Stay at home dad, can't wait to blow off some steam with you folks.


Vice Admiral
Mar 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Man I'm glad you guys gave a format for the introduction because I usually suck at this type of thing. I guess the TL;DR of this would be that I have 2 kids (5 year old and a 2.5 year old) and I am just a typical 31 year old dad with a bit of a goofy sense of humor (which is why I think I'll enjoy it around here with you nut cases ;)). I'm lucky enough to be the stay at home parent so that means between errands, play, cleaning, and diaper changes I get a little free time during the day to mess around on the interwebs. I like the idea of being part of a community where we can all learn this game together. Really looking forward to using some of my time to help out where I can.

Where you from stranger?

Grew up in Orlando, FL. Somehow wound up in Northern New Jersey. Beautiful up here, especially if you ride motorcycles.

What drew you to Star Citizen?

I've always been a bit of a sci-fi nerd. I've also always enjoyed PC gaming. The kickstarter videos grabbed my curiosity, youtube personalities showing off their ships in the hangar grabbed my attention, digging deeper in to Roberts' past and the official site grabbed my wallet.

Here's the link to my reddit post from the day that I finally got sucked in if you'd like to know a little more:

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)

Becoming part of the economy is one of the big draws. I plan on using my Freelancer (MAX maybe?) to run the big hauls of legal goods and having an Avenger decked out for stealth for [REDACTED]. Honestly beyond that I am just looking forward to seeing where the 'verse and/or this organization takes me.

What was the first game you remember playing?

Atari Combat. Tanks and planes moving around obstacles trying to blast their opponents. I'm not entirely sure if I am remembering that as the first game I ever played or just the oldest. My first favorite game that I recall sinking countless hours in to that should have been spent outside was Contra on the NES.

What other games do you play?

I am kind of in a gaming rut right now. Nothing out right now that I am interested in that I haven't played enough to be bored with already. Last game I played that I really enjoyed was Warframe. I am interested in seeing what you guys are playing. Maybe I can get back in to something with a new group of people to play with.

Picard or Kirk?

Have to go with Picard. I think it's the accent. It gives me the swoons.


Digital Janitor
Staff member
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
welcome, you will fit right in.

you are not the only parent in our org :)
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Vice Admiral
Mar 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Good meeting you earlier in chat!

What bike do you have?
Right now, nothing. :( I had to sell it when I moved. No room to store it properly. I did have a nice old 84' Honda Ascot 500cc. It was my first bike because, well, it's kind of just foolish to own one in Orlando. Best part about riding up here is that there isn't a straight or flat road to be found. All twisty, hilly mountain roads. Really lets you lean the bike. Some really awesome views too.

Now that we have the kids, a new bike is kind of on the back burner. I miss it every season though. I think my next bike will be a Triumph or something similar.

You ride?
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Had a Hayabusa, then a Ducita 1098 which was stolen, now a MT-01.

Managed to keep the bike so far with the baby, but hardly riding it, to busy changing diapers!
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I just looked up that MT-01. That is a pretty machine.

Universal problem I think. We'll just have to hope our Auroras will hold us over until we can get out more. :D
The MT01 is interesting, its heavy and slow, but its unique.

Lets see if we can get some sort of oculus rift for toddlers and drop them into a virtual day care on our space station.


Nov 20, 2013
RSI Handle
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