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  1. Huegpaynis

    TEST Spreadsheet Squadron Interest Thread

    I rite werds gud porfushonly. Let me know if you need anything of that nature.
  2. Huegpaynis

    Road to Mumble - Stress TEST Friday Dec 5th

    Instructions unclear, dick stuck in VoIP.
  3. Huegpaynis

    TEST Spreadsheet Squadron Interest Thread

    WHY?! Oh god. Of all the things you could do to punich yourself, publishing papers written in excel is probably the most pointless. Wait. By typed on excel, do you mean made and formatted in excel or on the subject of excel?
  4. Huegpaynis

    Lack of TEST Javelins - Read Inside

    Suckin' & Truckin'. Sexin' & Textin' Smokin' & Talkin' Shootan' & Tootan' Shoutin' & Thrashin' Stealin' & Tithin' I could go on...
  5. Huegpaynis

    RussianJ goes live!

    Excellent. Another streamer for the streaming gods.
  6. Huegpaynis

    Russian Roulette Roster

  7. Huegpaynis

    Strategy # 28-Alpha - Be like the bomb

    We're the best.... AROUND.
  8. Huegpaynis

    Strategy # 28-Alpha - Be like the bomb

    So what? the '80s?
  9. Huegpaynis

    Anniversary Sale Over - Survey of the Damage

    traded my redeemer for a retaliator.
  10. Huegpaynis

    Russian Roulette Roster

    Do you mean command staff positions, or all positions in general? It'll be a lot oeasier to get people aboard if you have NPC staff manning things like guns or something, but obviously it's your ship and your rules.
  11. Huegpaynis

    Monthly Donation Drive - December

    If you do it right, beer can be food.
  12. Huegpaynis

    Russian Roulette Roster

    I'm going to be the odd man out and decline any postings to the Roulette. Most of my playtime is going to be at the helm of the Hypatia, seeing just how "long range" the retaliator can really be. I wouldn't be averse to agent smithing an NPC in an emergency, but I think most of TEST would be...
  13. Huegpaynis

    Hype Train: Operation Pitchfork

    Well, for starters you can set the operation pitchforg org as an affiliate on the CIG website.
  14. Huegpaynis

    Monthly Donation Drive - December

    Hey man, I'm an adult and my poor financial decisions are my own damn business.
  15. Huegpaynis

    Lack of TEST Javelins - Read Inside

    Hopefully we'll have enough legit members to keep our standings a bit above "dodgy", so the UEE won't just kill us outright.
  16. Huegpaynis

    Lack of TEST Javelins - Read Inside

    We could probably do that now, once we get access to enough of the models in cryengine. Just get a quick census of ships and use that with the cryengine viewer.
  17. Huegpaynis

    Lack of TEST Javelins - Read Inside

    I know for a fact that we have enough retaliators for dedicated bomber wings to go prowling for enemy capships; not that other groups won't have their own wolfpacks, but I don't own a capital ship so I don't care unless I'm runnig picket duty for one.
  18. Huegpaynis

    AC crashes, not the asteroid or ramming kind...

    No crash issues here, I'm running an i7-2600k, single GTX 760 2gb, and 8 gb of ram. I can count the number of times SC has crashed on me on one hand.
  19. Huegpaynis

    Cutlass Blue Turret not working?

    Well that's shitty.
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