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  1. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I think Covid19 is here to stay, it'll be a matter of us living with it. Previous versions of Coronaviruses like SARS and MERS came and went. Covid19 and it's variants aren't necessarily deadlier but they're certainly much more transmissible. I doubt it'll disappear anytime soon. I think in...
  2. Aramsolari

    New World MMO! - Server East Coast - Valhalla - Covenant

    I'll say start a new one. I wanna be on the first page of posters! 😅
  3. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Thanks for always being the calm, rational mind in these discussions, Bambooza. It means a lot to many of us here. Covid19 has certainly become very tribal and emotionally charged. I really hate how people are divided into camps now with even something as simple as wearing a mask in public...
  4. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Fine by me man. I’m sorry we got derailed. Psst…that guy really really hates Fauci.
  5. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Actually I do have an interest in the truth. I've read some of the stuff you've linked and well, I simply don't agree with either the story or the source itself. The fundamental problem is that we're consuming different news sources and probably live in very different environments. It's like...
  6. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    If you're a philosopher by training you'll forgive me by pointing out that you've committed a basic rhetorical diversion on your part as well....that of Ad Hominem. You lost your cool and directly attacked my sanity. I'm not a philosopher by training though I do have a training in the Liberal...
  7. Aramsolari

    Thinking about GPU options...

    I wouldn't look into the PS3 clustering. PS3 are purpose built machines that are no longer supported. They're practically ASIC machines within the Sony OS. Sure you might be able to make them work but it'll probably be beyond most people. A modern GPU isn't just the machine, you need software...
  8. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Pity. I do relish a good conversation. I'm quite sane though. At least the voices in my head tell me that. 😅
  9. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Ah yes....hit pieces from renowned Chinese media sites like CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and lol National Geographic. Liberal? Sure...first time I've seen them called Chinese though lol. Honestly the only one on that list to would make it is the South China Morning Post but even...
  10. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Bingo. You said it here yourself. We're not VIROLOGISTS, we're not scientists either (maybe you are, I don't know). What we are are a bunch of random dudes shooting the shit on a GAMING website about a subject we don't really understand. 'We're not in a position to accept or deny Andersen's...
  11. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Nevertheless I’ll like to see this taken to the highest courts in the land. If the DoJ is compromised (which I don’t think is, even when Trump was around), the truth will eventually emerge. I’m not political in the sense that I don’t identify with any one political spectrum. I’ve voted for...
  12. Aramsolari

    Thinking about GPU options...

    Try getting them used but be careful not to get a gpu that was previously used by miners. I'll consider the AMD stuff due to the price to performance factor. I have a 2080ti and although I love it, I can't help but feel I've overpaid lol.
  13. Aramsolari

    New World MMO! - Server East Coast - Valhalla - Covenant

    Yikes. Logged into the server last night and's pretty dead and yellow everywhere on the map lol.
  14. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Ah yes. That infamous exchange between Fauci and Paul, an exchange in which Fauci flat out called Paul a liar. He did it in front of Congress with no hesitation. I too would like to see the outcome of this. Paul apparently started a criminal case against Fauci. Bold move, Cotton. Let's see if...
  15. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    My partner is the CNE (Clinical Nurse Instructor) of the Covid ward at her hospital. She's in charge of over a hundred medical staff...including their mental and physical well being. Her answer is that of course it's not good that people's mental health have plummeted and small businesses are...
  16. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Alright....there's so much misinformation and misinterpretation I don't even know where to begin. Why don't we start by peeling away obfuscation that Fox News subjects us to and go straight to the source. How about an interview from Dr. Kristian Andersen, the supposed whistleblower that Fox and...
  17. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Yeah lol. One of you other guys handle this one.
  18. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I wouldn't say it's politics, I'll say it's poor science. They've taken a "We don't know what's going on, oh whelp...back to wearing masks" approach. Honestly I'm fine with it, wearing masks doesn't harm me. I understand people's frustration if it's an actual decree (wear masks or else!). If...
  19. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Yeah I get tested twice a week as per Netflix policy to work on set. If you don't get tested, you don't step foot on the studio lot. Sooner or later they'll probably extend the 'no vaccine, no work' policy to my jurisdiction as well just like they have in California. We had a guy come in a...
  20. Aramsolari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Saying that testing tells us 'virtually nothing' is a bold statement to make. Nobody is claiming that the vaccines protect us from the Delta variant 'completely'. Most authorities aren't bold enough to claim that the vaccines protect us from the...
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