[Discussion] Fleet Command - Deaf People and FCing.


Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
When we start getting the initial implementation of the CIC module, we'll need to leverage TEST's numbers to push CIG to deliver the best iteration possible so that there is no gap in coverage for a hearing FC and a deaf FC.

That means testing the everliving fuck out of it, and giving CIG a mountain of feedback reports.
Agreed. While I think there are situations where having any sort of disability would limit the utility of an individual, that by no means precludes them from being quite valuable in the same role with different circumstances. Perhaps a solution to dogfighting with a deaf FC could be people using text comm macros that have supported wildcards built in (e.g. LCtrl+Shift+Z == "Committed on <current target>" -- in a CIC role this could also be tied to a blue force tracker like system that automatically flags that target as having been called giving it wide utility).

Any direct dogfighting leadership roles (Wing/Squad commanders) might prove difficult due to the heavy use voice comms usually and the issues you've noted with STT. Standard fighter roles however wouldn't be difficult with enough of the aforementioned text macros. An option could be made where text messages from certain individuals cause and audible cue and that might help significantly towards getting input noticed.

I actually think that the larger the group being commanded the less importance hearing would be if only because you are generally receiving input from relatively few directions and they are all known. As somebody else said, commanding in the BF series is a great example of that type of gameplay that is pretty agnostic as it pertains to hearing ability.

In the end though, we are still too early to be sure one way or the other. I actually think the launch of AC 2.0 w/ boarding and combat from FPS will be the first indicator of where everybody's talents are going to lie when it comes to combat.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Agreed. While I think there are situations where having any sort of disability would limit the utility of an individual, that by no means precludes them from being quite valuable in the same role with different circumstances. Perhaps a solution to dogfighting with a deaf FC could be people using text comm macros that have supported wildcards built in (e.g. LCtrl+Shift+Z == "Committed on <current target>" -- in a CIC role this could also be tied to a blue force tracker like system that automatically flags that target as having been called giving it wide utility).

Any direct dogfighting leadership roles (Wing/Squad commanders) might prove difficult due to the heavy use voice comms usually and the issues you've noted with STT. Standard fighter roles however wouldn't be difficult with enough of the aforementioned text macros. An option could be made where text messages from certain individuals cause and audible cue and that might help significantly towards getting input noticed.

I actually think that the larger the group being commanded the less importance hearing would be if only because you are generally receiving input from relatively few directions and they are all known. As somebody else said, commanding in the BF series is a great example of that type of gameplay that is pretty agnostic as it pertains to hearing ability.

In the end though, we are still too early to be sure one way or the other. I actually think the launch of AC 2.0 w/ boarding and combat from FPS will be the first indicator of where everybody's talents are going to lie when it comes to combat.
I'm looking forward to the day I headshot someone who is in EVA with my sniper rifle. :P
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Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Another point of view: i have issues understanding english talk (not my native language).
But i have no problems (well, except some grammar) reading and typing english.
So reading NKato commands will be actually easier for me and maybe some other folks who are not-so-great in english.
After all, grumpy NKato have some great ideas and i do believe he will be great commander.


Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm looking forward to the day I headshot someone who is in EVA with my sniper rifle. :p
My big hope with AC 2.0 is that the Tali is going to have Clear Sky cluster torps on it, and linking to a F7C-R will actually allow targeting, locking, and firing with them from a significant distance.

Other than that I now want to try to EVA-board your ship.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I think Hell froze over people, I agreed with Nkato.
Time to schedule a vacation to the Seventh Circle of Hell, then. I've got the beach balls and the iceboxes.

My big hope with AC 2.0 is that the Tali is going to have Clear Sky cluster torps on it, and linking to a F7C-R will actually allow targeting, locking, and firing with them from a significant distance.

Other than that I now want to try to EVA-board your ship.
You'll probably be able to get the Clear Sky torpedoes on the general market relatively easily. What I'm interested in is, how hard will it be for Logistics to move things like ammo to end-user locations?
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Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
If a SEAL team can complete an Op using nothing but hand signals (not sign language mind you) then I'm confident that any reasonably well prepared hearing impaired individual can FC with macros and a team that reads chat.

I'd be more worried about failing to follow one of NKato's orders than his ability to give it.
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Feral Oxide

Grand Admiral
Mar 13, 2015
RSI Handle
Demonstration of why too much verbal communication can shut down a leader:
Capt. Richard and the Barrel Roll Fest the other weekend
Our Illustrious Leader Montoyaaaaaaa's battle with the WWWWWW's
both of these fine men got totally derped by friendly fire
A non verbal communication leader would have an edge there, perhaps.
Command chain to pass it down the line in any case could be verbal or none as needed.


Space Marshal
Feb 20, 2015
RSI Handle
To much verbal is just as bad as to little verbal. Non-verbal commands can't get drowned out by other sounds as easily. However, verbal commands can be much easier noticed (depending on the vocal range of person giving command). In all big battle I've been in, there were multiple heads of command, strategists, and so on. with a set up similar to: Head of OP > Secondary sub-fleet leads > Squadron leads, and so on. The higher ups would not need to have the "RIGHT NOW" ability of voice, since they are the strategists and big picture folks.

In my opinion, the best ops I've ever done in anything is when there is a direct "Do not speak unless spoken too or unless there is major problem." so commanders can better give commands. Skirmishes are slightly different though, but not by much. I think TEST should eventually make a "battle code" for ease of combat. Maybe a few simple to memorize base formations/movements that can be listed as "Form A, B, C" so on for more ease, and then maneuvers that are squad specific. Plus there's this:
If a SEAL team can complete an Op using nothing but hand signals
I think we'll all have to see how well SC implements all their comms stuff. In theory, a high-command won't need to give much verbal, if any, if the groups are set up well enough and well coordinated.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I've always thought that while you're deaf and maybe won't be as well suited for heat-of-the-moment relaying of commands/info, you would be very well suited to things yourself and the others have mentioned where you're not necessarily in the line of fire, but helping set up the battlefield.



Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
my 2 cents worth...

I actually speak a little NZSL, after learning it through night classes a few years ago, I have absolutely no problem with Nkato running things in an organisational sense, being in charge of logistics or similar.
But in terms of battlefield command, I dont think its the best idea (please please take no offence mate, i absolutely mean none.) In my military career I've been commanded by a woman who had tragically lost her voice box to throat cancer (think Godfather from Generation Kill.) being unable to hear her in combat situations (even in training) was far from ideal, and despite my deap seated respect for her, I wouldnt have wanted to be led by her in a real combat situation, humans use our speech and sense of hearing to quickly and effectively communicate large amounts of information, and being unable to use that in a combat situation is a definate disadvantage

P.S Some of the most fun ive ever had has been hanging out with my deaf friends, great senses of humor, and a lot of fun.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
How about we all learn ASL and Nkato streams his orders over twitch?


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
How about we all learn ASL and Nkato streams his orders over twitch?
How about you let me hold a State of the Squadron address, and I'll present it entirely in ASL? You do the writeup, I do the sign.


Grand Admiral
Apr 17, 2015
RSI Handle
I'll honestly probably be so shitfaced drunk that I wont be able to make out what anyone is saying or typing..
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