Kitguru has Fury X sample pulled.

Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle

Not sure if this is the correct forum but...

Kitguru has had their Fury X sample pulled due to "negative content". I read a lot of my reviews from kitguru i dont normally see much bias. When a companu messes up they call them out. AMD is now withdrawing their sample. Eteknix attempted to get clarification as to what is negative contect which the response was a cookie cutter template.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I sincerely hope that this isn't what it looks like. Because it looks like an attempt to generate positive press rather than accurate press about AMD's new hardware. The new AMD cards look extremely competitive with Nvidia hardware, and based off what I had seen thus far, I was quite interested in them.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I sincerely hope that this isn't what it looks like. Because it looks like an attempt to generate positive press rather than accurate press about AMD's new hardware. The new AMD cards look extremely competitive with Nvidia hardware, and based off what I had seen thus far, I was quite interested in them.
I have heard rumors that reviewers were restricted to only certain games and settimgs. We have to wait to see if that is true. Unless i get a review from 3 seperate reviewers I trust, I dont have faith in it.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I will buy one no matter what!

*totally not compensated by AMD
**AMD if you are reading this, send me a Fury X for testing
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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I will buy one no matter what!

*totally not compensated by AMD
**AMD if you are reading this, send me a Fury X for testing
Unfortunately thats how it feels. I sent in for a sponsorship to build with their parts for just a photo shoot. I really wanted to do a AMD build lately. I would return parts afterwards so they could take their own pictures. Sent in pictures of my other builds was told that they were looking for someone with "a more diverse selection of companies". Who else am I going to pick!? If AMD doesnt let me do a photo build, then I have no choice but to go intel/nvidia or buy the parts. Oh well. Once this next build is done I will submit it to TEST and see what they think. Hmmmm maybe next build I will do yellow/black test build. Thinking a x99 matx, yellow tubing... black case and parts. Sleeve cables with yellow accent... end it with a paint logo.

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle

Not sure if this is the correct forum but...

Kitguru has had their Fury X sample pulled due to "negative content". I read a lot of my reviews from kitguru i dont normally see much bias. When a companu messes up they call them out. AMD is now withdrawing their sample. Eteknix attempted to get clarification as to what is negative contect which the response was a cookie cutter template.
As a few of the commenters in the original forum post very correctly said, that forum post looks more like a tabloid than objective tech journalism. KitGuru has been going on misinforming and speculating on AMD products as of lately.

This video is a screaming example of this:

After that I don't think that AMD was required to answer the question "what negative content".
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
The irony is that a lot of people don't realize that GPU rebadging has been a practice for a long time. Current-gen top tier hardware becomes next gen's "consumer tier", and previous gen's consumer tier becomes next-gen's budget tier. And so on.

They just differentiated it much more clearly this gen with the 300 series and the Fury. In other words, AMD is doing us a service by making it clear what's really new in their latest generation of cards, as opposed to hoping that half of us can't tell the difference between an R9 Fury X and a 390X (or for nVidia users, a 960 and a 980ti).
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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
As a few of the commenters in the original forum post very correctly said, that forum post looks more like a tabloid than objective tech journalism. KitGuru has been going on misinforming and speculating on AMD products as of lately.

This video is a screaming example of this:

After that I don't think that AMD was required to answer the question "what negative content".
Companies shouldnt be blocking all bad review sites though. EVGA is vilified on hi tech legion and critically critiqued at hard forum. They still send samples over. Well not hi tech after personal attacks but thats a different story. Sometimes the most harsh reviews, are the ones that improve a company. Evga really improved their mobo after hard forum pretty much raped evga over their x79 classified. Asus improved their coil whine issues after linus ripped them a new one.

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle
Companies shouldnt be blocking all bad review sites though. EVGA is vilified on hi tech legion and critically critiqued at hard forum. They still send samples over. Well not hi tech after personal attacks but thats a different story. Sometimes the most harsh reviews, are the ones that improve a company. Evga really improved their mobo after hard forum pretty much raped evga over their x79 classified. Asus improved their coil whine issues after linus ripped them a new one.
I completely agree, but those examples have nothing to do with KitGuru's review. The TL;DR version of that "review" (which is a very strong stretch of the term "review") was "I don't know anything about the card, and I don't have a sample or any specifics on the technology but I'm sure it will be terrible, power hungry, hot and slower than a Titan X". That was just pathetic on their part.
I agree with AMD's practice on this matter because it is more than clear that most review sites are hawking for Nvidia. They need to get their asses handed to them, and lose the privilege of reviewing unreleased hardware until they get their shit straight and report objectively and like proper journalists and not like some company's marketing reps.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
To quote someone on reddit about the video Cpt. LeChuck posted:

I watched a recent video by Kitguru where he (the old dude who runs the site presumably) talked about AMD, rebadging, HBM and Fiji, and how the press are often lied to.

His attitude was very doubtful about Fiji and he also got a lot of facts incorrect about the 300 series (said the 380 was a 290 at one point, then suggested it was the 7970...), along with some rather negative speculation about Fiji. Basically, everything he said in the video would be a marketing nightmare if he repeated it in an actual review. He said AMD does not compete with Nvidia in any meaningful way, and that the 300 series is scandalous."
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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
To quote someone on reddit about the video Cpt. LeChuck posted:

I watched a recent video by Kitguru where he (the old dude who runs the site presumably) talked about AMD, rebadging, HBM and Fiji, and how the press are often lied to.

His attitude was very doubtful about Fiji and he also got a lot of facts incorrect about the 300 series (said the 380 was a 290 at one point, then suggested it was the 7970...), along with some rather negative speculation about Fiji. Basically, everything he said in the video would be a marketing nightmare if he repeated it in an actual review. He said AMD does not compete with Nvidia in any meaningful way, and that the 300 series is scandalous."
I watched it to he states that he isn't sure about all the branding names, but the 7000 series has indeed floated to the 200 and now the 300 series. the 7970 is a 280, and as far as we know it is also the 380 or 370. Re-branding is nothing new, Nvidia did it with 600 and 700 series and I think 400 and 500 also (or was it 300 and 400). 3 generations of improved chips is a bit exhausting. He says how this is a disadvantage on how the 900 series is brand new and AMD does not bring a new gpu chip for a whole new line. It is true though, 2 month ago, it was rumored the 390x would compete against the 980ti and 390 against 980. Instead they brought a new name branding called fury to compete and selling off old chips as rebrands. He wants AMD to really compete against Nvidia and have a whole new line of FIJI to fight Maxwell.

ETEKNIX also didn't get a sample, and it gave good reviews to AMD even the 390x. the only downside was sapphire not putting a backplate.


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
I really don't like when sites post articles like that, it pretty much boils down to they want attention and need something for click bait. I read the whole article and nothing I read made me think was wrong with what AMD did or even said in those emails. AMD can do what they want with their property and send it to whom they wish, in this case they wished to send them to people that were unbiased or at least didn't form an opinion before knowing anything about the product. Then again I try to stick with reviewers I know and know how much bias they have if any before reviewing ( I am a huge linus tech tips fan). But anyway that article just made me feel bad for AMD lol
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