If I were a belter pirate leader sa sa ke?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
And how they are expensive? You can restock s9 torpedo on tali for mere 100 credits... that is peanuts and should be 10 times more expensive...
You should expect they will cost at least 10,000 times that much in beta. The 100 credits is a placer holder. They're really free right now.
Let me be more specific with the purpose of the query. I want to know how a player pirate would go about hunting down explorers or other likely innocuous vessels.
The nature of exploration is such that hunting explorers will be problematic, unless you're filling your time with exploring yourself, and are merely an opportunistic explorer. If you're out there in the middle of the black, best you have something to do. Maybe you could create some sort of synthetic anomaly that appears from great range to be a wormhole in order to draw prey to you, but I would not count on it.

IMHO, if what you want is to hunt big game, you should take a Polaris after drillers and such. The Vanduul all deserve to die. There. i said it.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0T3KLnL9uY
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
not "scientific" or even theory craft worthy idea from me, just my imagination. I have no idea how tough a carrack's defenses really are and nor do I care.

I'd assemble a large piece of "interest" , bait, out of junked crafts for the carrack to "explore" in my part of the asteroid belt, than ambush it from behind to take out it's engines with at least like 8 buccaneers and 4 cuttys. The cuttys would have men onboard to breach and clear the carrack so I could keep it. No ransom, make it quick so no one notices.
Maybe add a caterpillar filled with boarders, or use it to broadside the carrack if I can have a few tanks on board lol.
Note that this assumes that my pirate pack is occupying a part of an asteroid belt that is totally unmonitored by sats and suppresses comms well enough so they can't really call for help without getting out into open space first.

edit: I assumed this would all take place in an asteroid belt from reading the Belter talk in the title.
If in open space, I'd leave them alone cos too much risk. Maybe follow/lead them somewhere more secluded first.
If they are landed somewhere, I'd TEST-land a Caterpillar on top of the Carrack and just bumrush it with the 100+ pirates on board.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Here is my plan if I'm not trying to instakill the boat.

Force Comp:

1. One scout: small singleman ship, stealth components of course but has firepower.
2. Redeemer/Prowler with 8 men split into 2 squads.

First the scout would locate and observe the target, see if turrets are manned, how its maneuvering, even its signature/shield status. Then get in close but still not be seen. If target still looks good then the scout will maneuver around to be on the opposite of the ship from where the dropship will come in from. The Redeemer/Prowler will come in and drop right next to the Carrack(because you drop 10km out from party members). This immediately puts the Carrack in a panic. The Redeemer/Prowler will immediately target weapons while the scout will target engines. Once it is dead in the water then the squads will disembark.

From here there is a choice. Either demand a ransom and send a couple guys aboard to collect the data too or storm it. The response depends on their action. If the 2nd then one team will head up to the top of the ship and the other by either the airlock OR the blown off turret on a wing. From here, kill everyone on board, download any data and get out. From here I'd call a Reclaimer in to cannibalize it. No sense in letting it go to waste.

And here is my plan if the goal is to just get the Carrack gone:

Force Comp:

1 Terrapin or similar scout.
3 Eclipse Bombers.

The Carrack will never know what hit it. Out of sight and out of mind.
No clue if the Redeemer will have enough power to punch through the Carrack's shields but anything smaller then a RSI Constellation is laughed at. I have done the 890jump mission many times solo in my Carrack and easily tank the two Cutlass's attacking as they can't touch the shields.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think I explained about this some months ago, but just as a refresher on the whole issue of scout craft:

At present what it appears until the EM warfare patch comes, is that EM, and IR sensitivity scale with radar size, and that size scales as a power of 3. So a Medium scans 3 times as well as Small (we don't know if that is radius, diameter, volume, etc.) Certainly the larger the radar your ship has, the better scout it will be.

HOWEVER, when searching an area, scan coverage of all types is a linear function of the speed you are traveling, which means that fast ships that are small, might actually scan larger areas than medium ships that are slow. A scout's speed therefore matters immensely in the task of searching for anything.

Smaller ships also have the benefit they can more easily be carried by other ships across Q distances, and that they're harder to detect. If your recon intention is stealth recon, a small ship is probably your best bet. Special opportunities go with: the Tracker with it's special Long Look Radar suit, the Terrapin with it's medium radar suit, the Apollo with it's Large radar suite and the Polaris with its Cap radar suit, all of which are oversized for the ship bearing them.

It matters a lot if the 3:1 step size difference is scan radius, scan diameter or scan volume. If it's the first of these, scan size is hugely important and dominates other concerns. If it's the last of these, scan size makes a small enough difference that you're better off choosing the faster ship.

Theoretically, the Apollo Triage should be able to search much more space per unit time than the Terrapin, so unless you plan to carry the Turtle onto theater with a cap ship, it has virtually no advantage as a seach vessel over the Apollo.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Aramsolari it is easily the best SCIFI on TV right now isn't it?
Yeah I would say so. It does have some hard sci fi elements but I'll consider it Space Opera and that's my jam. I like that the show/books covers some tough subjects notably politics and social economic issues.
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