RP Within the 'Verse - Noob friendly guide


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Now, we all know that Star Citizen is going to lend itself really well to roleplay. The fact is, even if you're not a roleplayer you might be roleplaying without realizing it. If you're interested in roleplay, but have little experience, and would like to get some pointers you're always more than welcome to message me here on the forums or snag me in Discord for a private conversation.

With that said, here are some tips for getting into the mindset of your character:

  • Do you want your character to be like you in some ways, almost identical to you in terms of appearance/attitude, or entirely different?
  • Are you roleplaying your character as someone who's a veteran in terms of space flight, or a novice?
  • What sort of planet do you come from? Was it arid and near deserted? Or are you used to the throng and beat that is a city that never sleeps? Or do you prefer a small coastal town that no one's ever heard of where being a fish monger or merchant is the spice of life and everyone knows your name?
  • What are your likes and dislikes? Can you differentiate your's from your characters or are they one in the same?
  • Do you own some posh apartment or live solely aboard your ship, or maybe even with your crew?
  • Do you have friends, family, or a partner? Or maybe you prefer the occasional visit from a mysterious alien you met at the local club?
  • Are you a fearsome pirate, a merchant, an ex-war veteran, or a nobody from no where just trying to make it?
  • Do you prefer to take risks or play it safe? You might have people counting on you.

This is a way to put in the motion the gears of creativity, so that it might be easier for you to imagine yourself in the 'verse, as your character. I try not to get too attached to one idea of a character, because by the time you get in game, you might realize you're roleplaying completely differently to what your character would normally do, thus becoming almost a different person entirely (you could also die! har har..) So always keep an open mind and play it by ear, but it is always good to keep these sorts of things in the back of your mind so that you don't drop in and out of character as often.

You might be thinking, "Ugh roleplay, isn't that what those people who play wizards out in the middle of the woods do?" Not everything has to be so overly exaggerated as some fantasy roleplay is, which is what most people are accustomed to in my experience. You don't have to be all "THY LADY OF THE NIGHT, HATH COME TO VISIT ME IN MY SOLAR, WHAT BRINGETH THY LADY UPON THE EVENING OF MY WEDDING AND PLACED HERSELF IN THY LAP?" Yeah so, not all roleplay is like this, or full of sex, that's just what most RP is portrayed as. If you've ever played D&D or a pen and paper game like World of Darkness, you almost innately play your character without even realizing it.

Here are some examples, remember most roleplay will take place over voice comms, at least in TEST - guessing most people won't have time to type out "OH FRACK, A MISSILE IS HEADED FOR US CAPTAIN", - so we should probably try to stick to voice comms if at all possible. Ok, let's get to it, don't mind my shitacular writing:

Your crew sees a ship after receiving a distress signal that your comms have picked up. A heated debate begins on what to do about the ship.
"Captain, I say we go check out the ship! Might be they got people injured in there."
"Frack that, Gerald! Could be a trap. Captain, listen to reason. I know I don't look like it, but back in the day I had done this a time or two.."
"Woah woah, both of you shut up. So what if everyone aboard is dead, starving, or lying in wait to try to take us unawares? I say we go in there guns loaded and see what they got in their cargo bay. Ha ha ha.."
"EVERYONE." Booms the captain. "Please.. Give me a moment to think." .. "Grab your guns, we're going in. Ferrah, scan for any forms of life aboard the vessel and try to reach them again on the comms, if anyone is still alive I want to know. Vex, get the guns loaded and ready to go, don't want any mistakes in there. No one shoots unless I give the word. Got it?"
"Yes, Captain!"

Ok, so that's a ... small example of what it could be alike aboard a ship, during roleplay. You're probably going to be saying/doing most of those things, even if you weren't mindfully playing a character, so why not spice it up and make it more interesting by giving your character a bit more beef when you have those sorts of conversations?

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hoped this helped a tiny bit. As I said, if you need more detailed help getting your character fleshed out, just get in contact with me.
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May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Wait. Are you implying playing wizards in the woods isn't cool!?


