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  1. Lorddarthvik

    Wee 4.0

    Seems like I'm back to playing Helldivers2 and Diablo 1 until they fix the most pressing issues... Had the same random hangar/elevator access issues as others. I can't be bothered to keep switching regions and servers and whatnot....
  2. Lorddarthvik

    Wee 4.0

    Played 4.0.1 on Live for 3-4 hours. Did 4 fight for pyro cargo runs, worked like a charm. No one bothered me, wanted to crash or shoot me, it was a mostly chill time. Probably because of the very late hour. Finally had the chance to explore some of the new locations. Mos Eisley looks great! No...
  3. Lorddarthvik

    Halo 2025

    I wasn't angry, I was bored to tears and couldn't care less. The whole romance story, or rather that whole part of the movie with the elves that shouldn't have been there felt out of place. The reason why the Galadriel+Gimli part works is because Gimli falling for her doesn't change the power...
  4. Lorddarthvik

    Halo 2025

    The same thing happened to the Halo show that happend to the witcher, the writers introduced characters that were there to fill checkboxes without any real substance, they concentrated a lot more on their agenda filled fanfiction rather than the protag, and they made John-117 fight his demons...
  5. Lorddarthvik

    Wee 4.0

    Railgun. I think that works. But yeah it's annoying and off-balance that any rando can just show up and strand you with basically zero consequences. Security in supposedly secure systems needs to be addressed sooner than later. CIG aiming for a better/more playable and stable game this year...
  6. Lorddarthvik

    Wee 4.0

    I forgot about the personal hangar because I had multiple instances where random players popped into mine, and could kill me or take the ship... although most of the time they were just confused as to why they spawned in / got taken by the lift to a different persons hangar instead of their own.
  7. Lorddarthvik

    Wee 4.0

    The very safest option, supposedly if all works as it should, is to cancel out of quantum in between two points and log there. Logging while on a planets surface or in it's sphere of influence has always been a coin toss whether it works or not, I usually fly away as far as I have patience to...
  8. Lorddarthvik

    Wee 4.0

    Going through the jump point and back is The premier experience of 4.0. At least when I tried it, it was surprisingly flawless. Other than that, nothing else seemed to be stable enough to warrant jumping into the game so I stayed away, waiting for the 4.01 or whatever the next patch is.
  9. Lorddarthvik

    Drone Theories

    Allegedly the Navy holds patents for gravitational propulsion machines or whatnot, so it's just the usual testing of alien tech, nothing to see here, it's all good now lol
  10. Lorddarthvik

    Drone Theories

    I love how it says difficult to produce with visual effects... hahahaha Yeah, making it such a bad fake is harder than doing it right that's for sure lol A little tutorial, you might just learn something on how to look at sus videos in the future.: Decide on what type of video you want to make...
  11. Lorddarthvik

    Drone Theories

    GTA VI release before either.
  12. Lorddarthvik

    Drone Theories

    I have no clue what is real or fake about these drones and orbs and stuff... It's kinda pointless to even try and find markers for fakes, the footage is usually so bad it already tells everything I need to know. As for who is doing them? It's Josh from 2 blocks down the street, having fun in...
  13. Lorddarthvik

    Drone Theories

    That ones clearly some low effort AI stuff. I want my fake aliens vids to be better! lol
  14. Lorddarthvik

    Mafia: The Old Country

    I'm intrigued. It's been on my wishlist since it's first announcement, I'll be most likely playing it day 2 (cos, ya know, it could end up a mess). One of my fav games of all time is Mafia 1. I put hundreds of hours into it. Modded it, played it with a FFB wheel and pedals and so on. The...
  15. Lorddarthvik

    PC Build - Help Requested

    This! Storage: Just happened to my friend a couple days ago in the middle of the holidays, his main SSD (an old Samu 870 SATA) died, like fully died. PC wouldn't even post if plugged in. Good thing I convinced him to get a second one instead of just changing up to a bigger one, he could...
  16. Lorddarthvik

    Remember Star Wars Galaxies?

    Back when SWG was announced and news were slowly coming out, I used to load up the webpage about the news, save it, and Print it. Onto paper! In black an white. It was still waaaay cheaper than having the dial-up internet remain connected as I tried to read through all of it. I only played SWG...
  17. Lorddarthvik

    Blacktron Lego sets

    That is quiet cool, looks like some of those classic space kits from the 90s. Too bad no shop stocks these simpler kits around here, only the damned licenced merch.. SW and whatnot. Those r cool too but insane prices.
  18. Lorddarthvik

    Merry Christmas 2024!

    Merry Christmas Testies! Fatter? Not yet. We are just getting started on the endless tides of beigli lol
  19. Lorddarthvik

    Game Awards - BEST GAME EVER

    I miss the snake phone game. That was the one that got me through those times... it's just not the same without physical buttons. I had a handheld tetris thingi but it was some cheap knockoff and the buttons died in a year. No music, just beeps and boops.
  20. Lorddarthvik

    Game Awards - BEST GAME EVER

    +1 for this I always have this installed on every PC, laptop, fridge and whatever else I can install it on. It always there when there's no interenet, when I just don't feel like playing anything and so...
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