First promo vid for MISC Fortune from CIG.
Starter salvage ship, nice option for an alternative to the Vulture.
Starter salvage ship, nice option for an alternative to the Vulture.
It was an onboarding ship for a new hire most likely and with salvage being popular it was an easy million dollars in the bank for little time and investment,Looks good but it's too similar to the vulture if their gonna literally make copies of every ship for every manufacturer then this game is gonna take anther 10 years jesus.
Given the option between the two, which one do you take out for daily solo play?I like the Fortune, it takes a bit of the tedium of the vulture away, though you can't strip ships of components quite as effectively. I've been a big fan of salvage so having another option is really nice.
I have been using the Fortune. While I like stripping components, I have kinda limited time/energy to play and having the gameplay be a lot smoother without having to climb down the Vulture's ladder all the time is a really big plus.Given the option between the two, which one do you take out for daily solo play?
That would be the repair ship, which is the same thing but in reverse, you spray on a new hull :DWoo-hoo! $800 million power wash simulator!
Weird, the second i read this I saw a Vulture in my mind doing that "Wax on, wax off" routine with it's tiny arms.since we can already “repair’ ships with our hand held salvage guns, that salvage ships that have the right materials should be allowed to repair ships in a similar manner…