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  1. xecto

    Tabletop Simulator

    I would def be into being into that! If I had any spare time between sleep and work...
  2. xecto

    Sup, guys!

    Greetings, Welcome to Test
  3. xecto

    Test Suicide Squadron

    The A Team of Test Squadron? *SuperSecretHint* Psst I think you should make a post in the introduction section first *hint*
  4. xecto

    State of the Squadron 10!

    *Concern intensifies*
  5. xecto

    (LF) Hornet Super

    With CCU - Cross Chassi Upgrade you keep all the package items when you upgrade/switch the ship to another ship. So the only thing that changes is the ship. Correct me if Im wrong.
  6. xecto

    Random image thread

  7. xecto


    Drinking competition!
  8. xecto

    Hey TEST, it's my birthday! Just happy to be here. (Giveaway inside)

    Thanks for the giveaway! Congrats to the winners, I'll secretly resent you but don't worry! :D
  9. xecto

    Hey TEST, it's my birthday! Just happy to be here. (Giveaway inside)

    Merry Christmas To You Good Sir! 285
  10. xecto

    Where are you from ?

    No Scandinavia / Northern Europe? I find this offended and I am offensive. /picked Continent + Language instead :confused: Englando Europe
  11. xecto

    Your Bod has landed (partially yours)

    Boddie! Welcome to the misfits o7
  12. xecto

    So FPS first look good / bad what did you think

    I'm just gonna say, it can be improved. Sure looks fancy though! :rolleyes:
  13. xecto

    [GIVEAWAY] Free AMD Mustang package to a TEST SQUADRON member!

    I wonnered? Ofc I didnt :(
  14. xecto

    Random image thread

  15. xecto


    Welcome! o7
  16. xecto

    CitizenCON | Week 41 |

    Thats 4 am here, guess I'm staying up all night!
  17. xecto

    Absolute Embarrassment

    Is there a most awkward introduction award? You deserve it my good sir! Welcome!
  18. xecto

    Life is Feudal: Your Own

    I'm looking to get into that game, so I'm up for it if/when you go through with this. I'll proabably not buy it until it goes on sale though.
  19. xecto

    Dark Style Now Implemented

    My eyes don't burn anymore! Thank you lord and savior SeungRyul!
  20. xecto

    holy moly were almost at 55 mill

    So what do they do for Stretch Goal if they reach 55 mil before they make one?
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