Steam and other sales 2018--- honest recommedations from known Testies?


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I thought that the steam sales started today, Maybe it will be later. I also got one of those emails of reduced price games from COG.

If anyone sees anything on sale that is a must please let us know. IF X4 foundations comes up on sale, type in bold red CAPITALS, in a huge font size. and PM me please

I like open world with combat and bit of exploration. I just saw Dying light for £14, is it to much of an action game? I do not want to have to play at top speed everywhere. can I play stealthy?

I need a new game for the winter that I can sink 400 hours into
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
The only game in the past few months for me was Red Dead 2 I put easily 100+ hours into it even after I finished the story line which was like 65ish hrs alone. To me this is game of the year material and the online multiplayer is still in beta as well as DLC coming in 2019. As for sales I don't grab to many games these days I got Assassins Creed Odyssey which to me was one of their best yet the only reason I stopped playing it was because RD2 came out. As for PC I usually don't play much other than WoW and to be honest I have quit that expansion it will go down as one of blizzards worst after Cata and maybe tied with WoD imo. Sorry not much help with the sales just thought I would give some reviews on what I play.


Grand Admiral
Apr 8, 2017
RSI Handle
Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden is pretty kick ass for $35 (full price, didn't see a sale yet) vid if you want to look at it (
) but XCom 2 is 75% off at $15 right now IIRC. Not really the style of game that you might be looking for but up until I tried them I don't think I would have ever really considered their style and their huge amounts of stealth.

Dying Light as far as I know is a pretty action packed game but can be played in a stealthy manner if you are really patient. Have not played it though.

Deus Ex Humand Revolution Directors Cut is more or less an open world style that has some pretty cool RPG aspects and TONS of Stealth mechanics that I would bet you might enjoy. Right now its 85% off and $2.99 on Steam.


Edit: ALL of the Metro games might pique your interest as well if you love stealth mechanic games. Both Metro Last Light and 2033 are 75% off at $4.99 each on steam.
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Space Marshal
Apr 30, 2017
RSI Handle
I thought that the steam sales started today, Maybe it will be later. I also got one of those emails of reduced price games from COG.

If anyone sees anything on sale that is a must please let us know. IF X4 foundations comes up on sale, type in bold red CAPITALS, in a huge font size. and PM me please

I like open world with combat and bit of exploration. I just saw Dying light for £14, is it to much of an action game? I do not want to have to play at top speed everywhere. can I play stealthy?

I need a new game for the winter that I can sink 400 hours into

Dying light is a great game, but you won't get 400 hours of fun there. Maybe 100 :) I still recommend it though. There's alot of free roaming you can do with loot houses, and when you level enough you get a grappling hook which makes the game even more amazing, the movement parkour is fun so you will be able to be sorta stealthy. There is alot of fun ways to craft sick types of weapons, traps and explosives, learn crazy melee combos and you can coop the entire story with 3 friends - this was the main selling point for me. Didn't care much for the expansion with the vehicles, it wasn't too bad though.

Witcher 3 GOTY edition is on sale for 20 bucks If you haven't played it already. Great value if you are into open world combat and exploration. Easy 100+ hours there with amazing story.

Divinity Original Sin 2 is on sale aswell, if you didn't check that out I recommend you do. I was very sceptic with a turn based RPG but it's so good. Highly recommended.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I thought that the steam sales started today, Maybe it will be later. I also got one of those emails of reduced price games from COG.

If anyone sees anything on sale that is a must please let us know. IF X4 foundations comes up on sale, type in bold red CAPITALS, in a huge font size. and PM me please

I like open world with combat and bit of exploration. I just saw Dying light for £14, is it to much of an action game? I do not want to have to play at top speed everywhere. can I play stealthy?

I need a new game for the winter that I can sink 400 hours into
ok, you mentioned "stealth" and "exploration"...I enjoyed the shit out of this game, but note, there is NO combat...if you try to fight, you usually die, you have to find stealthy ways or tricks to dispose of enemies:


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
If you liked Neverwinter Nights I'd recommend Pathfinder Kingmaker. It's so incredibly detailed I love it. Would recommend a couple mods like Fast Travel, ScaleXP, and Respecialization. But very good.

Not sure if it's actually on sale though.


Space Marshal
Aug 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden is pretty kick ass for $35 (full price, didn't see a sale yet) vid if you want to look at it (
) but XCom 2 is 75% off at $15 right now IIRC. Not really the style of game that you might be looking for but up until I tried them I don't think I would have ever really considered their style and their huge amounts of stealth.


Edit: ALL of the Metro games might pique your interest as well if you love stealth mechanic games. Both Metro Last Light and 2033 are 75% off at $4.99 each on steam.

Mutant year zero and Xcom are both great picks.
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Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
All the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games are open-world explory shooty BUT they are old, their age shows. Call of Pripyat is the newer of the old games and has better mechanics I'd argue (like fixing your armor at merchants) but a lot of hard core fans mod the shit out of Shadow of Chernobyl and play it. I personally didn't go into Clear Sky much at all, it certainly looked nice, but I had to go away from the home PC for a while and it wasn't on the laptop at the time so never bothered. The games also spawned some... Unique memes...

Rumors about the development of the official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 have myself and likely every other person who liked the game excited as hell. But I'm personally just ignoring it for now as it isn't slated until 2020ish. I'd say the game has decent replay value as well, and a fair amount of things you can look into lore-wise.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Rumors about the development of the official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 have myself and likely every other person who liked the game excited as hell. But I'm personally just ignoring it for now as it isn't slated until 2020ish. I'd say the game has decent replay value as well, and a fair amount of things you can look into lore-wise.
a star citizen backer ignoring a game just cause it's not going to be out until 2020? :P
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
If you haven't tried it I recommend checking out Wasteland 2 (Wasteland 3 is in development), I've replayed it multiple times, there are some mods, and is on sale with Steam right now.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
If you haven't tried it I recommend checking out Wasteland 2 (Wasteland 3 is in development), I've replayed it multiple times, there are some mods, and is on sale with Steam right now.
Speaking of games with another in development.

Creeper World 3. $4.95 on Steam. Buy it! I've spent hundreds of hours on what started as a browser flash game.

Creeper World 4 is being worked on now and if you've played before I would check out his channel.
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Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
a star citizen backer ignoring a game just cause it's not going to be out until 2020? :P
The irony is real. But the difference being I can play SC a bit currently while S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is unavailable entirely :P (Edit: Also correcting myself, not due til 2021, dang)
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I just grabbed Kingdom Come Deliverance and so far its pretty good, the story line is insane I am only about 20 hrs in though.
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