
Space Marshal
Dec 2, 2016
RSI Handle
I seem to recall a while back CIG put out a video playing a bunch of Chris' old games including his very early stuff (might've been a happy hour game dev?). In any case, one of Chris' earliest games was a black and white King Kong style game that looks very similar to this Apollo game.

Edited because apparently I can't get my monkeys straight :P

Edit 2: Article about the earlier game:


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Things that I see based on the photos and updated with ATV


Both -
Rear hatch to allow crew access. (Obersved)
6 T3 medical beds (T1 is the best, T3 can treat the smaller wounds)
28 SCU cargo divided into 2 rooms
Players can spawn in the ship
Drones will go out and find bodies for revival
Medical post will be on RSI website
43m long, 30m wide, 10m high, which is about the same as a Freelancer.
Small lift in front for the crew, big ramp in the back
Freelancer speed (205 for triange, 195 for medivac)
Triage is more maneuverable and faster, Medivac is more heavily armored
Max Crew of 2

2 Medium shield generators
1 Large Radar
1 Large Power Plant
2 Large Coolers
2 Medium Computers
2 Medium Fuel Tanks
2 Medium Fuel intakes
2 main thrusters, 2 retro-thrusters. , 4 VTOL thrusters
12 maneuvering fixed thrusters
1 Medium Quantum Drive
1 Medium Jump Module
1 Medium Quantum Fuel Tank
1 turret with 2xS2

2 ejection beds like the connie has
2 rooms for medical beds. These rooms are modular that will allow different medical gameplay Base is 3 beds and a disk scans the person, heals them, and lets them wake up
Quantum drive will be similar to other medium ships like a Freelancer

Docking collar, TBD if the red will be able to dock with it.

Front has a bridge, food, toilet shower combo, a lift for crew acess, and 2 escape beds
hall down the center of the ship to the back to reception bay in the middle back
Med bays off the reception area with 3 beds each and a toilet/washroom in each bay
Also off reception are two cargo areas with 14 SCU each
After the Reception area there is an airlock that connects to a main entry ramp.

3 T3 beds that can heal general injuries (this is what is included) but will not be able to deal with ruined limbs
A T2 room can be swapped in with 2 beds
A T1 room can also be swapped in with 1 bed. This can help recover from near death experience and can replace lost limbs, etc
Only comes with T3 beds. The T1 and T2 beds will be rolled out at a later date and will probably not be included.

Medical drones are used by these ships. Can be controlled remotely or be semi-autonomous. Used for rescuing injured people. Encases a person in a protective field and bring them back. These drones can't be re-purposed to do anything else. The drone will become a stretcher to take them from the entrance to the beds. Drones will need to be player controlled to be effective. It may go out and find things autonomously, but require someone to bring them back manually. To put someone into a drone, they need to be unconscious or knocked down

The Apollo can also be used as an ambulance, so that someone with a T1 injury and you only have T3 facilities, you can keep them alive and rush them to the Endeavor

Apollo will NOT fit in the Polaris
They fully intend for the Apollo to fit in the Endeavor. They are not sure if it will hold 2 cutlasses/apollos, but it will be able to hold at least one.
They are unsure about the Idris.

Cutlass Red only has 1 bed inside (not stated what Tier of bed)
Cutlass Red will be a more powerful ship even as an ambulance than the Apollo. It will be a combat ambulance and will be used in hot combat zones.
The Apollo will be a doctors clinic or M*A*S*H* unit, and the Endeavor will be the big city hospital.
The Apollo will be overkill to transport 1 patient.
Cutlass Red will be the medical starter ship, the Apollo is the mid-tier, Endeavor is the top-tier
Endeavor will probably have T1 beds our of box (always subject to change)

Medical gameplay cliff notes version
In 3.2, you use a medipen to fully heal yourself.
There will be permanent injuries and death of a spaceman is still "exactly what they want to do" and that not much has changed from DoaS
The post will detail how to respawn, why you might choose to respawn in a medical ship vs somewhere else. The post will clarify some of what we
5 states of damage to people. Normal, Hurt, damaged, are T3
Ruined will be T2 damage. Without medical attention right away, you will lose function on an arm leg, etc.
T1 damage will be coming back from death and you will accumulate persistent effects.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
After watching the RtV and their talking about how the Apollo has guns and missiles and how players would not be able to abduct others with the medical drones, I couldn't help but remember Monty Python. Something along the lines of.

I'm here to heal you up.

But I'm not hurt.

See you're bleeding out. Here climb aboard this stretcher.

You shot me!.

Yes well, you need medical attention and luckily I'm a doctor.



Space Marshal
Jul 14, 2016
RSI Handle
Had a look some of this and "Death of a spaceman", as well as a couple of other bits and pieces.

So, if I understand correctly, players will eventually be made to play waiting simulator while someone takes an hour to pick up their body, or they'll lose a "life" and be a step closer to "character death" ~ Which is so far meant to essentially punish you by reducing stuff like faction reputation and such, though at least assets will be kept. And you know it's going to be a longass wait if they actually intend to have capturable players.

I dunno. On the one hand some kind of incentive to avoid death is nice but, in a combat game death is so frequent. Ofcourse things will be different at launch than now but, I've gotten shredded plenty of times recently by the pin-point accurate bot turrets in my Saber. Dying and losing my ship is bad enough, the wait for a rez is a punishment on top, then the wait for the insurance, followed by a loss in progress if I suck and it happens enough? Ouch. Pirates and griefers are going to have a field day.

As for player-killers ~ "Oh there'll be a bounty on their head, and they'll be legally targettable and killable so it'll be mitigated." ~ No pirate cares that they have a bounty on them, if anything that's more enticing. "How big a bounty can I get before I die?" ~ "Now to beat my high score!"

At the very least the med ships aren't useless, but medical gameplay seems a little too barebones at the moment, body recovery looks like it will be important enough but it'll probably rarely happen in PvP, the fight would last long enough that the bodies decay, or it really will be waiting simulator and you'll have to wait so long you may as-well prepare a movie when you go out to fight someone. As for PvE, wouldn't the med ship also get blown to bits when it shows up to whatever killed the player in the first place?
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