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  1. Aramsolari

    Foundation (New Apple + Sci Fi series)

    Honestly I think Dune is best served as a mini series. There's just so much to cover. The Scifi miniseries that came our in the early 2000s had the right idea, poor execution though lol. Glad Amazon is take Foundation down the series route instead of a feature film. That's the way to do it...
  2. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Even prior to the collapse of the previous Afghan government, the Taliban were already hostile to vaccines including such established ones like the polio shot. These guys are beyond primitive.
  3. Aramsolari

    Foundation (New Apple + Sci Fi series)

    Foundation predates Dune 14 years. It was first published in 1951 to Dune's 1965. :o7:
  4. Aramsolari

    Foundation (New Apple + Sci Fi series)

    Dune will be split into two films. Part 1 comes out this year and Part 2...well that might not be for awhile. Either way Denis Villeneuve agreed to take on the film only after Legendary agreed to let him split the adaptation into two films. We've heard little about Feyd Rautha because...
  5. Aramsolari

    Foundation (New Apple + Sci Fi series)

    I get it... People hate Amazon, Apple, etc. because they're seemingly soulless mega corporations. That being said, the 'Studios' are well...staffed by people who like good television and film just as much as you and I. They're into good visuals, acting, etc. Most of all, they're good...
  6. Aramsolari

    Foundation (New Apple + Sci Fi series)

    September 24 this year!
  7. Aramsolari

    Foundation (New Apple + Sci Fi series)

    Based off Sci Fi Granddaddy's Asimov's Foundation Series. Heard about this production awhile back (Read the first book a long time ago so will probably have to look at them again!), saw some production stills, and completely forgot about it. This is supposedly Apple's answer to Amazon's Lord of...
  8. Aramsolari

    Summer TEST Recruitment Challenge

    Montoya Norris doesn't get 30ks, 30ks get Montoyared. Am I doing this right?
  9. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    'Nervous chuckle'
  10. Aramsolari

    Plastic silver-ish lining

    Damn good return on that investment lol.
  11. Aramsolari

    MicroProse and the 100th Bomb Group Foundation collaborate on a new B-17 Flying Fortress game

    Yeah there's just something legendary....if not noble about air combat in that era. It truly was the golden age of air to air combat. This was a time when pilots could actually see their opponents instead of knocking them out 50 miles away. In a war where soldiers and civilians were experiencing...
  12. Aramsolari

    Plastic silver-ish lining

    Sorry about the recent loss. Hope that model brings you some solace and joy. Tis a thing of beauty!
  13. Aramsolari

    Lockdown Guide

    I logged on infrequently over the weekend for about 2 hours each time. Event never appeared for me. 😑
  14. Aramsolari

    I knew it....Montoya's a bot as well.

    Fear not. Dear Leader is everywhere and everything. If you kill one of his bots, another one will take it's place. Err...Hail Hydra.
  15. Aramsolari

    I knew it....Montoya's a bot as well.

    NPC. I saw that and had to do a double take lol.
  16. Aramsolari

    I knew it....Montoya's a bot as well.

    Beep Beep Bop...err I mean...No!
  17. Aramsolari

    I knew it....Montoya's a bot as well.

    Read the fine print....
  18. Aramsolari

    Crypto discussion

    You laugh now but my $10 in BTC will be worth billions when the grandsnots get erm. They'll say "Grandpappy sure was smart. Look! We're eating lab created fillet mignon on platinum plates indoors in the comfort of air conditioning cause it's too hot outside....what with it being 50 degrees...
  19. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Canada's no saint either. We've scrambled to nab vaccines by hook or by crook, just like everyone else. I think our COVAX contributions are way below what's expected of us.
  20. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Yeah that's pretty scummy. Bad UK! Bad! Down boy!
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