But cereal. Good write up. This will make @NKato proud. Made me think about what I will be doing, as I like to do some RP'ing now and again. Then I realized I will simply be RP'ing the exact person I am in real life. One could say I was born a TEST Commissar.
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Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Wait. Are you implying playing wizards in the woods isn't cool!?


But cereal. Good write up. This will make @NKato proud. Made me think about what I will be doing, as I like to do some RP'ing now and again. Then I realized I will simply be RP'ing the exact person I am in real life. One could say I was born a TEST Commissar.
Haha nah, I have totally LARPed once or twice or a few times in my life... ;) Thanks so much though! I tried to make it the least overwhelming possible to those who might be new at RP, and somewhat fun/informative at the same time. Glad to hear you'll be RPing, and playing basically yourself is more than acceptable! My character will likely have the same likes/dislikes/agenda as myself, I'll just write-up an interesting background that seems fitting for who I am as a person with maybe a few embellishments. ;)


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
With the crzy high level of former and current military and govt employees in TEST, im expecting a lot of military style comms and ops, but i like the idea of listening to comms like this while playing, makes it a lot more immersive i reckon


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm definitely down for this, even though I am terrible at RPing anything other than myself.


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Wait. Are you implying playing wizards in the woods isn't cool!?


But cereal. Good write up. This will make @NKato proud. Made me think about what I will be doing, as I like to do some RP'ing now and again. Then I realized I will simply be RP'ing the exact person I am in real life. One could say I was born a TEST Commissar.
I never thought about rp but I always play games as if the character is me... Then it hit me as I read what you said, I am role playing lol. Its me an I am it haha. My identity is in question!!! Or I drunk... Maybe both?


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
With the crzy high level of former and current military and govt employees in TEST, im expecting a lot of military style comms and ops, but i like the idea of listening to comms like this while playing, makes it a lot more immersive i reckon
I find myself doing comms in chat a lot when in a serious team, I was raised around it and just kind of learned it. I am glad I wont be alone in squawk speak.


Rear Admiral
Dec 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I roleplay every day life. In reality I'm a rock, but I RP so well nobody notices. I've been a D&D nerd for years now, and yes once you get in the zone of playing, it doesn't matter how many blunts you've smoked, drinks you've had, or what crippling social anxiety you've been diagnosed, you start to role play no matter what. Yeah I'm down, but I don't imagine much will change from my normal mumble fursona. Maybe less "fuck her right in the pussy" jokes but that's about all I can spare.


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
I love writing character backgrounds and stories and the like but i was never any good at roleplaying. They I figured out as long as I give my character my real life tendancies to drink too much and be overly skeptical and pessimistic, I'm good and I can roleplay.
Plus any chance to be cooler, better-looking space me, I'm taking.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
You guys crack me up! I'm so happy you all found this helpful in some way. Everyone has the potential to be a great roleplayer, it just takes a little confidence and belief that you can jump outside your norm to experience a game in a different, and sometimes more exciting/fun way.
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Vice Admiral
May 23, 2015
RSI Handle
Just curious...is there a tldr version :). Jk. Jk. Im givin it all shes got captain...except somehow i always find more to give.

And i call dibs on the +5 powerplant of dooming doom


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Generally speaking, if i am RPing then I base my character on myself, so most of the time my character is a useless, bumbling fool. I don't RP too often though, but I'm usually in a constant state of semi-RP. (Is that a thing?)
I identify with everything you just said lol

Feral Oxide

Grand Admiral
Mar 13, 2015
RSI Handle
I would never role play, that would clearly identify me as a nerd and geek unlike spending several thousands of dollars to play a very serious space shooter set in the. .. um. Well.. right.

Verily I say to you, forsooth. I shall endeavor to pretend to drink a lot and be really cool. (well maybe not need to pretend to drink a lot, that may be carryover from another reality)

Besides, pretending that I"m someone else may well allow me to not just lurk on mumble.
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Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
I joined an RP guild in another game once... Got to find out a lot about how Elves and Dwarves made the Halflings...
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