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  1. XeoWolf

    Need A New Computer? Check Here First!

    Sam is right! (We Sam's do that a lot!) I built my current system a year ago and I put $1,600.00 into it. To build the same thing now would be nearly half that. So if you Don't need it now, don't buy it now. Especially the core components like the CPU. GPU, and even the motherboard. You could...
  2. XeoWolf

    HCS voice pack help

    I do, however I'd like to use ASTRA. :)
  3. XeoWolf

    Looking for Late Night - Early morning players

    My vacation is over! So a lot of you I'm sure I wont see on a regular basis. :| I live on the East Coast EST, and I'm normally online anytime after 3am or as late as 5am. I'm hoping to find some folks I can add to my contacts to team up and play together. :) In game handle is XeoWolf_TEST...
  4. XeoWolf

    HCS voice pack help

    I just think that for a paid product it should have better support and quicker updates. Redmostergaming's CEDAR is free and updated to 2.5 commands a week or more ago. Also responds to his feedback in a timely manor.
  5. XeoWolf

    HCS voice pack help

    Its set to run as admin... I was kinda looking for a condensed list without all the programing bits.
  6. XeoWolf

    Okay, I need a Professional. :(

    I sort of have a good start one getting the stick/throttle set up. There's still too many other functions for me to do it all by hand so voice attack is probably a must for me. As of now I'm able to get in and fly... just need a lot of practice. Stick lean left and right TURN the ship. Twist...
  7. XeoWolf

    Okay, I need a Professional. :(

    Yeah..... the hair is coming out faster than I expected... HAAAALP!
  8. XeoWolf

    Oh noes.... RIP Twitch.

    Twitch seems to be down.... NO ONE is showing online at all. :( That damn ANONYMOUS! o.O
  9. XeoWolf

    Okay, I need a Professional. :(

    All cookies must be Peanut Butter to qualify. m'k?
  10. XeoWolf

    Okay, I need a Professional. :(

    Okay, so should I just totally turn off the Saitek software from the task bar, then ONLY use the in game settings? And how do i know which of the 4 hotas settings to work with? That part in there where they have: Mouse> Keyboard> HOTAS1> HOTAS2> HOTAS3> HOTAS4 is confusing as hell... why are...
  11. XeoWolf

    Okay, I need a Professional. :(

    Yeah, someone told me not to use that so I've only used to as a reference for the buttons.
  12. XeoWolf

    Okay, I need a Professional. :(

    Normally, I'm fairly handy when it comes to anything computer related. All my friends, co-workers and family always come to ME for help with computer related stuff & things. With Star Citizen though... I'm going to be bald by the time I get this figured out on my own, and maybe by the Avatar...
  13. XeoWolf

    SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR

    Well, my name is Sam, too. So you have to share with me. :)
  14. XeoWolf

    SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR

    Two of the best Nom nom's in one? :P
  15. XeoWolf

    TEST ARK Server

    Just closed my server because there seemed to be less interest than a year ago. We actually hit rank 22 out of over 16,000 servers listed on before me and my admin decided to take an extended break. Left the server in someone else's hands and lost a lot of player base. Reopened a...
  16. XeoWolf

    [Request] TESTify this Beautiful Wallpaper

    Excellent... thank you.
  17. XeoWolf

    Space p0rn

    Now, just to shake off all that mess... Here's one of my favorite artists at deviantArt, Burning-Liquid:
  18. XeoWolf

    Space p0rn

    I know... :( The worst of it all was losing the PSD file to some work I did and had copyrighted. Some lunatic went bonkers and claimed the work was his and seriously contacted my ISP, My web hosting company, DeviantArt, My bosses at my JOB... He KNEW that he couldn't legally claim and use the...
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