Can we talk about how freaking awesome this Glass Bengal Video and Render is?


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I mean, like am I the only one who can watch this multiple times? To be honest, my son freaking LOVES it. We have a cardboard cock pit and we sit there watching this on a loop few times before he wigs out and wants mommy milk or whatever, but he yells and laughs and we pretend we are flying around or whatever. Good times. But yeah, how bout dat Rail Gun!

Do we know anything about it really? I know it probably isn't too likely but I would LOVE to be a 130MM or whatever Rail Gun Weapons System Officer or something. Just rolling around for days at a time even before we got to use it. I wouldn't mind because I am sure once I got to fire that thing, oh man. It would be awesome.
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