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  1. Han Burgundy

    More Milla

    God DAMMIT, George! He's been wasting his time with this shit when he SHOULD be parking his fat wrinkly ass in front of that typewriter to finish winds of winter. Very disappoint! (Also this movie looks to be as lactose-rich as pretty much every other Mila Jovovich film.)
  2. Han Burgundy

    test rules for piracy?

    Rule 1: Always "Yo" before you "Ho" Rule 2: All hook hands are to be removed before entering the poopdeck. This is for worker safety. Rule 3: Always speak via comms using a terrible yet unique accent Rule 5: Details matter Rule 6: All ships flying the TEST flag must be stocked with no fewer than...
  3. Han Burgundy

    Drone Theories

    It's a bit grainy, but I found a video of USAF fighters getting buzzed by something that acted decidedly hostile
  4. Han Burgundy

    Stupid Question, How do I use my EMP now? Solved. Thanks.

    CIG breaking something from patch to patch? Nah, I don't believe it. I DO know that some bindings did swap around if you are using saved mappings. I, for instance, can not activate wormgates with my joystick and need to use my mouse. Perhaps something similar is happening to you? Is it an...
  5. Han Burgundy

    Merry Christmas 2024!

    Merry Chrysler, Happy krimmis.
  6. Han Burgundy

    Drone Theories

  7. Han Burgundy

    Drone Theories

    Quickly, everyone! Give up the few rights you have remaining to you so the Gobberment can protect you from those scary aliens! Hurry! Elon Musk needs more tax breaks so he can invent war-starships! It's the ONLY way!
  8. Han Burgundy

    Game Awards - BEST GAME EVER

  9. Han Burgundy

    4.0 preview runs so smooth

    Had a great experience for a few hours until my ship randomly blew up after traversing the wormhole. Now I'm murder-hoboing the Contested zones in my underwear with a knife. Like God intended. Also the bartender works I am doing all of that while incredibly wasted. Like Montoya intended.
  10. Han Burgundy

    Star Citizen has a griefer problem - Video

    The solution will come with the addition of Reputation tracking and NPC factions responding to harassment in their territory. Response times will likely scale with distance from an allied outpost, but no organized criminal faction, in lore, would put up with a handful of psychopaths camping the...
  11. Han Burgundy

    Drone Theories

    DARPA is testing new toys. We've seen the effectiveness of various drones in combat scenarios in Ukraine, so now Uncle Sam is having a go at the hobby. Chances are they are being tested near Military bases and Active flight-lanes to stress the onboard tech while within an actively monitored...
  12. Han Burgundy

    Luke is alive!

    But do we REALLY need another white male protagonist? I hope they recast him as something that hits a little harder for representation like a nimoidian or perhaps a force-sensitive Gonk droid. We need to send the message that its OKAY if you ghost your friends and return as a new person. It's...
  13. Han Burgundy

    Skeleton Crew

  14. Han Burgundy

    Any guesses about a surprise ship this IAE?

    Haha I think we're safe, because I believe I recall them mentioning something along those lines while talking about life support and room pressurization. The system already tracks not only the internal air pressure, but the atmospheric gasses and their concentrations as well. The hard work was...
  15. Han Burgundy

    Any guesses about a surprise ship this IAE?

    If they are smart, they will implement situations where the atmosphere in an area is hazardous and will easily ignite. That would force people to use melee weapons lest they deal with a grenade's worth of detonation with each muzzle flash.
  16. Han Burgundy

    Any guesses about a surprise ship this IAE?

    Space-Ronin gameplay loop confirmed! Now all we need are those weird wooden platform sandals...
  17. Han Burgundy

    The Spikey Look

  18. Han Burgundy

    Crusader Intrepid

  19. Han Burgundy

    POLARIS first look!

    Now that PDC cannons target ships, running a bay full of furies to distract the point defense so your torpedoes can get through is going to be a viable strategy.
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