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  1. SullyQuindarius

    Predictions for 3.1 testing/release schedule.

    Hm. 1- April 13th 2- March 23rd 3- Nope 4- March 30th
  2. SullyQuindarius

    Well, here's the St. Patrick's Day Specials

    Nothing interesting. Just a VIP pack that costs $1.5K and has everything they are selling in the St. Patrick's sale. They're all out of stock now.
  3. SullyQuindarius

    HEY! Ship advice. (I'm drunk, it's St Patty's, and this question has been asked 16903 times)

    That's awesome. Delta. Because, you see, the Delta doesn't have a cargo hold. Therefore, you won't be able to carry any beer besides what you can cram into the cockpit. That's a much, much harder start than the Alpha.
  4. SullyQuindarius


  5. SullyQuindarius

    Well Hello There!

    Welcome to TEST!
  6. SullyQuindarius

    Hey guys

    WELCOME TO TEST!!! I assume you'll select volunteers to, uhm, TEST some of that chocolate?
  7. SullyQuindarius

    Well, here's the St. Patrick's Day Specials

    The CCU is available??? :smile: *happy dance*
  8. SullyQuindarius

    Well, here's the St. Patrick's Day Specials

    No idea. When I first saw the page there was about 300 or so left. I'm guessing 500? If you were itching to drop $350, feel free to donate a Gemini.
  9. SullyQuindarius

    Well, here's the St. Patrick's Day Specials

    B-but it's so sexy...and expensive...I see your point.
  10. SullyQuindarius

    Waiting for 3.1

    Green ships...let me just go find that pot of gold first.
  11. SullyQuindarius

    Well, here's the St. Patrick's Day Specials

    I'm disappointed. I was hoping to get my hands on a Starfarer Gemini, figured I could just grab a CCU. But nooooo, they're only selling the ship itself, and I don't have that kinda money...
  12. SullyQuindarius

    Well, here's the St. Patrick's Day Specials And for rich people:
  13. SullyQuindarius

    So, who is going to mars today?

    If it were a first person game, I'd be all over it.
  14. SullyQuindarius

    Green Ships

    Link? *looks at the Gemini* Nope, just bought a CPU, I'm broke.
  15. SullyQuindarius

    The Reclaimer has sprung a leak

    How accurate is the version with a Starfarer overlay photoshopped in? It seems a bit undersized when compared to the guy standing on the ground. *looks up the stats* Holy shit. It's accurate. The Reclaimer is as wide as the Starfarer is long, twice as tall, and 50% longer. Jesus. My hype just...
  16. SullyQuindarius

    The Reclaimer has sprung a leak

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