Weird display glitch


Dec 24, 2017
RSI Handle
Ever since I built my PC last month, there's been this weird display glitch I just can't figure out. Every once in awhile, the display will show a sliver of the center of the screen...on the far right or left. Like, it'll literally cut a vertical slice out of the middle of the screen, and throw it on the corner. It's the weirdest thing, and I haven't found anything about it. A restart gets it back to normal, but I haven't been able to eradicate it for good...

All drivers are updated, everything seems to be functioning properly. 8700k/Z370-E/1080/Windows 10.
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Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, it's called Screen Tearing, and generally i'd suggest turning on vsync. If it's happening outside of games, though, then i have no idea how to fix it. (Beyond making sure your drivers are up to date, anyways.)

EDIT: You're not running SLI, right? that could be it, if you are
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Dec 24, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, it's called Screen Tearing, and generally i'd suggest turning on vsync. If it's happening outside of games, though, then i have no idea how to fix it. (Beyond making sure your drivers are up to date, anyways.)

EDIT: You're not running SLI, right? that could be it, if you are
That's why it annoys me - it's not like a blip, it stays. And it's outside of games. In games, a tab out to desktop and then back will usually fix it. But it happens randomly on desktop, and stays like that until I restart or until it disappears randomly.

And no, single 1080.
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Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
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Could be your monitor isn't quite up to par? What's it's refresh rate? If it's different from your video output, that's likely why.
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Have you tried a new or different cable...Displayport or HDMI ?!? the contact are sensitive on this for slightest deviation.
I suggest you use a high speed cable if HDMI, like the one needed for HDMI 4K use it even if you are not using 4K, if you're using displayport it's the same. Either way start with trying different cable to begin with so you can eliminate that before messing around with settings or assuming something is broken elsewhere.

( SIDE NOTE: on computer GPU card make sure the connector really can go all the way in into GPU card cable slot so that nothing prevent it from connecting correctly )

If that didn't help connect monitor to a HDMI external DVD, digital TV box or some other HDMI source that can produce 1080P HD to the screen run it for a wile and see if it still happen if not then monitor most likely is okay. ( at this point you can exclude cable and monitor if problem have not surface )

If problem still is when monitor connected to computer...
This is where you start.. and continue to search for other reason to problem..
So then you're down to GPU card make sure it really is snug fit in slot correctly and the number one slot for GPU card on motherboard if there is more than one.
( one alternative if there is 2 slots where GPU card can fit, try the other see if it behave similar )

Now do a couple tests that strain GPU card like high level graphic and make note exactly what order you do things in until it happen again. Then go through the steps and see if it happen same place if not then problem is random and would point to faulty software setting/installation or hardware problem to GPU or motherboard. So next search would be around that... etc...

Point is to secure and eliminate one problem at the time to end up with most likely source of problem.
And as such eliminate those that are easiest to check first like different cable different source etc.

:beer: :beer: :beers:
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Dec 24, 2017
RSI Handle
XB271HU. Running at 144hz, G-Sync is enabled.

But the weird thing is that it doesn't seem to be triggered by anything. It's not like after playing a particular game. Sometimes it'll happen just loading into desktop, sometimes I won't have an issue all day.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
To me first it sound like is cable issue... sure you have sufficient and okay monitor cable, that it can handle the speed and 2 way.

First that come to my mind that symtom sound like is insufficient cable, loose or miss contact...
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I agree with @Mich Angel, definitely sounds like cable issue.

If you're not running sound through your monitor but are using HDMI I recommend switching to DisplayPort; if you're already running DisplayPort but are using one that came with something else you might want to pick up a new one rated for at least 144hz/4K Ready.
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Dec 24, 2017
RSI Handle
I agree with @Mich Angel, definitely sounds like cable issue.

If you're not running sound through your monitor but are using HDMI I recommend switching to DisplayPort; if you're already running DisplayPort but are using one that came with something else you might want to pick up a new one rated for at least 144hz/4K Ready.
I'm using the DP cable that came with the monitor. I'll take a closer look when I get home - perhaps it's not plugged into the monitor all the way? I would think that would just not show anything though :P
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Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
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This sounds like a display port cable issue. Do you have other DP cables to try? Not all DP cables are made the same, some have a return in them (a single pin). This can cause weird issues like you just described. Some fix this by putting a teeny tiny piece of tape over the one pin that does the return... this is hard and tedious, I would personally go on amazon and grab a new one that has great reviews and look in the Q&A section to see if anyone asked/answered a question regarding that. All that is of course if this is your issue. (it is possible but very unlikely the cable is not in all the way skewing a pin, but the odds would be it skewing multiple pins and just showing issues constantly)

This is semi easy to test for if you have an HDMI or DVI cable laying around to use to see if it happens with them. If not the cable the artifact you describe is likely to be the gpu and quite possibly just needed to be reseated (pulls out and put back in firmly, both card and power connectors).

Hope that helps :)
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