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  1. RoosterRage

    MISC Fortune

    It was an onboarding ship for a new hire most likely and with salvage being popular it was an easy million dollars in the bank for little time and investment, personally I am just glad it wasn't another fighter as this game lacks industrial ships.
  2. RoosterRage

    PC Build - Help Requested

    I would research your ram choice as 6000 mhz is the sweet spot and 6400 mhz is usually max stable, with 6800 mhz you are going to have to do some bios tweaking and hope that you won the silicon lottery with your cpu to get a stable crash free gaming experience. Being this is your first build I...
  3. RoosterRage

    Future vehicle teasers Citizencon 2024

    So as per Grim at Star Jump the Argo ground vehicle replaced the Atlas, he had discussions with some inside sources and they told him there are 4 base building ships one for each size. 1. Hover cart = small 2. Argo = medium 3. Misc BLD = large (Galaxy re-added) 4.Pioneer = x-large He was also...
  4. RoosterRage

    Montoya Reacts to Star Citizen End Game

    One major problem and that is that Test is so large that it will need to be broken into many smaller orgs as shards will have only a few thousand players on them and all of our members simply won't fit and if Test swarms several shards there will not be any other players and orgs to interact...
  5. RoosterRage

    Corsair nerf incoming

    New ship has 6 size 4 guns and the pilot controls only 2 of them so it will be far below in DPS.
  6. RoosterRage

    Corsair nerf incoming

    Meh brings it in line with the Connie so really nothing to see as it is still a very powerful ship that is intended for multicrew.
  7. RoosterRage


    They recently stated that they are looking at having dedicated areas for ballistic ammo that will auto reload weapons so there will not be a manual reloading of weapons.
  8. RoosterRage

    For the 890 lovers.

  9. RoosterRage

    Extraction Shooter

    I just don't see this working with "Death of a Spaceman" which CIG have recently assured us is still a thing, there is no way running straight from a green zone into pvp and repeating every time you get killed will simply not work with it.
  10. RoosterRage

    Medivac Rescue Light

    I think you had to visit the convention hall 3 times to get it not just log in.
  11. RoosterRage

    The Acolyte - Without the Lecture

    Watched the first 2 episodes it was meh not horrible just like all their series I have watched but lets be honest with maybe the exception of the first 3 original movies the acting in the Star Wars franchise has always been mediocre, I found it a little scummy and deceptive that they show...
  12. RoosterRage

    Murai pulse out now!

    I would avoid packs as you have to melt the entire pack to melt a single ship you may not like.
  13. RoosterRage

    My new Monstertech Simrig is coming together!

    E-mail their customer support I am sure they can help answer that.
  14. RoosterRage

    Rebel Moon

    Fact is it was not around forever everything you listed was made after Seven Samurai due to the films international acclaim, and the Lord of the Rings is a completely different storyline and character arcs are nothing like Seven Samurai that have a complex mix of warriors being assembled to...
  15. RoosterRage

    Rebel Moon

    Sadly it is just another rip off of Akira Kurosawa's classic Seven Samurai same as the Magnificent 7 was and I didn't see any credit given to Kurosawa one of the greatest filmmakers that ever lived.
  16. RoosterRage

    Is Polaris Expected to Come during Invictus?

    I would think it will be the centerpiece of CitizenCon and the fact that John Crew stated that the Polaris will take 1.5 - 2 years and it started production last April, also a small ship like the Spirit took a year.
  17. RoosterRage

    3:23 release

    Server meshing is 4.0 and is not included with 3.23, most of 3.23 is just quality of life updates like maps, missions, ui updates and such but nothing groundbreaking just very welcomed and long overdue updates.
  18. RoosterRage

    F7A being sold with in-game quest, Hornet F7C F7A MKII

    The F7A will not be on sale after completing the event you will receive a free upgrade token from the F7C Mk2 which you can hold onto for later use.
  19. RoosterRage

    Fake Night Vision | NVG for Star Citizen

    Reshade has been approved and white listed since 3.17 by CIG.
  20. RoosterRage

    Base Building

    It will depend on the individual player as everyone will have their own goals and with only being allowed to have one land claim at a time players will chose what is best for their playstyle and what type of base they want to own, having Test outposts offering services spread through all systems...
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