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  1. Hero9012

    Headcount for Citizencon hotel group

    I'll show up, but I didn't get a ticket. So while you guys are out at Citizen con. I'll be getting drunk at random bars. I'll do enough drinking for everyone
  2. Hero9012

    You don't want to miss this. (short)

    This video is dedicated to b00sh. b00sh fell victim to alcohol and creativity.
  3. Hero9012

    Extra Citzien Convention Ticket(s)

    I'm looking for two preferably. One will suffice I suppose. I will pay extra if need be as long as reasonable. I was going to LA anyways for an LA Galaxy game and I thought it was meant to be! Help Hero, Be a Hero. Love, Hero
  4. Hero9012

    Citizen Con

    I want to buy a ticket, preferably two. So please message me here or on discord! I work today and won't be off till midnight CST, but I'm going on days off and i will pay once someone offers! I'm even willing to pay extra if need be!
  5. Hero9012

    Citizen Con 2016

    So, I didn't get a ticket either. I was at work. These things go on sale at the worst time. RIP the dream. I was going to go to LA around that time anyways for vacation.
  6. Hero9012

    Starfarer Hype! - Walkthrough Video

    I didn't know you already posted this and I tried to be cool and posted my own :( I have hit a new low.
  7. Hero9012

    Uh oh, Watch your wallets everyone (Starfarer tour)

    If anyone is selling one, let me know. Love Hero <3
  8. Hero9012

    TEST Squadron Desk Mat!

    how much?
  9. Hero9012

    LTI Ships, Modules and Packages for Sale [€]

    How much for tali?
  10. Hero9012

    The Division already failed?!?

    I regret buying it.. haha
  11. Hero9012

    Citizen Con 2016

    Im gonna try!
  12. Hero9012

    Anyone trying to be more active?

    I'm still working on this. Sadly, with work I have a lot going on right now. But vacation is coming up and I will get this started!
  13. Hero9012

    Fantasy baseball anyone?

    Hey, I was thinking about starting a league for Testies if enough or anyone wants to? Just let me know
  14. Hero9012

    DayZ Stories Trailer?

    Hey guys, so I tried getting in the DayZ RP servers, turns out, they were way to hardcore for me and it kinda took an element out of the game. I was about to delete DayZ till the next big update. Something told me that I needed try DayZ again today. I got an hour long play through in. It was by...
  15. Hero9012

    LASIK reimbursement so... SHIPS AND BOOZE

    I got LASIK eye surgery recently and my insurance reimburses me 1000 dollars. I will have the check by the end of the month (Definitely sooner but not sure when). I've been saving money because I was starting an addiction to buying ships. I talked myself out of it and told myself to be...
  16. Hero9012

    Other Salty's Military Vanguard

    You have all those ships?? I'm jelly. Sign me up. Or if you ever want to hire a freelancer, i got you
  17. Hero9012

    Star Citizen Cinematic Video from TEST!

  18. Hero9012

    Random drunk post. What is your plan?

    With the division coming out shortly and my obsession with Dayz, I was thinking while drinking what my gameplan was when the world went upside down. So it can be either apocalypse, or if you have two separate plans let me know both of them! I'm working on mine right now. I had a basic one, but...
  19. Hero9012

    Only in Star Citizen short

    Short description, I was pretty much being held hostage at the security outpost by a pirate. There were two other players there and I, being Hero9012, decided I needed to live up to the name. So I took my chances. I'm not a good video editor, i'm tipsy, and I don't upload content at all. I just...
  20. Hero9012

    The Division Beta: an honest review

    I won't go in depth with a review, but my friends and I had a crazy fun time with the beta! Had some epic moments, betrayls, escapes. Shockingly the party system worked without any issues!
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