Do gamers not understand logic?


Grand Admiral
Aug 26, 2018
RSI Handle
I didn't watch it either. I purchased the Aurora/Squadron 42 package b/c I wanted to play this game - period. I think I came in somewhere around 3.0, and after the first few version patches, kinda dropped away (remember the constant crashes, followed by the PU being full of pirates at every quantum jump)? Plus when they came out with mining in an alpha but the people 'testing' the alpha can't test the alpha unless they buy another ship to test the alpha didn't sit well with me (why we didn't get a loaner ship, or the option to buy mining equipment to slap on any ship was beyond me), I dropped away from the game. Got tired of making drug runs, and fiddle farting around Port Olisar, Grim Hex, or Levski - so figured I would step away till something really happened with the game.

Now am I frustrated with the 'features' (or lack of them) in SC PU and/or SQ42 - sure. Would I do stuff different with the dev schedule - yup. Do I think I wasted my money on my starter package, Titan upgrade, or regret buying the Loot And Scoot Package - NOT AT ALL. Granted, my measly $200 or so 'investment' isn't near the amount others have put in, but I spent $$$s on what I wanted to have in my hanger - and I have enjoyed my time in each of those ships. This winter when it's too cold to be outside doing real life stuff, I may get back into the PU again. I do want to see SQ42 released very soon, but even if I never do - I feel I have gotten my money's worth out of the game already. When I was playing, I spent many weeknights/weekends making drug runs and blowing up other ships at a cost of a few dollars for multiple 2-4 hour sessions of entertainment. I can't go to the movies for that price - so being in this amazing Universe for endless hours of fun was worth it IMHO. Other people go to sports games, collect coins, buy shoes, go to strip clubs, ren fairs dressed up in fancy wizard costumes...and all kinds of stuff that I may think are stupid and a waste of time/money. But it's their interests, their money, and if it's something they are enjoying - then to them it's not a waste. Enjoying YOUR life and doing stuff you find fun and interesting is never a waste of ones time.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The games we are backing are Squadron 42 and Star Citizen. Two independent games from the same studio. That's something a lot of people don't remember.

SQ42 is a stand alone game and while many stand alone games are not developed for the money spent on SC/SQ42, they can still be fairly expensive. The good news is that there are 2 more episodes that will come out if it's successful. The bad news is that if SQ42 is not successful, it will really hurt the ability to fundraise.

The big thing hurting SC is the alpha "game". I know, it's alpha, not the finished game. The problem is, not everyone recognizes it as an alpha. In fact, I suspect that most of the people who backed...won't even play the game because they tried it in alpha, and had major problems with bugs and limited "play".

Let's face it, the game has turned into a "how many whales can we get to buy a $300 ship"

Ground vehicles for 100 bucks, $3000 ships that have been stripped of their parts.

While not reaching that point yet, I suspect that fatigue will set in...I just hope that by that time, SQ42 will be able to support final development of SC...
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