Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I have a few suggestions pertaining to the leadership issues of the Piracy portion of our community.
1. In the spirit of classic piracy, the various squadrons should choose their own leaders through democratic means.
2. Each of these pirate leaders should be afforded a position within a council of commanders.
3. This council of commanders should in turn elect leadership...
I welcome the thoughts & opinions of those why read this to be stated freely & openly.
Experience has taught us that democracy is ineffective for large groups of gamers. When decisions are needed, democracies get bogged down in debate rather than taking swift, decisive action. The more layers of bureaucracy you add, the worse it gets.

What works is benevolent dictatorship. With a lean heirarchy, decisions are made quickly and members spend their time doing, rather than discussing. If you don't buy into the leaders' vision you join another org.

Nobody elected Montoya to lead TEST. Rather, he founded the org and laid out a vision that 14,000 of us have bought into: have fun, don't take ourselves too seriously, sobriety optional. Groups within TEST will be lead by the people Dear Leader chooses for their commitment, organizational, and communication skills. Do you aspire to a leadership position in TEST? Participate in group activities and show that you can get shit done. The cream will rise to the top.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Do you aspire to a leadership position in TEST? Participate in group activities and show that you can get shit done. The cream will rise to the top
Theres that, but there is also my preferred method.

We meet up, we drink, we fight.

If you take me down, you get to command a division.

We are doing this Klingon style!

While Im partially joking, I am also very serious of anybody even contemplating leadership needing to meet up in person eventually.

If you are the kind of person I enjoy hanging out with in real life, then chances are you are also the kind of person others will enjoy following in this game.


Space Marshal
Feb 4, 2016
RSI Handle
I guess for the most part piracy will take place in small groups rather than big ones. So maybe we don't need one big pirate leader? After all pirates are chaotic outlaws.
Or we try to create a space-tortuga .. on a moon or something

Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
i think the problem for leaders is that you need in test one for every timezone.

+1for chaotic outlaws

we will find anytime together and find groups, but if there one superhero emerges, everyone has success with, why not make a leading position then?

but always leaders must be nice.


Dec 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Piracy is scary and pirates that don't play by the rules are scary, which is why I don't like rules because I don't like being predictable and lets face it no one will drop their cargo if they do not fear you.
I don't mind abiding by a code I understand that pirates need to be on someones good side but I am not going to curtail my actions just because a few people are uncomfortable with me being unpredictable. If you don't like my style of piracy don't sign up to my crew.

Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
im cornered. the german coorp doesnt want pirates, and 404 is a roleplay squadron.

then the only solution can be to leave TEST piracy, i think this is the best solution atm.

if something turns out, that npcs wont be affected by piracy, if you manage your crimestat, i would like to come back.

sorry but there is no other way atm. :(


Space Marshal
Feb 4, 2016
RSI Handle
im cornered. the german coorp doesnt want pirates, and 404 is a roleplay squadron.

then the only solution can be to leave TEST piracy, i think this is the best solution atm.

if something turns out, that npcs wont be affected by piracy, if you manage your crimestat, i would like to come back.

sorry but there is no other way atm. :(
Don't bother with the german org :pensive:


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
im cornered. the german coorp doesnt want pirates, and 404 is a roleplay squadron.

then the only solution can be to leave TEST piracy, i think this is the best solution atm.

if something turns out, that npcs wont be affected by piracy, if you manage your crimestat, i would like to come back.

sorry but there is no other way atm. :(
do what I did

create a second account for the price of the cheapest game package

crimestat of one won't affect the other

Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
its becoming a bit embrassing for me now....

i think i have the solution: wont tell anyone outside test im a pirate.

on us timezone ill connect to us servers and be a pirate, on eu timezones ill be on eu servers and be a merchant.


Space Marshal
Feb 4, 2016
RSI Handle
its becoming a bit embrassing for me now....

i think i have the solution: wont tell anyone outside test im a pirate.

on us timezone ill connect to us servers and be a pirate, on eu timezones ill be on eu servers and be a merchant.
You could call it super pirate. A normal merchant by day .. but at night .. he becomes a .. filthy pirate.
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