MadScotty x-ing up.


Rear Admiral
Nov 6, 2013
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?
Kentucky, USA. I am an innate expert in all things bourbon and Wal-Mart.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
Wing Commander is one of my favorite video game series. I frothed at the mouth a little bit when I heard about Star Citizen. From what I can tell, it's going to be much like the lovechild of Wing Commander and EVE Online. (Not a member of TEST EVE, btw, I'm actually opposed to them for the moment until they get bored of faction warfare.)

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
As I mentioned above, I'm an EVE player. The one thing that disappointed me the most when I first started playing was the fact that it was in no way a flight simulator. I'm looking forward to something akin to EVE with flight sim gameplay.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt for the original NES. Are you just using this question to figure out how old I am?

What other games do you play?
Mostly EVE, and whatever else holds my interest.

Picard or Kirk?


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Hi neighbor

North Carolina here, send some of that bourbon over!


Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
As I mentioned above, I'm an EVE player. The one thing that disappointed me the most when I first started playing was the fact that it was in no way a flight simulator. I'm looking forward to something akin to EVE with flight sim gameplay.
Man after my own heart. Sort of. I don't actually play EVE still, but whatever. Welcome to the party!

This guy knows what's up.
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