Things that are different in Canada


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
After living in the states for so long, there are few things that immediately confuse you in Canada:

We dropped off our kid at class, the teacher asked if she has her gym runners. My wife asks "those are sneakers right?". Teacher says, no, runners.

- Runners are sneakers!

Technically it makes more sense since you are wearing them to run, and not sneak. So now we have to deprogram our American kids to understand that what they have known as sneakers have been runners all along!

- The speed limit!

Driving along and seeing 60 is normal, right?

You come across the border and now it says 100! Obviously thats in km, but my brain is telling me its miles and I start to speed up!

Similarly when you see a sign that says your exit is 2km away, it seems to show up much faster. 2 miles would be 3.2km, Im still getting surprised by exits that show up faster than usual, but that could be because Im driving 100mph.

- The money!

All the bills here are different colors and made from this fancy polymer with see-through hologram parts!

These new polymer bills are said to last 5x longer then paper bills, have more security features, are easier for vending machines and more difficult to counterfeit.

Its kinda weird getting back some change and all the bills are different colors, but its pretty!

- Politics!

Nobody seems to give a shit about local politics, at least not anywhere near the levels as the states where political alignments can destroy families. The biggest story here recently was that old angry grampa Don Cherry said grampa like racist things which you would expect your grampa to say. It was a big scandal in Canadian standards and he lost his job.

In the states this would be been called a Tuesday. Here it was a huge shitfest.

- Gas prices!

Im a bit confused about the gas prices. I am used to paying around $2.xx per gallon in NC. Now its in Liters and I have no idea if its expensive or not! :D

I have only been here a few days, so Im sure there is a lot more coming soon.


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
You'll have to get use to the prices. Our friends south of the border has everything cheap. Food, gas, cars, computers, iPhones, everything is more expensive up north. The gas you mentioned, I didn't bother doing the conversion but I can tell you right away that it is more expensive than what you are used to.

Also food portions are enormous down south, I could never even finish half my plate. In Canada they are smaller, still bigger than the portions the EU has though.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
You'll have to get use to the prices.
No offense to our friends to the North, but they do have outrageous taxes (maybe not out of your pay but in gas, food and general goods)... you'll be a long way from North Carolina. Price of living in a liberal country. Good news, the Canadian Government gets to choose your doctor for you... prolly not a big deal now, but maybe when you get older.


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
Oh and yes you are definitely correct about politics. Canadian politics is boring. I don't watch the Canadian election, but I sometimes watch the american presidential elections. There was a time that I didn't even know who our primer was :p, yes I'm a bad citizen.

err Premier
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I've always thought Justin Trudeau is entertaining. It's so rare to see guys like him and OBama with absolutely no qualifications get elected purely on fluff. Justin is hysterical, and one of the main reasons the Liberal party is so illiberal. I'm trying to recall what he did to celebrate the crazy when he got elected. . .put people in his cabinet based solely on minority status or some such--and apparently created the most inept cabinet of all time. Was really funny!

I also try to keep current on the persecution of sweet Lindsey Shepard, and the move to outlaw free speech in Canada. They are much further down that draconian road than the US, but both are headed there.



Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Well, welcome back in the world of the standard metric system!!

For the money there are worst things then money color: I've been in the Turkish part of Cyprus long time ago (like 20 years now, when the island was divided in two by Turkish and Greek), there the money was so infalted then 1 Italian Lire (yes is was before the Euro come to life.... god I'm feeling old...) was wort 5K Turkish money: ever you ever receive a bill for a Coffe of 1.5 MILION?? I assure you it's kind of shocking the at the beginning...


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Good news, the Canadian Government gets to choose your doctor for you...
That is weird, because no govt official has told me which family doctor we need to choose. We have had some recommendations from friends and family, you call them up, you ask if they are taking new patients. Thats it.

Ive lived in both countries and I can give you a long list of pros and cons.

I have had very long conversations on this topic and I can tell you with 100% certainty that what we hear in the states about the horrors of any other system, is massively over exaggerated at best and most of the time, completely false.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Okay so, to be clear, historically the vessel used most by pirates and privateers is the Corvette, or in the Mediterranean called the Corsair. It is generally considered to be the smallest Capital ship and often not even that. They are the fastest of all true cap ships and are used to suppress all smaller craft, and to chase down, board and take larger craft. What I have described as best I can fits that very narrow niche. Corvettes are easiest killed by larger cap ships which they are not fit to combat, or by swarms of fighters, just like larger cap ships.

For comparison, note the Idris M has a spinal mount weapon, and the Void Bomber has three. The current only Corvette has none. Like Owls, I'd like to see something less dependent upon Torps, like a rail gun fitted fast attack vessel or Corvette, but I am not sure this would be an improvement over the Polaris. The Torp solution really has great merit to it. Any ship that needs to point its railgun, will be in range of similar weapons, whereas S10 Torps will presumably not need to be in range of spinal mounts to be effective, so long as you have local spotting.
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