Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You know, there might be some industrial uses for that stuff other than burning it. I mean there are a few industries who might be interested in dust masks and for protective gear for disposable gloves for cleaning the leu.
That's just crazy talk.
Level redistribution of resources really isnt the current incumbents style unfortunately.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
That's just crazy talk.
Level redistribution of resources really isnt the current incumbents style unfortunately.
I'm officially updating an old saying.
It used to bee "There is a right way, a wrong way, and a military way"
The saying is now "There is a right way, a wrong way, a military way (and you, recruit, will do it that way and only that way until ordered to do it the right way), and a political way which means taxes are going up".


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
New research suggests natural exposure to Omicron offers no additional immunity boost beyond that attained by natural exposure to the varient in the first wave, and minimal protection against Omicron reinfection in the tripple vaccinated.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I was gonna ask if I should I make a Monkeypox thread, but it doesn't seem like anything to worry about.


Monkeypox virus is a completely different virus than the viruses that cause COVID-19 or measles. It is not known to linger in the air and is not transmitted during short periods of shared airspace. Monkeypox spreads through direct contact with body fluids or sores on the body of someone who has monkeypox, or with direct contact with materials that have touched body fluids or sores, such as clothing or linens. It may also spread through respiratory secretions when people have close, face-to-face contact.

In the current monkeypox outbreak, we know that those with disease generally describe close, sustained physical contact with other people who are infected with the virus. We continue to study other possible modes of transmission, such as through semen.

Prior studies of monkeypox outbreaks show that spread of monkeypox virus by respiratory secretions appears uncommon. Most cases of monkeypox report close contact with an infectious person. While we do not know with certainty what role direct physical contact has versus the role of respiratory secretions, in instances where people who have monkeypox have travelled on airplanes, no known cases of monkeypox occurred in people seated around them, even on long international flights.

There are important differences between airborne transmission and transmission via respiratory secretions. Airborne transmission occurs when small virus particles become suspended in the air and can stay there for periods of time. These particles can spread on air currents, or sometimes even infect people who enter a room after the infected person has left. In contrast, monkeypox may be found in droplets like saliva or respiratory secretions that drop out of the air quickly. Long range (e.g., airborne) transmission of monkeypox has not been reported.

CDC currently recommends that people infected with monkeypox wear a mask if they must be around others in their homes if close, face-to-face contact is likely. In a healthcare setting, a patient with suspected or confirmed monkeypox infection should be placed in a single-person room; special air handling is not required. Any procedures likely to spread oral secretions (such as intubation and extubation) should be performed in an airborne infection isolation room.

Examples where monkeypox can spread:

  • No: Casual conversations. Walking by someone with monkeypox in a grocery store. Touching items like doorknobs.
  • Yes: Direct skin-skin contact with rash lesions. Sexual/intimate contact. Kissing while a person is infected.
  • Yes: Living in a house and sharing a bed with someone. Sharing towels or unwashed clothing.
  • Yes: Respiratory secretions through face-to-face interactions (the type that mainly happen when living with someone or caring for someone who has monkeypox).
  • Maybe/Still learning: Contact with semen or vaginal fluids.
  • Unknown/Still learning: Contact with people who are infected with monkeypox but have no symptoms (We think people with symptoms are most likely associated with spread, but some people may have very mild illness and not know they are infected).
As we learn more about this outbreak, we will update recommendations to help people protect themselves and to prevent the spread of monkeypox.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Mandatory face mask rules reintroduced in several Health Service trusts across the country as Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 thought to be able to shed viral spores before symptoms present themselves, with concern this will lead to Hospital staffing levels being reduced to critical levels.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Mandatory face mask rules reintroduced in several Health Service trusts across the country as Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 thought to be able to shed viral spores before symptoms present themselves, with concern this will lead to Hospital staffing levels being reduced to critical levels.
Isn't immune escape fun? Masks are not a bad idea. BTW I have just recovered from Omicron caught during a trip in Canada. It's not all that fun to have.

Here's some technical mumbo jumbo but from a reputable US source:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Isn't immune escape fun? Masks are not a bad idea. BTW I have just recovered from Omicron caught during a trip in Canada. It's not all that fun to have.

Here's some technical mumbo jumbo but from a reputable US source:
Sorry to hear of your run in with Omicron but great to see you have recovered, hope you have no longer lasting symptoms.

Many thanks for the link, will mull over that one with a mug of hot chocolate :)


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
That's just crazy talk.
Its all crazy, man (some movie meme I cant remember). Society burnt down the house with everyone in it. That includes the supplies. Hope our kids remember this, the lost time, the lost memories they should have had... they should have went to Prom... or the spring dance, they should have spent time with their friends on the beach... now all they know is the internet, not growing and exploring the world... they live in a very disturbed place and there is no one to blame but their parents and society in general. They lost 2 years of their lives to an endemic threat, that they will never get back, which will never go away. Pathetic, the society which we live, giving old people 2 years more to live while taking 2 years away from our children... that is abhorrent and wrong. Wish it never came to the choice, but we as a society, chose wrong in my opinion.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
giving old people 2 years more to live while taking 2 years away from our children... that is abhorrent and wrong. Wish it never came to the choice, but we as a society, chose wrong in my opinion.
I respect your opinion and i have a question - Do you consider those childrens 2 years truly unrecoverable?

