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  1. Doc Flanigan

    CitizenCON 2024 picture repository

    Great pics! Nice hat @stockish :)
  2. Doc Flanigan

    Doc's Ship Shop

    Bump. New ships added, prices updated.
  3. Doc Flanigan

    CitizenCON 2024 picture repository

    Nice! Thanks for posting those! I'd love to know who's who in the pictures, to put a face with a name.
  4. Doc Flanigan

    It's the small things...

    Looks like that's been partially corrected in the latest patch...
  5. Doc Flanigan

    No Man's Sky 5.0 Update

    I picked it up a few Summer Sales ago, and finally installed it on the Steam Deck to play on vacation. It's very enjoyable. Lots of of great features to keep the action going. It plays great on the SteamDeck.
  6. Doc Flanigan

    Paging CosmicTrader, if you see this please drop in!

    Thinking about you @CosmicTrader I hope to see you online again soon!
  7. Doc Flanigan

    WTB CCUed Carrack BIS 2950 LTI

    Do they have any more? :)
  8. Doc Flanigan

    WTB CCUed Carrack BIS 2950 LTI

    That was fast! Did you find one?
  9. Doc Flanigan

    WTB M2 -> Hull D CCU

    I have several M2 > Hull D for $30, plus PayPal fees. Send me a PM if interested.
  10. Doc Flanigan

    WTB M2 -> Hull D CCU

    Do you mean a M2 CCU from a Hull C? If so, I have that. The M2 is $520 and the Hull C is $500 (was $350 until earlier this year).
  11. Doc Flanigan

    F7C Mk1 (and variants) to be removed from sale (pledge store and in-game)

    <Dusts off his unapplied Superhornet to Superhornet HeartSeeker CCUs>
  12. Doc Flanigan

    Metal TEST Squadron Logos

    I'd definitely spray it from a can, if you're able to. -- I know some people live in an area, like an apartment or flat and don't have an area to spray paint. The one in my profile pic to the left was painted using rattle cans.
  13. Doc Flanigan

    Metal TEST Squadron Logos

    Yes! You do! I'd love to see what you come up with. Now that I've done metal and acrylic, I'm gonna work with leather next.
  14. Doc Flanigan

    Metal TEST Squadron Logos

    If you're able to apply spray paint where you live, I can cut the metal pieces and ship them to you. I have the paint codes at home and was able to buy the paint at my local hardware store. If you're interested, let me know.
  15. Doc Flanigan

    I want Merch Hats!

    Here's some new merch that @Chromeninja has been working on, though it hasn't been promoted on the forums much. I picked up one of the jerseys and one of hoodies. They're awesome quality!
  16. Doc Flanigan

    DevilDocG signing on.

    A fellow Doc! Welcome to TEST! 🍻
  17. Doc Flanigan

    Greetings, Earthlings

    Ahoy! Welcome to TEST! 🍻
  18. Doc Flanigan

    Metal TEST Squadron Logos

    Thanks for the kind words. I am doing a lot better and managing the vertigo well for now. Due to a lack of overall interest, and lack of affordable local powder coating options... batch #2 never really got off the ground. I'm happy to produce the bare metal pieces if anyone would like a 'DIY'...
  19. Doc Flanigan

    WTB: LTI tokens/OC Ships

    You've got some unique items in there for sure. Good luck on the hunt for OC's!
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