Honestly, not even sure if you can trade this one since it's a concierge paint. I could have sworn I had it but don't see it in my buyback menu or my hangar. If anyone has one I would love to own it again. Ty :3
I finished up the Frontier Fighters mission. The fuel one can be kinda tricky, just gotta try your best not to aggro the asteroids turrets or abandon the mission till you get a planetary outpost one, which are laughably easy.
I have been using the Fortune. While I like stripping components, I have kinda limited time/energy to play and having the gameplay be a lot smoother without having to climb down the Vulture's ladder all the time is a really big plus.
I like the Fortune, it takes a bit of the tedium of the vulture away, though you can't strip ships of components quite as effectively. I've been a big fan of salvage so having another option is really nice.
I was wondering if anyone had the old CCU for the Carrack to Carrack Expedition laying around? I had applied it and then melted the ship not realizing that was the package it was on, sadly I can't get it back at this point.
That trailer is a cut of a bunch of other work in the 40K universe with some poorly generated AI shots of Henry Cavil.
There is a series in the works, as far as I know there isn't a trailer out yet though.
I absolutely loved it. I'm a big musical fan and often watch Star Trek with one of my partners, so her and I sat down to watch it... I was then whistling the songs from it for several weeks after :3
Realized I forgot to include the Raven in this, I still have that since it has minor data running capabilities in lore. I basically plan to own any ship that can be used for that :)
Pretty much my finalized fleet till my health recovers and I am back to work. Decided to trade out the 890 Jump for a Pioneer as I really love the idea of working on my own little outpost with my partner (she also plays SC a bit) and decided to buyback my 600I from the original concept sale to...
Came back to the game after awhile and did a lot of re-arranging of my fleet. Picked up the Pioneer because the changes made to it put it much more in line with my plans for the game and the capital ship I wanted for my fleet to be based around. I imagine base building will be much, much more of...