Cargo Talk & Cargo Hauler Guide Updates 1.2.6

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Interesting. I know that they were working on linking the trade economies together and then start introducing Quantum, but figured it was still a ways off. With the server-side object container streaming its supposed to open up the first connection of server meshing and perhaps that is what they are trying out.
Whatever the case is, something is funky, either info is wrong or the server has the wrong refresh values.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Just witnessed something that I think bolsters my claim. I was going to sell more SLAM and I could sell 22 units. I decided to leave it alone and let it build up more. I came back to it maybe 5 mins later. Not only had the priced dropped but I could only sell 1 unit. I tried jumping servers and same price and everything with a guy standing there waiting.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
@SoloFlyer I have soloed my Carrack but must admit it can be nervewracking - really gotta keep an eye on surroundings when landed in port or planetside, LOTS of hideyholes for would-be ship-jackers and jackholes alike. Sounds like it is also still possible to glitch-force in past the airlock doors under at least some conditions.

If solo, I will run an external view check just before jumping out of the pilot station and leaving the ship to make sure there aren't any one-eyed willies sneaking around (I leave it powered on so the shields are up, side benefit is Carrack makes hydrogen fuel faster than anything else in game) - pay special attention to closing the ramp as I have apparently hit the switch more than once and panicked when I take an external view once in the pilot station and see the ramp open, I will close it and then run a complete security sweep (literally EVERY openable panel or door on all decks including all onboard vehicles) before I leave the armistice zone.

She is a big girl to run solo but assuming no stowaways she's tanky enough, and fast enough in most situations to just bravely run away\carry on course (assuming no EMP's which apparently are running a bit OP right now). Seems to be more fun to run with friends though, just not sure how to share in profits if trading (and they already seem kinda slim compared to risk IMO but not reasonable to ask guys to donate their time) - one way to make that up is take on a few claimjumper missions as a crewed Carrack makes easy work of those and if everyone is running A Call to Arms the bonuses are nice. Alternative would be for everyone to grab package delivery missions form one gravity well to another and let them earn their own wayt and then split fuel costs (Carrack is a little slow in QT on the stock drive but it is ridiculously efficient for a 380 foot long ship).

Keep in mind, I am only just coming back to SC after a hiatus of roughly a year so I am learnnig\relearning a lot myself.

That said, she is an awesome ship, having 2 or 3 ground vehicles, plus a runabout\shuttle just makes it seem so much more incredible - I am running an Ursa, Cyclone, Cyclone-TR and the Pisces as my current fitout and other than being a bit of a pain to load up if solo after a 30K or other crash it is great, tons of flexibility.



Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm thinking(watch out) that I have a theory. After trying for hours to sell 20 SCU of SLAM, and it going very very slowly something occurred to me. I think 3.8.2 introduced cross server record keeping of trading and it would explain a couple things. Here is my evidence after jumping between many servers:

Stats taken from

1. CRU-L5 is listed as having a max inventory of 500(5 SCU). I had roughly 20 SCU of SLAM on me on a 4 person server. FOUR!
2. The odds of someone else beating me to the punch while, possible were super low. I'm not dismissing it, just saying there was a low chance.
3. I go to sell thinking I can sell alot. Terminal only buys 66 units on that trade.
4. Gallog says its refresh every minute is 20 units.
5. It takes many minutes before I can sell anything again, this time 22 units.
6. I jump to a different server. Can't sell. Its possible someone was there already before me, but unlikely as it was only about 20 people.
7. Jump to another server, I can sell 12. Thats lower than 20.
8. Keep jumping and I can sell various amounts or none at all. Even jumping back to the low pop server of 4 I couldn't sell for a long time.


A) Server tick rate is different for drugs than other items
B) Server tick rate is slowed down by server overload, but this doesn't hold up on the 4 person server as there should have been no lag.
C) Gallog has the wrong refresh stat listed, possible.
D) Trade data is now shared between all servers

probably best idea to test that is to run scrap until one of the space station don't buy anything. Then repeat server hopping. Scrap should be less popular than running drugs.
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Space Marshal
Feb 5, 2018
RSI Handle
If I wanted to run cargo in my shiny new carrack is that something I'd be able to do solo relatively easily?
I made it from 20k to 300k alone, i am lucky enought to avoid ship jacker griefer and pad rammer, but 30k is the worst that can happen.

i change the quantum drive as soon as i can, i can't stand for the 20s cooldown+20s calibration of the agni, i take the pontes as i found it great with the caterpillar.

i use gallog to find what work the best, i usually trade scrap from lorville cdb to olisar, i go from olisar to cellin tram and myers and trade diamond with lorville, to make a "circle".
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Space Marshal
Jun 14, 2017
RSI Handle
If I wanted to run cargo in my shiny new carrack is that something I'd be able to do solo relatively easily?
Relatively, yes. Depending on how much aUEC you have, a good 'safe' run in the beginning, for me, was 60k worth of Scrap from CRU L5 to Olisar and back. Solid 20k or so profit on those runs, and 60k pretty much fills the Carrack. With the rest stop, you get that sweet and safe hangar. Once on Olisar, I sprint inside and immediately spawn my Avenger, so my Carrack won't get pad rammed. Since I've built up more aUEC, Seriousseriouspunch put me on to Astitane runs. HDMS-Woodruff or HDMS-Ryder on Ita lets you fill up the carrack with Astitane, and then I run it to Lorville for those sweet and safe hangars. You'll need around 350k to fill up the Carrack with Astitane, but you'll profit around 50k if I'm remembering right.

Use external views, keep an eye on that ramp when its opening and closing, and keep an eye out for any notifications that a player has joined your ship's channel, you should be fine.

Be aware that the big landing pad at HDMS-Ryder has a big rock intersecting it on one end, can be hard to see in the dark and can complicate your landing and ramp extension.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Just a tip if you're unsure of stowaways.

Check your mobiglass chat, go to the ship channel and see if the right side bar is empty. If it is you're alone on your ship. If it isn't then you have passengers.
That's a great tip!
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Jump out of range of the comm systems or where there are holes(like SPK) and you can kill them without getting a stat iirc.
I haven't been in game in a while, but if they are on your ship and you're trying to fly it out of range of the comm systems can't they just shoot you while you're in the pilot seat?
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Space Marshal
Jun 14, 2017
RSI Handle
That sucks. If someone is on board your ship as a stow away and not in your group they're trespassing and should be fair game to defend your property from intruders.
It does suck, and I'm looking forward to it being addressed and fixed. Until then, its worth the crime stat. All stowaways must die.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
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