Rather than drag it out I'll explain up front:

I left school with only basic qualifications, dropping out of higher level high school education earlt on (UK school has basic GCSE and higher "A Level" high school grades) I then worked in a factory for 7 years. I saved and retuened to college then went on to university, attaining a First Class Honours Degree.

I lost 2 years leavig school not going though higher education. I came back, excelled and went on to attain the highesg qualification available both at higher and further education.

So I think those kids won't have lost their 2 years if society finds a way to backfill that for them, like I did 7 years after I lost mine. It just needs a method to be put in place and for us not to give up on a generation just because thats what happened last time (there was a noticable drop in lifetime output from the cohort effected by the 1918 pandemic)

Thats my opinion and my take on it, but I'm not sure if that s what you meant?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I respect your opinion and i have a question - Do you consider those childrens 2 years truly unrecoverable?

Rather than drag it out I'll explain up front:

I left school with only basic qualifications, dropping out of higher level high school education earlt on (UK school has basic GCSE and higher "A Level" high school grades) I then worked in a factory for 7 years. I saved and retuened to college then went on to university, attaining a First Class Honours Degree.

I lost 2 years leavig school not going though higher education. I came back, excelled and went on to attain the highesg qualification available both at higher and further education.

So I think those kids won't have lost their 2 years if society finds a way to backfill that for them, like I did 7 years after I lost mine. It just needs a method to be put in place and for us not to give up on a generation just because thats what happened last time (there was a noticable drop in lifetime output from the cohort effected by the 1918 pandemic)

Thats my opinion and my take on it, but I'm not sure if that s what you meant?
It's not to say that some will still achieve greatness even despite the hardships that they have faced. But how much further would they have been able to go if not held back 2 years and the rest there has been a significant drop in what kids have learned and accomplished as well as a considerable lack of motivation having experienced uninterrupted freedom from any responsibility. While my oldest was just entering kindergarten and my wife stays home with the kids and so the impact wasn't as drastically its still noticeable in the difference in her education experience and social development compared to her sister who did not do distance learning while in kindergarten. And then I look at family members who have high school students with both parents who work and the outcome was as if the teen was off doing drugs as the commitment and drive for school while present before is completely gone.

But it's the same story played out in many other areas with the older generation enslaving the younger generations by economic means through taxing by social security, medicare, 401k, refusing to sell houses or allow other houses to be built nearby. So they have wisely set up a system that allows them to profit off the work of their children and children's children while having never had to pay much to themselves. And while it works as long as future generations continue an exponential growth like any good pyramid scheme it's not sustainable.

But to tie it back into the last two years the current economic woes are just the starting groans of the system failing. You cannot shut down the world's economy without having to pay the price and in this case, we borrowed heavily against our children's future in the same way we have been borrowing against their future for a long time and we are starting to see those bills come due. And looking back in history I am sure we will experience a great deal of economic and political turmoil like was seen after major wars in the countries that fought them. And in fact, these are the conditions that easily give rise to dictators and atrocities. Humanity will recover and life will go on but the question is still valid, was it worth it? Did any of the actions do anything to save anyone? Or would have done nothing resulted in the same virus outcome but a far more stable economy?


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting article from JAMA:

From March 2020 to October 2021, heart disease (20.1%), cancer (17.5%), COVID-19 (12.2%), accidents (6.2%), and stroke (4.7%) were the most common causes of death in the US. There were 2.875 million deaths in March to December 2020 and 2.855 million deaths in January to October 2021; the 5 leading causes of death were the same in each year. Among those older than 1 year, the number of deaths increased across age groups.
Interestingly, splitting the time period into two (March 2020 - December 2020, then Jan 2021 - October 2021):
Deaths from cancer, heart disease, and COVID-19 accounted for the largest number of deaths in every group aged 55 years and older (Table, Figure). The leading 3 causes of death in these age groups were the same in 2020 and 2021. Among people aged 85 years and older, COVID-19 was ranked as the second leading cause of death in 2020 (110 000 deaths, 12.8% of deaths), and third in 2021 (69 000, 8.9% of deaths). Among those aged 45 to 54 years, COVID-19 was the fourth leading cause of death in 2020 (17 000 deaths, 10.4% of deaths), following heart disease, cancer, and accidents; in 2021, however, it was the leading cause of death (30 000 deaths, 16.8% of deaths).
Here are the leading causes of death for both time periods, in a rather busy table:
Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 1.24.42 PM.png
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Amun Khonsu

Jan 28, 2022
RSI Handle

It's not to say that some will still achieve greatness even despite the hardships that they have faced. But how much further would they have been able to go if not held back 2 years and the rest there has been a significant drop in what kids have learned and accomplished as well as a considerable lack of motivation having experienced uninterrupted freedom from any responsibility. While my oldest was just entering kindergarten and my wife stays home with the kids and so the impact wasn't as drastically its still noticeable in the difference in her education experience and social development compared to her sister who did not do distance learning while in kindergarten. And then I look at family members who have high school students with both parents who work and the outcome was as if the teen was off doing drugs as the commitment and drive for school while present before is completely gone.

