Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Amazon TV LOTR series)


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
So...err anybody watched this yet? Definitely deviates from whatever source material but gosh are the production values top notch. Tis an expensive production.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Watched both episodes and then clicked 🚫 <-( I am happy Prime have this option ) So I don't have to see this garbage..

Now I have to watch the LOTR movies again to set my head straight, or I am gonna throw up and have nightmares for many days...

"The Rings Of Power" got nothing to do with with LOTR neither does it follow the lore, even tho it's suppose to be millenia before LOTR it just don't make sense.

This is just another in a row of ripof series/movies that try to reinvent the wheel using the name of a previous movie/series success...

Cause the lack of good movie/series story writer this days are so bad, they just do remakes of old popular and success stories..

Only one word works for this piece a s***......!

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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Watched both episodes and then clicked 🚫 <-( I am happy Prime have this option ) So I don't have to see this garbage..

Now I have to watch the LOTR movies again to set my head straight, or I am gonna throw up and have nightmares for many days...

"The Rings Of Power" got nothing to do with with LOTR neither does it follow the lore, even tho it's suppose to be millenia before LOTR it just don't make sense.

This is just another in a row of ripof series/movies that try to reinvent the wheel using the name of a previous movie/series success...

Cause the lack of good movie/series story writer this days are so bad, they just do remakes of old popular and success stories..

Only one word works for this piece a s***......!

Well it's typical 'Heroes Journey' stuff.

I think they took a look at the Silmarillion and said...."It's boring, let's do our own shit" to well....mixed results.

I'm willing to watch a couple more episodes because I'm a fan of the franchise and because I have colleagues who worked on it. Gotta support ya know.


Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Well it's typical 'Heroes Journey' stuff.

I think they took a look at the Silmarillion and said...."It's boring, let's do our own shit" to well....mixed results.

I'm willing to watch a couple more episodes because I'm a fan of the franchise and because I have colleagues who worked on it. Gotta support ya know.
I agree. I watched the first episode last night (almost fell asleep, but that's my fault, too late, too much whiskey). The Slmarillion is tough to put to a TV script, I'm sure, although I have no experience in that, just a guess. So, if I look at it as entertainment and good scenery, then go back and watch the original LOTR, I can effectively separate them. LOL. Hopefully the cinematic parts make it worth the look, otherwise I won't last for many episodes.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I have to agree, it was visually really well done but the story itself is not compelling me to watch more. I'm going to, I just am kind of on the fence.

One thing I realized though, as told so far this is part of the story of the Hobbits, though not so well portrayed, Gandalf (maybe but this is missing continuity), and the humans that fell under the influence of Sauron. It also shows the Elven people as originating in Valinor, while the lore says they originated in Middle Earth.

And, as it happens, the original story did portray dark skinned peoples, even those who would have originated in Africa and Asia. If you don't realize that, then you don't know the history of Europe, or the original story told by JRR Tolkien.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
My friend was telling me it's not that bad so I gave it a look. Apparently he has very very low standards.

I'm 1 and 2/3 episodes in, and so far I only found one character I believe to be what he is trying to portray (Elf guard, name starts with an A I think) and I can accept the dwarves.
The rest is, let's just say underdeveloped, dumb and badly written. Everyone else feels like regular modern day humans with some Bri'ish countryside accents.
The views are nice though, CG and sets are pretty good with a few small exceptions, like the elves' silver armour they wore for the ceremony looked very cheap and shoddy.

I believe they do Not have the rights to the Silmarillion, only the appendices , so it's pretty obvious why they had to deviate from whatever is written. I just wish they hired competent writers and directors... And actors...


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
And, as it happens, the original story did portray dark skinned peoples, even those who would have originated in Africa and Asia. If you don't realize that, then you don't know the history of Europe, or the original story told by JRR Tolkien.
Race is one of those subjects that the Tolkienverse can't seem to shake. There were certainly darker skinned people in that World (Haradrim and the Easterlings) but they were the villains. Meanwhile the good guys were almost always 'fair and tall' (Elves, Dúnedain, etc). I don't think Tolkien meant anything by it, he was merely a product of his age. A bookish subject of a colonizing British Empire. That said he hated the Nazis, spoke out against anti-Semitism, and expressed his disapproval of Apartheid in South Africa. That's as best you can expect for a guy who was born in the 1890s.

Interestingly, the Harfoot Hobbits were described as 'Brown of skin' so the show got that right at least lol.

Either way....the nothingburger about the casting annoys me to no end (This character is too white, that one too dark, why are elves black? etc etc). Like who cares? This is a show loosely based on Tolkien's work anyway and Amazon can cast whomever they choose. I'm more concerned about stuff like writing, pacing, acting, production values, etc. You know....the stuff that really determines whether a show succeeds or not.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
About to watch it...Vodka in hand just in case :drunk:
It's a good thing tomorrow is a sunday then, cos you gonna need 2 bottles. At least. lol

Very well said!

Now that I'm finished with the second episode, I gotta give props to the Dwarven lady, she was the most fun and believable character in the whole thing, despite her not having a beard. The dwarves are the best in the show for me, the only part that wasn't just told as being on middle earth but actually felt middle earthy. Although I would have imagined Ironforge Khazad-dum to be less...green. Still looks great though.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
It's a good thing tomorrow is a sunday then, cos you gonna need 2 bottles. At least. lol

Very well said!

Now that I'm finished with the second episode, I gotta give props to the Dwarven lady, she was the most fun and believable character in the whole thing, despite her not having a beard. The dwarves are the best in the show for me, the only part that wasn't just told as being on middle earth but actually felt middle earthy. Although I would have imagined Ironforge Khazad-dum to be less...green. Still looks great though.
Yeah the dwarves were great. As far as the other characters go, I kinda like this show’s take on Elrond. More scholar/diplomat/herald than warrior….at least at this point of his life.

Galadriel on the other hand has been absolutely annoying.
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