Elon Musk wants to send you to Mars.

Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
If you missed it, Elon Musk and SpaceX want to take humanity to Mars... soon(TM).

He presented to the world today how he wants to do it, the technology he wants to use, and his timeline.

What do you all think about it? Is he crazy or do you think there is a chance it could actually happen? Any rocket surgeons out there who want to critique his technology and/or plans? Who wants to be among the first 100 to go? Should there be beer? If so, what kind?



Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
I am a begrudging fan of Musk, he has a penchant for developing wealth and fame for himself using largely public monies as of late but I truly appreciate him at SpaceX and Bezos at Blue Origin for their focus and drive in this area of work - actual space travel, living and working in space will only occur with the private sector behind it and if the price for that is putting up with Branson and his space tourists, and Bigelow and his inflatable space habitats then let's just get on with it.

I grew up with Gerry Anderson's UFO and Space 1999, with Star Trek, and Bradbury and Asimov, and yes Star Wars showing the range of possibilities for humanity in space - I fully expected to live in space in my lifetime (now 46) and am frankly a little disappointed with the pace.

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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Spoilered for those who don't like rain on their parade.
This was about 250 million dollars being burnt on rocket science issues solved in the 1950's.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZMD6E2vPW8
If we gave up after every mishap, we never would have made boot prints on the moon. I believe that, while Musk and SpaceX certainly have the knowhow to do it, their time-table is a little over-ambitious. Then again, I am used to following NASA funded missions that have miles more red tape to cut through. Either way, its nice to see someone with some sway in the world looking instead to the future and not into filling their already-bottomless bank accounts.
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Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
I am a begrudging fan of Musk, he has a penchant for developing wealth and fame for himself using largely public monies as of late but I truly appreciate him at SpaceX and Bezos at Blue Origin for their focus and drive in this area of work - actual space travel, living and working in space will only occur with the private sector behind it and if the price for that is putting up with Branson and his space tourists, and Bigelow and his inflatable space habitats then let's just get on with it.

I grew up with Gerry Anderson's UFO and Space 1999, with Star Trek, and Bradbury and Asimov, and yes Star Wars showing the range of possibilities for humanity in space - I fully expected to live in space in my lifetime (now 46) and am frankly a little disappointed with the pace.

I just want a ride in you IRL airplane :P
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Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
If you missed it, Elon Musk and SpaceX want to take humanity to Mars... soon(TM).

He presented to the world today how he wants to do it, the technology he wants to use, and his timeline.

What do you all think about it? Is he crazy or do you think there is a chance it could actually happen? Any rocket surgeons out there who want to critique his technology and/or plans? Who wants to be among the first 100 to go? Should there be beer? If so, what kind?

If i were not married with kids. in a heartbeat, even if the launch vehicle blew up on the pad, hells yes. Space is dangerous. getting there, dangerous. Destination, dangerous. Being able to die on Our Species first colony world, priceless.
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