But it's the same story played out in many other areas with the older generation enslaving the younger generations by economic means through taxing by social security, medicare, 401k, refusing to sell houses or allow other houses to be built nearby. So they have wisely set up a system that allows them to profit off the work of their children and children's children while having never had to pay much to themselves. And while it works as long as future generations continue an exponential growth like any good pyramid scheme it's not sustainable.

But to tie it back into the last two years the current economic woes are just the starting groans of the system failing. You cannot shut down the world's economy without having to pay the price and in this case, we borrowed heavily against our children's future in the same way we have been borrowing against their future for a long time and we are starting to see those bills come due. And looking back in history I am sure we will experience a great deal of economic and political turmoil like was seen after major wars in the countries that fought them. And in fact, these are the conditions that easily give rise to dictators and atrocities. Humanity will recover and life will go on but the question is still valid, was it worth it? Did any of the actions do anything to save anyone? Or would have done nothing resulted in the same virus outcome but a far more stable economy?

Why should I sell my house when I paid for it, live there, pay my taxes and housing prices are too high to move let alone allow young people to buy it?

That's crazy thinking.

Our economies were crashing before COVID, most people live on debt owed to lenders. Endless government spending on war and intervrntions have weakened the dollar. Social security being in a general fund often raided by congress. 401k a scheme to make corporations rich and placate people into thinking they are saving for retirement instead of burdening companies to set asside for worker pensions. Trickle down economics giving tax breaks to the rich making the rich richer and not trickling down the wealth and tax payer funded corporate bailouts have gutted the middle class.

We can go on. but it isnt a generational problem. The problem is largely deregulation coupled with rising manufacturing competition from India, China and elsewhere.

COVID merely is bringing about the inevitable sooner, identifying the problem for us as the rich report record earnings and bonuses DURING and after the crisis.

Im not against being rich, but the system is broken.
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Vice Admiral
Mar 25, 2022
RSI Handle
Let's be honest with ourselves... The concept of the irrecoverable "lost lockdown time" is complete garbage. No child will be mentally disabled by not going to prom, school, or the movies. If there is "damage," that's the result of parents not rearing their children with a resiliency mindset, and appropriate coping skills. The west has already generally mastered that disheartening parenting style, and Covid has not caused any of those problems, merely highlighted them. Our schools are thouroghly pathetic, and if a parent was home and engaged, instead of both out working, 99% of the kids would have immensely benefited from not attending our idolized government-run loser factories. Let me hear how important it is for your little Johnny and Suzie to be "socialized" by locking them in a building 9hrs a day with all the drug dealing, drug using, violently unhinged, drinking, THC vaping, stealing, raping, pill-popping, vandalizing kids, all supervised by burnt-out ZFG staff. You're right, they have to learn somewhere! Bottom-line... No matter how much they're paid, no one will EVER give more of a crap about your kid than you!

If you're up-in-arms pissed about the lockdowns and social distancing stuff, that's a you problem. Sorry you don't like someone telling you what to do, and I know no one's the boss of you, but you'll be fine. Yes, I agree that Dr. you know who guy is shady as hell, and something ain't right. But a lot more people would have died prematurely had we not locked down, so no one cares if you're mad that you were bossed around. Suck it up, buttercup. I bet you drive on the correct side of the road, and stop at traffic lights, don't you? Why? Because if you don't do what "the man" says, someone's going to die. I bet you don't walk down a street randomly shooting at houses, do you? Why? Because if you don't do what "the man" says, someone's going to die. I bet Doctors go to school for 50yrs and get licensed to practice medicine, don't they? Why? Because if they don't do what "the man" says, someone's going to die. Lord have mercy.........

Sorry to hear of your run in with Omicron but great to see you have recovered, hope you have no longer lasting symptoms.
Omicron sucked bad, but only took us 4 or 5 days to get through with no hospitalizations. But ever since (had it in Feb), I need a jacket if I'm in anywhere below 75F for more than about 5mins. Also, any time I even get remotely sick now (head-cold, mystery 48hr virus, anything...), all my joints hurt like a banshee for 4-5 days, and I move like a 90yo.

Pretty heavy reading. Maybe spike the hot chocolate with some kind of whiskey or scotch to help it along ... well now I made myself thirsty.
Thia Irish know what's up! 😝 :drunk:
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