Is the Perseus useful to the org?


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Perseus looks like torpedo bait.

I am definitely underwhelmed.
I don't know about that. It's smaller than a HH and even a Carrack. We won't really know until we find out what size the maneuvering thrusters are. The HH has medium thusters and weighs 4.25mil kg.

Considering it's supposed to hunt a Polaris I cant imagine it just loses to one.

Also, it might only have size 7 guns like the Ares, remember, the Ares cannot change its guns as they're bespoke. This ship will be able to take whatever it wants. (Hopefully)


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't know about that. It's smaller than a HH and even a Carrack. We won't really know until we find out what size the maneuvering thrusters are. The HH has medium thusters and weighs 4.25mil kg.

Considering it's supposed to hunt a Polaris I cant imagine it just loses to one.

Also, it might only have size 7 guns like the Ares, remember, the Ares cannot change its guns as they're bespoke. This ship will be able to take whatever it wants. (Hopefully)
Were did you read it is suppose to hunt Polaris? From what i have read its bespoke to hunt sub-capital class and Polaris is a capital ship.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Were did you read it is suppose to hunt Polaris? From what i have read its bespoke to hunt sub-capital class and Polaris is a capital ship.
Size 7's are going to do damage to everything. So how that fight would play out would be determined by other factors.

Honestly, what I'd like to see is the Perseus and the Polaris concepts melded together. Or just move one of those turrets onto the Polaris.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Size 7's are going to do damage to everything. So how that fight would play out would be determined by other factors.

Honestly, what I'd like to see is the Perseus and the Polaris concepts melded together. Or just move one of those turrets onto the Polaris.
I agree those S7's are going to pack a punch against any ship they can land shots on. And the mini guns are going to make it hard to bring down by throwing torpedoes at it.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I don't know about that. It's smaller than a HH and even a Carrack. We won't really know until we find out what size the maneuvering thrusters are. The HH has medium thusters and weighs 4.25mil kg.

Considering it's supposed to hunt a Polaris I cant imagine it just loses to one.

Also, it might only have size 7 guns like the Ares, remember, the Ares cannot change its guns as they're bespoke. This ship will be able to take whatever it wants. (Hopefully)
True... maybe...
Changing weapons could not be so critical: for hounting sub-capital ship you don't need an arsenal of option since the engage situation's will be limited (fighting in atmo with this ships? not recomanded....), so you only need one gun, the one that works.
From some broshure image looks also that those will be balistic autocannon (with a rether larger projectile), so shields whon't be much of a problem.

Regarless of the weapon with a wondering 92 m/s of SCM speed, I doubt this ship could be much of a treat to something like the HH since that has a "astonishing" SCM speed of 105m/s

Ans S5 torpedo? Really? I mean the Gladiator that is a moschito compared to this brings S6, not even considering the Eclipse...

I really don't see ANy valid reason to favor this ship upon a combination of Ares and Galdiator/Eclipse: weapon wise will be equal if not better, with more manuvability and without the requirement of a real dedicated escort.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't know about that. It's smaller than a HH and even a Carrack. We won't really know until we find out what size the maneuvering thrusters are. The HH has medium thusters and weighs 4.25mil kg.

Considering it's supposed to hunt a Polaris I cant imagine it just loses to one.

Also, it might only have size 7 guns like the Ares, remember, the Ares cannot change its guns as they're bespoke. This ship will be able to take whatever it wants. (Hopefully)
Based on the specs it is one of the few large ships my Retaliator can actually run down. With a crew of 6, I rather put 6 Ares in space or 4 Ares and a Sentinel.

With two point defense turrets, one having only a rear arc, this is an ambush ship, without stealth. It is going to need lots of cover to keep those guns in the fight.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Were did you read it is suppose to hunt Polaris? From what i have read its bespoke to hunt sub-capital class and Polaris is a capital ship.
I'm mostly assuming based on the component stats of the ships. Even though a Polaris is a "Capital" ship, it only has two size large shields, the same as a HH. A true capital has Capital components.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah, I basically agree with the comments above...the Perseus looks like a slow moving's SCM speed is 92 m/s, according to their web stats...while it has some anti-air turrets, it doesn't have many, and the 2 S7 turrets just aren't going to give it good range against large ships...not really sure what the advantage over 4 or 6 Ares would be.

BUT DAMN, that Thundercloud paint edition is really sweet looking!!!
Screenshot from 2020-11-28 10-37-57.png


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
Size 7 guns and size 5 torpedoes? How is this this better than 4 Ares? Ares are more maneuverable and if you want size 5 torpedoes, get a Gladiator. Those size 5 torpedoes won't hit a fighter and you can't get close enough to a capital ship to launch them and not have them shot down before they can hit. Decoys so they stop shooting you for a few seconds while they shoot your torpedoes?

A big, giant target with no med bay, needs pilot, engineer and two gunners, MINIMUM, and it hits as hard, really, as 4 Ares, but is a sitting duck with large shields and a giant profile. You'll be easy to hit in a 100 meter ship and large shields will not stand up to capital ship bombardment.

If you want to kill sub-cap or capital ships with 6 people, get 4 Ares and 2 Eclipses. The Kraken even has one size 8 turret.

I'm completely underwhelmed, CIG.
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