
  1. Tiger

    Hitchhiking Guild To The Universe for Test Dummies

    As a Professional test pilot and lunatic I will be crashing a lot. I will need a ride Questions 1 Can I get a hitchhiking beacon.. 2 how can I be trusted in a drunken violent state not to kill my generous host and tea bag while laughing 3. The hitch hiker could be molested 4 do you get a...
  2. SamDaMan

    Planetside 2 Devs do livestream showing Base Building, Indar Revamp, and more!

    Skip to 8:10 to get past intros and useless stuff You will have to skip around a bit though, the game crashes at some points and they did a lot of raffles that you can skip. You should watch the whole thing to get all the info if you are into planetside 2. Some things they mentioned: Base...
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