank doesn’t matter it’s about having fun. let me know if you wanna squad up some time.
  14. PeppaPigKilla

    Consider Updating Account details Ship List

    Reviving old thread, an this list be updated as I can’t do my cat or mantis.
  15. PeppaPigKilla

    Noob Q about buying from the marketplace

    I’ve only traded once and that was with @SpudNyk I was nervous as hell as well I’m new to all this. Went flawlessly and I’ll only buy off those who have had a good transaction response from previous buyers. Dangerous world out there and there is too many who would take cash and run. It’s...
  16. PeppaPigKilla

    The „special Mantis CCU“, what are the mechanics behind it?

    I see, hopefully someone can confirm before the staff reply
  17. PeppaPigKilla

    If we were to do a Halloween Op on the 31st. Could you make it?

    Did vote leaning yes until I saw US evening. So that’s a no from me. Too far behind for me.
  18. PeppaPigKilla

    The „special Mantis CCU“, what are the mechanics behind it?

    It stays I went LTI prospector to LTI cat to LTI reclaimer. Then melted back to prospector. LTI carries all the way
  19. PeppaPigKilla

    Buybacks available :)

    Can I get the Starfarer Gemini from Constellation Aquila - 33$ Please ?
  20. PeppaPigKilla

    more sim pit stuff

    I’ve been using this for over a year now’s+pg348q%2Caps%2C244&sr=8-2 Took me a long time to get used to the width coming...
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