Fleet Repository


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
These are my currently secured options, I don't own them all, but I got ships and CCUs to them.
I just haven't decided which ships I actually want, it'll be like 3-4 ships from this set. Probably. Min is 3, anyhow.

Currently, I got P-52 Merlin as referral reward, can't melt that.
I got Hull A, it came with IAE and VFG industrial hangar, don't wanna melt that, but it's a likely candidate for melting anyhow.
315p, it's on my Legacy Alpha game package. I'm too scared to melt that, what if they decide that "Hey, let's give Legacy Alpha some prestige skin" or something.
Starfarer Gemini, with LTI and some IAE CCU warbond discount tomfoolery. I can totally melt it, but it'll cost me.

Then I got a bunch of CCUs:
Arrow to Hull B (So if Hull B price hikes, I can just upgrade 315p to arrow to Hull B)
Constellation Andromeda > Vanguard Hoplite > Hull C
Starfarer Gemini > Merchantman > C2 Hercules > Genesis Starliner > 600I Explorer > M2 Hercules > Carrack
Starfarer Gemini > Hull D
Starfarer Gemini > Endeavor
Starfarer Gemini > Crucible
Cyclone > Mustang Delta

And then one extra Constellation to Starfarer Gemini in buyback. I mean, the absolute max is two $340+ ships.

As you can see, I'm speculating that Hull -series will see a price hike. Not exactly counting on it, the most expensive ships don't interest me that much and a simple price hike wouldn't get me Kraken anyhow, but in any case, if I end up wanting a Hull of a certain tier, I don't wanna suffer the same kinda hike that crushed my enthusiasm for Carrack.

I'm actually near certain that Endeavor and Hull D will go up in price. By like, a lot. They're dirt cheap capital ships atm. I'm thinking especially Endeavor will just rocket. Maybe even past Orion, though it's bit of a dice roll.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
I imagine the A2 is going to be a blast when the ground target must be left smoldering. For me, the M2 was sort of a conundrum. While it is supposed to have more armor then the C2 I do not see the need as any threat to the C2 will still be a significant threat to the M2 and so it's going to need escorts anyway so why give up the extra cargo room.
For me, the M2 is an easy choice because its only a $5 upgrade from the garbage 600i EX thats in the explorer mega pack my fleet is based on.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I imagine the A2 is going to be a blast when the ground target must be left smoldering. For me, the M2 was sort of a conundrum. While it is supposed to have more armor then the C2 I do not see the need as any threat to the C2 will still be a significant threat to the M2 and so it's going to need escorts anyway so why give up the extra cargo room.
For me, the M2 is an easy choice because its only a $5 upgrade from the garbage 600i EX thats in the explorer mega pack my fleet is based on.
All 3 of these ships are going to need escorts to some extent, but I see a somewhat different role for all 3.
In a warzone, I think it best that all 3 ships be used as ferries, rather than long range, but their destinations will be different places on the ground.
From an orbiting fleet:
  • A2 to hotspots, tip of the spear locations. Its arrival and cargo will be opposed, so it carries some pacification agents for whatever awaits it.
  • M2 to forward operational bases, where most opposition has been rattled, but may not be completely docile.
  • C2 to bases in (mostly) pacified areas. It's built to handle some descent, but not to land attack forces or equipment to the front lines.
In peacetime, the A2 might not be the best cargo ship to fly, but if you don't have anything else with the capacity... go ahead and fly it. The C2 I would not take into a hot zone, even if you paid me, but as a cargo hauler it's got a lot going for it. And the M2 is the ship people will either see as a glass half empty, or a glass half full depending on how they feel about combat and cargo.
For the record, I have an A2 and an M2 myself right now. I didn't want the C2 because I have a lot of other ships that could fill this role, just not as big.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
All 3 of these ships are going to need escorts to some extent, but I see a somewhat different role for all 3.
In a warzone, I think it best that all 3 ships be used as ferries, rather than long range, but their destinations will be different places on the ground.
From an orbiting fleet:
  • A2 to hotspots, tip of the spear locations. Its arrival and cargo will be opposed, so it carries some pacification agents for whatever awaits it.
  • M2 to forward operational bases, where most opposition has been rattled, but may not be completely docile.
  • C2 to bases in (mostly) pacified areas. It's built to handle some descent, but not to land attack forces or equipment to the front lines.
In peacetime, the A2 might not be the best cargo ship to fly, but if you don't have anything else with the capacity... go ahead and fly it. The C2 I would not take into a hot zone, even if you paid me, but as a cargo hauler it's got a lot going for it. And the M2 is the ship people will either see as a glass half empty, or a glass half full depending on how they feel about combat and cargo.
For the record, I have an A2 and an M2 myself right now. I didn't want the C2 because I have a lot of other ships that could fill this role, just not as big.

It's a good thing I work for a beer so I'll be flying my C2 into hot zones as the testies on the ground need their tonks. And if for some reason I'm not able to walk away from it then I figured our friendly Apollo captain will have something to do.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
It's a good thing I work for a beer so I'll be flying my C2 into hot zones as the testies on the ground need their tonks. And if for some reason I'm not able to walk away from it then I figured our friendly Apollo captain will have something to do.
I fully expect to need an Apollo's crew from time to time, with a short duration between times at times if you know what I mean.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
All 3 of these ships are going to need escorts to some extent, but I see a somewhat different role for all 3.
In a warzone, I think it best that all 3 ships be used as ferries, rather than long range, but their destinations will be different places on the ground.
From an orbiting fleet:
  • A2 to hotspots, tip of the spear locations. Its arrival and cargo will be opposed, so it carries some pacification agents for whatever awaits it.
  • M2 to forward operational bases, where most opposition has been rattled, but may not be completely docile.
  • C2 to bases in (mostly) pacified areas. It's built to handle some descent, but not to land attack forces or equipment to the front lines.
In peacetime, the A2 might not be the best cargo ship to fly, but if you don't have anything else with the capacity... go ahead and fly it. The C2 I would not take into a hot zone, even if you paid me, but as a cargo hauler it's got a lot going for it. And the M2 is the ship people will either see as a glass half empty, or a glass half full depending on how they feel about combat and cargo.
For the record, I have an A2 and an M2 myself right now. I didn't want the C2 because I have a lot of other ships that could fill this role, just not as big.
A2 MOAB + hostile area = mostly pacified landing zone (crater) .

It's a good thing I work for a beer so I'll be flying my C2 into hot zones as the testies on the ground need their tonks. And if for some reason I'm not able to walk away from it then I figured our friendly Apollo captain will have something to do.
It's a good thing that I don't drink, I'll be flying my C2 into TESTified areas with a full haul of space beer & alcohol to keep the heavy metal party going.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I think my fleet is pretty much done. Might add one or two ships, maybe change out my Hurricane or Eclipse, although dimension-wise they should fit inside the Endeavor hangar.
But the rest of the ships are set in stone.
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