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  1. smeggy

    Home security systems

    @Kiladyn , I completely agree. I actually had a the chance to get a 9mm pistol and/or an AR15 that was all setup, for a decent price. The reason why I didn't get it? I still had young kids living with me at the time and I would never want to risk it since I didn't have a safe. The other reason...
  2. smeggy

    Home security systems

    Wish I could. but wouldn't work too well with pets that like to walk around the house.
  3. smeggy

    Home security systems

    @Bruttle , thank you for all the suggestions. I am working at getting those all done. 1. Installed cameras that record and have a couple signs. Placed the signs by the doors. 2. Will work on getting an alarm that works with my camera system, so it will go off if it notices something. 3. I have...
  4. smeggy

    Home security systems

    So, after talking with a couple friends and looking around town I picked up an Arlo Pro2 set. Got the cameras all setup, and fixed a pad locked door.
  5. smeggy

    Home security systems

    Well, I wound up getting a basic 3-cam Arlo system. Costco had one and met what I wanted for right now.
  6. smeggy

    Home security systems

    So, I'm actively looking into getting a home security system, something with some cameras, door/windows open detectors, and maybe glass break detectors. Reason? My house recently got broken into right after I left for work. All they got was stuff that can be replaced, nothing too sentimental...
  7. smeggy

    Need a new computer desk

    I'd suggest maybe checking some garage sales. Also depending where you work, they might get ride of some office furniture (if they have any). I got a Mayline Maytrix (custom done for our offices) when they closed/removed the processing room.
  8. smeggy

    Pathfinder tabletop (Online)

    I play with a few other friends, and that is what we use ( The rolling is all done for you when you click on an attack/skill/other stat. We just use discord for voice.
  9. smeggy

    Pathfinder tabletop (Online)

    I'd be in. What day/time (including what time zone) where you thinking?
  10. smeggy

    Successfully diagnosed computer issue and resolved it! (PSU died)

    Nice find. I know from personal experience, cheap/bad PSU's can cause funky issues.
  11. smeggy

    Attending any Conventions?

    As someone who travels there ever couple years, Japan....yes. Yes it is.
  12. smeggy

    Cocktail Recipes

    One of my old favorites sadly can't really be made any more. Tasted like good cough meds. Liquid Cocaine: -Bacardi 151 -Rumple Minze -Jagermeister The wife and I used to do was Hawaiian Punch and Midori melon liqueur. Uber sweet but would kick at times depending how you mix it. Don't know if...
  13. smeggy

    Attending any Conventions?

    Been thinking of volunteering/attending the local nerd-con Anime Nebraskon. It has been a few years since I went, and the last time I was doing it as IT. Interesting stuff happens late at night when you have drunk adult nerds (i.e. drunk erotic fan-fiction reading as an actual panel). I had to...
  14. smeggy

    WDYDT? (What Did You Drink Today)

    Downed a couple bottles of my latest homebrew (Belgian Trippel, sitting at 8.13%), some sake, and now scotch).
  15. smeggy

    If there isn't an official TEST theme...

    So, does that mean I have to wear pants?
  16. smeggy

    Hello Test !

    Welcome to test. Hofman sausages area by chance?
  17. smeggy

    Due to popular request, we are getting a TEST KRAKEN! - Donation drive within.

    Now the most important question. Will it be heavily stocked with Kraken rum?
  18. smeggy

    Have you cleaned your PC today?

    This is definitely PSA worthy. Glad I did mine a month ago. Remember, a clean computer is a happy computer. I usually do mine at least twice a year. Each time I setup one of my folding tables (have to steal it from the kids or the wife) and set it up in the garage. Then put the shop-vac into...
  19. smeggy

    WDYDT? (What Did You Drink Today)

    Must..keep..thread..alive. Tonight was a couple bottles of Paulaner Oktoberfest followed by a 22oz. bottle of The Kaiser 2016, imperial Oktoberfest. Although I had almost a gallon of water while I was at work earlier today.
  20. smeggy

    Testies that smoke

    Mods, remove if wanted/needed. So, since we have all know TESTies drink(alcoholic and non-alcoholic like water and such)..what about those with other vices or hobbies that are legal? Personally I used to be a cigarette smoker years ago, about 8 years ago was my last cigarette, but I still...
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