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  1. Ayeteeone

    Gunner's motion graphics thread - Test Propaganda!

    AI is such a pain on the details.
  2. Ayeteeone

    On MasterMode, Stealth and industrial ships

    Good call. While the grade A stuff is behind a PvPvE wall, the lower stuff is still quite functional and worth using.
  3. Ayeteeone

    Merry Christmas 2024!

    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night in Pyro. We are sorry to report that Santa was desynced while crossing through the jump point and lost about half of his cargo. Not a lot of good girls and boys there anyway, so perhaps no great loss. But do keep your eyes open for fancy packages...
  4. Ayeteeone

    Star Citizen has a griefer problem - Video

    I was looking for a different way of presenting the idea, something more relateable. To that end I don't feel successful because my point is that in sports, the OG player-vs-player, you might not win the game but you aren't penalized by losing previously earned income. Insurance does NOT make...
  5. Ayeteeone

    Star Citizen has a griefer problem - Video

    Player vs Player in any other sport, take Baseball - Say the Yankees fly into Seattle to take on the Mariners. This isn't generally a hard game for them; there might be a couple of questionable calls but usually they play, notch a win and then both teams head out for the night to do it again the...
  6. Ayeteeone

    Was CIG inspired by another EVE Ship?

    Hmmm. Prospector - awesome original form-following-function design. I'd love to know how much cash this little ship has brought into CIG's bank accounts. MOLE - brave attempt that fails horribly. Physically it's oriented down-front to do everything, but blocks the pilot's view of the work...
  7. Ayeteeone

    SatEMike Review - Review?

    His content isn't worth the time it takes to write this response. But out of respect for the OP @Mudhawk I'll put in that @BUTUZ called it perfectly. No room in life for intentional jackasses.
  8. Ayeteeone

    Anvil Paladin Q&A

    The Constellation series would like a word. Only one though, as they need to get back to work being good at everything.
  9. Ayeteeone

    X4 entering beta for new flight model (by John Pritchett)

    Had no interest in the game until you brought up John Pritchett. Flying a 315p in the 2.6 branch was the adrenaline hook that got me into SC, and John was the guy developing the physics and code for that flight model. I very much miss the days of sliding between asteroids at full throttle...
  10. Ayeteeone

    Any guesses about a surprise ship this IAE?

    You keep talking like this, Santa might not visit.. even if it does come true lol. As someone who has been in 4.0 almost daily, it is coming along well but there is a metric ****ton of changes to get functional.
  11. Ayeteeone

    Any guesses about a surprise ship this IAE?

    In the IAE Show this morning it was indicated tthat the Guardian will be coming in 4.0. So probably immediately after IAE, as that patch is still problematic.
  12. Ayeteeone

    Will Exploration ships matter in 1.0 and beyond?

    @Thalstan Been thinking about your original question... best guess is, Not for 1.0. At some point beyond that yes. Short version is that the replacement for scanning is already in the SQ42 dev build, we've seen it used in past presentations and the expectation is that it will be in the SC...
  13. Ayeteeone

    Will Exploration ships matter in 1.0 and beyond?

    To some extent I think that's inherent. In describing the MSR gameplay it was said that it might take missions to go scan an area and return the data. The ability to hack may become the difference, but who really knows? It would not be a huge stretch to put in Tier 0 courier missions for...
  14. Ayeteeone

    There and back again. Getting ready for patch 4.0

    Welcome back!! Absolutely in the Discord, there is someone on at any time of day. These forums are a good record, but participation could certainly be better as it's usually just a handful of us discussing things.
  15. Ayeteeone

    Any guesses about a surprise ship this IAE?

    Best reason I've ever heard to buy a ship in this game !! This is supposed to be FUN, after all :)
  16. Ayeteeone

    Will Exploration ships matter in 1.0 and beyond?

    Items 1 and 3-7 are all gameplay that has been discussed at various times and I expect to see. Genuinely if these don't show up then I'll be finding a new hobby (with apologies to Tessa) as these were my attraction to this game. 2 is a very cool idea that would give additional purpose to the...
  17. Ayeteeone

    Will Exploration ships matter in 1.0 and beyond?

    I don't see them cutting back on systems. We've known for years that the initial release would only be a handful. The big reveal regarding systems this year was actually that every planet will have hundreds to thousands of points of interest, instead of one or two. It was bluntly stated in the...
  18. Ayeteeone

    Will Exploration ships matter in 1.0 and beyond?

    Good questions on a topic that is near and dear. Some thoughts to add, but no good answers.. The scanning portion of exploring, particularly 'long range scanning' is dependent on server meshing. As the area of responsibility and managed entities are intended to be fluid numbers, it will be...
  19. Ayeteeone

    Anvil Terrapin Medical

    Pssst... Galaxy too..
  20. Ayeteeone

    Any guesses about a surprise ship this IAE?

    A hauler big enough to carry a full size Valakar. A Crusader starter that probably could have been a great medium or heavy fighter with a couple of component changes. Or a competitor to the Recon Cutter. Looks aside, I think CIG missed a trick with this one. The Anvil 'Paladin' with 4 size 4...
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