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  1. B

    IAE 2954 - BIS ship savings using credits

    For those with an interest in the BIS rewards (paints and posters again this year, from memory), here is a way to allow you to acquire the relevent ships at a small discount, using only "store credit". This table only includes packs where all included ships are eligible for upgrades to a BIS...
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    IAE 2954 WB CCU Watch

    Most new ship releases and concepts get 4 weeks (or more) on sale (as do the packs and Warbond CCU's that are part of the "launch" sale, if any) before being removed from the store. The fellowship of the monocle gives an extra 1 week on top of that. The SRV, which was released to Flyable at last...
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    IAE 2954 WB CCU Watch

    I'm guessing that the Polaris CCU will be in the store, along with the ship itself, for the standard 4-ish weeks that CIG allow for any newly released ship/concept. I also believe that the Perseus (Along with the Drake Ironclad(s?) and RSI Apollo) were shown in the Citizencon presentation as...
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    CCU Chain questions

    Here's a post ( about building a chain for a Polaris at last year's IAE (It ended up at $420, saving 44% on the normal price for the ship at that time), where I took what was available at the beginning of the event and...
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    IAE 2954 WB CCU Watch

    Maybe... Date(s) Ship Normal ship price CCU ship price Savings Cheapest CCU starting option Minimum CCU cost Maximum CCU discount Pre-event - ? Zeus MK II CL $175 $160 $15 $155 (Limited) Razor EX $155 (Permanent) Prospector $5 (Limited) $5 (Permanent) 75% (Limited 75% (Permanent) Pre-event...
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    The easiest way to put together a chain is to use linked to your RSI account. You can "create" a chain from your preferred source ship to the target, then refresh the chain every time a new WB CCU is on sale, to see what you need to buy to increase savings. Using my surplus...
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    ILW 2954 WB CCU watch

    Unless you are desperate for the loaners which the Polaris provides (Hammerhead, Vanguard Harbinger), you're probably better off waiting until closer to its release before locking in a chain (in whole or in part) and applying it, as there will be more sales with WB CCU's before the Polaris...
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    Firebird and Nursa announced

    Looks like there's an upgrade inbound... Source:
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    Looking at the picture from CIG and comparing it to the Caterpillar, It looks around the same width as the caterpillar (maybe slightly wider), bearing in mind the caterpillar is much wider than just its cargo area: The "command module" on both look to be the same "ship", and the "corridor"...
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    It certainly looks like an interesting ship, and if the "progression" described in the video is reflected in the price, at $400-$500 (between Caterpillar and Hull C), it may be a nice addition to the fleet. A few things that stood out to me: The "command module" looked very similar to the one...
  11. B

    F7C Mk1 (and variants) to be removed from sale (pledge store and in-game)

    Source: If you want any of these ships, CCU's to them, or CCU's to link to existing CCU's in your collection that originate from one of these ships, looks like it's your last chance to stock up...
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    ILW 2954 WB CCU watch

    PSA: For those who want an F7C Mk1 or any of its variants, they appear to be in preparation for removal from sale (in game and for cash/credit) following ILW... Stock up while you can (ships and CCU's). Important detail...
  13. B

    Firebird and Nursa announced

    Does anyone know what the difference is (if any) between the "Invictus Flight Jacket Steel" which is included with WB Nursa and MPUV-T and the "Invictus Flight Jacket Black" which is included with the WB Retaliator and Sabre Firebird?
  14. B

    ILW Week 2024 FAQ & Limited Ships Sales

    Given that almost all hull-limited ships tend to sell out quickly, and many (Krakens, Idris, Javellin) are account-bound due to their price, it may be less an issue of bots and more a case of CIG deliberately keeping the number they list for sale well below the number they would expect to be...
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    ILW 2954 WB CCU watch

    Depending on how quickly you want to apply the CCU's: Grabbing a $5 CCU to the Ranger TR (If using a Pulse as an LTI token) could be beneficial long term (I don't believe work has started on the Ranger line, so it may not increase in value for some time). Grabbing a $5 CCU to the G12a may be...
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    ILW 2954 WB CCU watch

    As long as you grabbed them after the Cutlass Black had its price bump - I should probably replace that one as it's a $10 (credit, fortunately) CCU to save $5, instead of $5 (WB) to save $10.
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    ILW 2954 WB CCU watch

    Notes: Day 1: If wishing to avoid CCU's from concept ships, I'd skip the Polaris WB offering and instead pick up a $25 Hammerhead - Polaris CCU (credits or cash) instead. The Hammerhead gets semi-regular $50 saving CCU's which combine to bring the total from the Polaris to the Carrack to the...
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    ILW 2954 WB CCU watch

    I'm sure that i can arrange something... Date Ship Normal ship price CCU ship price Saving Cheapest CCU starting option Minimum Cost CCU Maximum CCU Discount 17th Polaris $750 $700 $50 $675 (Concept) Perseus $600 (Limited) Carrack $315 (permanent) Constellation Aquila, Mole $25 (Concept)...
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    Brictoria's Buybacks

    Sorry about the delay in replying - work/family have this knack of poping up at inconvenient times. I do still have several of these paints available, if you're after one.
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