COVID Buddy-check thread

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Hey TESTies,

I just wanted to throw up a thread that focuses on how people are managing in this time of crisis. No politics, no BS, just a thread where each and every one of us can talk about what we're experiencing, how we're coping, our mental, emotional, and physical states. Basically a buddy-check thread where we can support each other.

I love you all, and pray you're all doing ok considering the circumstances.



Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
For us, I finally got my 71 year old dad onto a flight home to mom back west. He was here to visit, but once the world went to shit he decided to get home, especially where my wifey is a front line nurse and he had open heart surgery a while back. Better safe than sorry.

As a family were doing ok. Out little fella is 4 now, he's going a bit stir crazy, but we live rural enough that he can get outside and play, thank Christ. My wifey is stressed, as the looming crisis is a shadow falling over all the healthcare workers. They know whats coming. We're in full lock down to do our part. Freezer and pantry are stocked, we managed to find asswipe on, and I have a full tank of propane for the BBQ. So yay.

As for mental health, well shit, it's hard not to be concerned, watching the state of the world. It's also atrociously hard to watch the stress on my wife, So I do what I can to support her, while maintain a calm for my little fella. He knows all about "the illness" as he calls it. He promised to let us know the minute he gets scared. That's pretty cool.

So overall, we're well here. Sticking together. I must say that I am impressed by the levels of interpersonal support I'm seeing starting to arise across the globe. Makes my heart smile.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Mostly the same for us. I get to work from home for the most part anyway, so it hasn't been that difficult. The weather has been really good, I mean other than today... but we've been able to get outside in the backyard. Then last week, all of the live oak trees in town exploded, so there's polin over everything. I love oak, but not that part. And this week, I get to go for dental surgery. Oh goodie, I can't wait.

I enjoy you talking about your son, he sounds like quite the kiddo. It brings back memories.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for asking Blind Owl. You have a big heart.
Were doing fine.
My Wife and I have been informed that we are essential so no shelter in place for us.
Dusted off our short wave radio and had a fun (test and tune) conversation with an old friend today.
He is a survivalist that blends in with us sheep on a daily basis.
I generally give him some shit about it, but today I ate some crow.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I work in the film industry. I've been laid off indefinitely along with the hundreds of thousands of colleagues. The global film/tv industry has ground to a complete stop because of Covid19. At the moment I'm just hanging around at home filling out paperwork for back cheques, tax returns, and Employment Insurance payments. After I sort all that out, I'll probably try my hand at coding and work on my screenplays.

My partner is a registered nurse at one of the biggest hospitals in the region. She's part of the Covid19 education team and has been updating hospital staff about the latest developments and safety protocols. Although she's in an administrative/education role, she will probably get rotated to the front lines if the situation worsens. If it gets really bad, the chances of her getting infected are very high. As we're living together, I'll probably get it too but that's a risk I'm willing to make. I'm on the wrong side of 30 but I'm relatively healthy, don't smoke, and don't really have any underlying health issues. In the meantime there's not much I can do but provide companionship and healthy meals when she gets home.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
I love you all, and pray you're all doing ok considering the circumstances.
We love you too @Blind Owl
Thanks for your concern. My very Best Wishes to you and your family.
---- Please give my Best Wishes to @CrudeSasquatch and his family.

So far, I am well and doing okay.
If I can manage to get my home delivery of food restored I will be fine. (Been getting food delivered for 2 years)

My thoughts & Prayers are with all TESTies and their loved ones at this extremely trying time. Be safe out there.


Space Marshal
Aug 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Nurse in a primary care physician/ Nurse Practitioner office. We are running out of test kits to test for flu/Covid-19, no clue when more are coming, so all staff are on 50% hours, as we are suspending normal well visits, and only seeing acute patients.

Sadly, I'm hoping we run out of test kits so we can divert all acute patients to a state/federally subsidized health center and resume well visits only, and go back to full time hours.

My gym is closed, can't work out, the outside air is too cold for me to run without coughing so hard I can't breathe, and I gained 3lbs. Splurged a bit, and burned some savings to buy 2 treadmills so we can run inside.

Otherwise, the wife and I are holding up ok.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Sister works for an airline, she is on unpaid leave for a month. She does not game and finished binge watching all the shows she wanted.

She is ready to go crazy! :D
You need to get her in to Star citizen! We've all been trying to play that for 6 years and we still have not gone totally mental!!!

PS is she single?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
But on a serious note - having been in school and unable to isolate myself from hundreds of kids and teachers for an extra week, I've now got a dry chesty cough. Hey ho. So self isolating for 7 days min. On the up side, have star citizen, call of duty, a load of blu rays I have not watched and a fantastic hifi system so I should be OK!!!

