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  1. Hero9012

    Speeding Ticket cleck tells me i may or may not have a warrant for my arrest

    Go talk to the judge, in city court. You should have a court date and you can arrange a payment plan
  2. Hero9012

    What is your current fleet?

    My Fleet
  3. Hero9012

    So.. There I am..

    I was on RSI website and looking at the cool Ultimate Explorer sale they have. Next thing I know I woke up and I had traded all my ships in for store credits to get all the LTI ships that were so cool. SO my wallet is alive.
  4. Hero9012

    2.5 to the PTU: 1st wave go!

    Really i got first wave? Weird.
  5. Hero9012

    What's in your bailout bag?

    Awesome responses! I live in Oklahoma so my big thing is Tornadoes, but I'm trying to see if you can build a "universal" bail out bag so I can take it everywhere I go. I have three MOLLE backpacks I'm using right now. Two of them were from the Army and one of them I found at ROSS made by SOG.
  6. Hero9012

    What's in your bailout bag?

    So basically, me and my buddy are building a bailout bag for work. I went by his house to play poker only to learn that the has multiple bail out bags, then not even a few hours later I went to go talk to my Sgt and he has a bailout bag with him all the time in case something happens. So I took...
  7. Hero9012

    Anyone want to trade a LTI Gemini for a LTI Carrack?.. PLZ

    The starfarer is awesome and all. But the carrack is all i want, unless it's going to crush my dreams when it's released. Let me know!
  8. Hero9012

    Which one do you like best? Or do they all suck?

    Yes, The volume was very bad and i felt terrible so I went ahead and did my best to fix
  9. Hero9012

    Which one do you like best? Or do they all suck?

    Yes, only difference. I just don't know which one the majority would like for the situation
  10. Hero9012

    Which one do you like best? Or do they all suck?

    View: View: View: All links start to where the editing Ish happened. Please vote and let me know. Be warned volume may be loud. Hopefully fixed volume
  11. Hero9012

    Is there a way I can upload videos to just here?

    Basically I have some clips (not SC sorry) but I want everyone's opinion on which one I should upload if that makes sense.
  12. Hero9012

    Was recording some content....

    And it stopped recording randomly................... It was by far the most fun session I have ever had. met a lot of cool people! Hopefully Semtex4ya and Xeno.. something is part of the testie family. So many outlaws killed.. While repairing a comm array a pirate starfarer attacked my starfarer...
  13. Hero9012

    Hey guys, what content would you like to see?

    So, while I'm waiting to go do my thing, I was going to start trying to be proactive and record some footage and stuff. If you don't know, when I drink i like to make funny videos. Sometimes it just happens and it's great. If you have not see any of my Star Citizen Videos (a whole two of them!)...
  14. Hero9012

    So, what happened?

    So, how many others need to go get their things out of Montoya's basement..............
  15. Hero9012

    Hey testies! Oh you know.. waiting for paperwork

    So.. I've got everything going, but since i got LASIK I have to wait on a medical waiver. I miss all of you. I hope i'm good enough to meet a bunch of you somewhere so we can get our drink on for science! Or something. Well, here's to hoping I get to play 2.4 at least once!
  16. Hero9012

    2.4 to Evocati Tester!

    If we are TEST, why aren't we test-ing......................................................
  17. Hero9012

    Want a Redeemer 3 yr insurance for 50 dollars less? What

    I'm selling my redeemer for 200 dollars plus pay pal fees. It is hangar ready. Please message me. Originally I was selling most of my ships because I am leaving soon, but now it's because I thought mothers day was next week and I was wrong. Help a testie out? haha
  18. Hero9012

    Discounted ship sale.

    Sam is correct. I'm not trying to hide anything. Just let me know!
  19. Hero9012

    I'll be back!

    Thanks for all the support guys :D When I return we shall all meet at a convention somewhere and first round will be on me! Then if you get me drunk enough all rounds will end up being on me. I have a problem!
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