Also got my project car to work on so been ordering parts for that.

Stay safe everyone, and please stay home - this virus spreads and kills by not staying home!!


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I live in near Junction 22 of the M1 in England, If any Testies live nearby have to self isolate with no back up and need anything please let me know ( via PM). I will see what I can do

As far as the illness is concerned it only hit home that it might be really serious this weekend with the shutdown of pubs and restaurants. I live in the countryside and people are carrying on as normal. My work (delivering specialist vehicles) takes me all over the country including London and people are acting differently in the big cities. The traffic has been very light all week, Monday Morning and Friday evening had no rush hour.


Dec 29, 2019
RSI Handle
My wife and I both work in healthcare. She has been pulled to staff her large hospital system's CV command center and is working crazy hours. I've been off with the kids for spring break this last week, but back to work on Monday for me. Kids start online classes Monday since their schools are closed for at least another 3 weeks.

Just a quick PSA: most of us could weather CV at home without any medical intervention. Self-limiting social contact is to help slow/stop the spread to our vulnerable family and friends and make sure there are enough hospital beds to take care of those truly in need. Stay home if you can. Support your local small businesses by ordering from them as much as possible--they are really struggling right now.



Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm doing alright. My wife tracked the progress back when it was in China and she thought it might spread farther, so she did supply stocking up before the crowds hit the stores. Just did a secondary trip yesterday and we're pretty much set.

She's immune compromised so it'd be really bad if either of us got it. But as a truck driver I gotta keep on rollin. So going to work every day like normal has kept me fine mentally from getting bored. Although it's stressing me out a lot about possibly catching it. Luckily I don't interact with too many people.

Financially we're on the fence. We were trying to pay down some credit cards and work on our credit score to get a loan to make things much easier for ourselves. But with this happening and so many out of work, I don't think banks will be approving too many loans. So we'll just have to see if we can manage on our own.

Just started playing Dead By Daylight though, so if anyone has that and wants to play together I'm game!


Space Marshal
Jun 19, 2016
RSI Handle
It's definitely a surreal time we're living in it's definitely hard to tell how things are going to go.
Luckily wife and baby to be are doing just fine, though She is getting a little stir crazy.
Also we finally got our treadmill we ordered before this all had started, so thanks to our past selves for giving us a little something to do.
Though now I'm starting to feel like i'm living in a moon base!

Stay safe everyone especially if you're around those who might be more susceptible to illness.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I enjoy you talking about your son, he sounds like quite the kiddo. It brings back memories.
Thanks Brother. Best days of my life, with this Little Wolf.
Sister works for an airline, she is on unpaid leave for a month. She does not game and finished binge watching all the shows she wanted.

She is ready to go crazy! :D
Jesus, thank God for gaming at a time like this. My little guy is getting good at PS4, so that provides us with some added entertainment for him, for sure. And a reprieve for me to geek out too.
Thanks for asking Blind Owl.
My pleasure Brother.
My Wife and I have been informed that we are essential so no shelter in place for us.
Stay safe. To everyone out there keeping things functioning, stay safe. You are appreciated.
My partner is a registered nurse at one of the biggest hospitals in the region. She's part of the Covid19 education team and has been updating hospital staff about the latest developments and safety protocols. Although she's in an administrative/education role, she will probably get rotated to the front lines if the situation worsens. If it gets really bad, the chances of her getting infected are very high. As we're living together, I'll probably get it too but that's a risk I'm willing to make. I'm on the wrong side of 30 but I'm relatively healthy, don't smoke, and don't really have any underlying health issues. In the meantime there's not much I can do but provide companionship and healthy meals when she gets home.
I've been tracking your story, and can relate. My wife is at KGH in Kingston, and she's scared. They know, about the shortages, the lack of PPE, about whats coming because people won't smarten up. Kudos to you for supporting her. I hold my wife daily after she gets home. The exhaustion, the fear, the stress . . .they need an outlet for that. That's where we come in.
Thanks for your concern. My very Best Wishes to you and your family.
---- Please give my Best Wishes to @CrudeSasquatch and his family.
Shall do my friend. Thank you.
If I can manage to get my home delivery of food restored I will be fine. (Been getting food delivered for 2 years)
I pray that those amenities (necessities?) keep functioning for you Cosmic. Stay safe old boy.
So glad you're back home with the family @Blind Owl , being deployed at this time would be really hard.
Thank you. I can't imagine being over seas still, with this shit hitting home. My God.
We're ok here - Australia is going a little crazy locking down before the number of cases becomes overwhelming; understandable really.
100% understandable. Kudos for your country doing what needs to be done.
Nurse in a primary care physician/ Nurse Practitioner office. We are running out of test kits to test for flu/Covid-19, no clue when more are coming, so all staff are on 50% hours, as we are suspending normal well visits, and only seeing acute patients.
Stay safe. You are the front line. All the respect in the world for you and what you're doing at this time.
My gym is closed, can't work out, the outside air is too cold for me to run without coughing so hard I can't breathe, and I gained 3lbs. Splurged a bit, and burned some savings to buy 2 treadmills so we can run inside.

Otherwise, the wife and I are holding up ok.
Treadmill is brilliant. Exercise is definitely a good stress reducer. Smart getting yourself setup. I have home weights and rural highways to run. Tomorrow I'm going to beast my wifey so she can burn off some aggression that's built up from this last set she just finished at the hospital. She needs the outlet.
But on a serious note - having been in school and unable to isolate myself from hundreds of kids and teachers for an extra week, I've now got a dry chesty cough. Hey ho. So self isolating for 7 days min. On the up side, have star citizen, call of duty, a load of blu rays I have not watched and a fantastic hifi system so I should be OK!!!
I pray you don't much more than you are already feeling. Keep us posted, and hopefully we can help if you require anything.
Stay safe everyone, and please stay home - this virus spreads and kills by not staying home!!
Amen to this. Most of all, amen to this. STAY HOME!
As far as the illness is concerned it only hit home that it might be really serious this weekend with the shutdown of pubs and restaurants. I live in the countryside and people are carrying on as normal. My work (delivering specialist vehicles) takes me all over the country including London and people are acting differently in the big cities. The traffic has been very light all week, Monday Morning and Friday evening had no rush hour.
Yeah, it's quite eerie. I drove my dad to the airport in Toronto yesterday, and the highways there, while not clear, were definitely the emptiest I've ever seen.
My wife and I both work in healthcare. She has been pulled to staff her large hospital system's CV command center and is working crazy hours. I've been off with the kids for spring break this last week, but back to work on Monday for me. Kids start online classes Monday since their schools are closed for at least another 3 weeks.
Good for her, and you. Take care of each other, things are going to be crazy for a while.
Just a quick PSA: most of us could weather CV at home without any medical intervention. Self-limiting social contact is to help slow/stop the spread to our vulnerable family and friends and make sure there are enough hospital beds to take care of those truly in need. Stay home if you can. Support your local small businesses by ordering from them as much as possible--they are really struggling right now.
Amen to this. Buy local, limit your trips, and stay the fuck away from other people, even friends and family.
I'm doing alright. My wife tracked the progress back when it was in China and she thought it might spread farther, so she did supply stocking up before the crowds hit the stores. Just did a secondary trip yesterday and we're pretty much set.
Smart lady. You're a lucky man.
She's immune compromised so it'd be really bad if either of us got it. But as a truck driver I gotta keep on rollin. So going to work every day like normal has kept me fine mentally from getting bored. Although it's stressing me out a lot about possibly catching it. Luckily I don't interact with too many people.
Keep her safe brother, by staying safe yourself.
Financially we're on the fence. We were trying to pay down some credit cards and work on our credit score to get a loan to make things much easier for ourselves. But with this happening and so many out of work, I don't think banks will be approving too many loans. So we'll just have to see if we can manage on our own.
This is going to hammer a lot of people in the wallet. I pray that you, and everyone, manages the path through this without losing too much.
It's definitely a surreal time we're living in it's definitely hard to tell how things are going to go.
Luckily wife and baby to be are doing just fine, though She is getting a little stir crazy.
Also we finally got our treadmill we ordered before this all had started, so thanks to our past selves for giving us a little something to do.
Though now I'm starting to feel like i'm living in a moon base!
Surreal is one way of saying it. It's freaking crazy eh? Glad your baby and wifey are doing ok though. Smart move getting that treatmill.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
My father is on paid leave for 2 weeks i just found out as i forced it out of him the other day.... after that its up in the air as of now after 2 weeks he wont be getting paid anymore I told him i would back him up even though right now im not super rich i swear he better call me if hes in trouble and not wait till the last minute when hes out on the street...


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I've been tracking your story, and can relate. My wife is at KGH in Kingston, and she's scared. They know, about the shortages, the lack of PPE, about whats coming because people won't smarten up. Kudos to you for supporting her. I hold my wife daily after she gets home. The exhaustion, the fear, the stress . . .they need an outlet for that. That's where we come in.
Yeah buddy. My partner's at Royal Columbian in New Westminster, BC. They're not the hardest hit at the moment. I believe the North Shore hospitals are the one's hardest hit. It's there where the first deaths were recorded, all at the same nursing home.

Yeah not much I can do but support her. I wish I could do more, feel so powerless. I should have joined the Army Reserves or something. At least if they get deployed, they're contributing.
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