Survey: What is the FLAGSHIP in you fleet ?


Sep 22, 2019
RSI Handle
Currently my go to ship is my Freelancer Max, love the ship, also expect it to be my main work horse, at least in the early game, then probably the Hercules Star Lifter if I decide on her other than the Caterpillar, on the fence still.
My flagship will most likely be my Carrack when I get her.
But I am looking seriously at the Mercury Star Runner


Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
Carrack. Really depends on how good the npc crew is though - can I train them? Have a team? Because real people are hard for drop in and drop out gaming.

I want to be exploring caves and derelict space stations and the like. I loved finding wrecks in freelancer. And, if something new opens up, I want to be able to go the distance to get there. I'm assuming I won't have enough time to play to get the "jump" on unexplored systems and the like though sadly.

As for daily driver, which is how some people are interpreting this - Freelancer MIS. I'm not a huge combat guy, mostly because I haven't played nearly enough yet, but if danger calls, I want it to eat my iron rain of missile fire. And I can haul cargo and a space bike (or two?). Probably not the most efficient, but you can't beat that paint job. I think it's the a10 for me - would be the vanguard, but she's too ugly. Sorry all vanguard owners. Now if they add shark teeth decals I'll be all set...


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
It all depends entirely whether I keep the Idris or unmelt one of my Krakens, this is my fleet at the moment. If I unmelt a Kraken all this will end up in the shitter as I will probably just unmelt the drake complete pack, keep the Polaris and add a UEE Explorer pack and be done.



Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Actually the Avenger Titan without any doubt, it's a good all-roud ship, for the futureit could be on the StarRunner: medium size ship that looks to be a good jack of all trade (except maybe combat...)...

But since i'm looking on more military-coverops style gameplay probably the most used ship will be a Vanguard Oplite or a Valkire with full stealh equipment... It all depend on how the game evolve and the mechanics that will be implemented...

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
My Orion, The Ozymandias. From the bridge of that ship, I shall consume the asteroid threat and use the riches from their ground up corpses to purchase more Orions. When I have amassed an adequate number of Orions, I shall assemble the Kali-ma fleet and begin to strip mine entire planets, starting with that obscenity known as ArcCorp! In the meantime, I shall continue watching cat videos on you tube and knitting sweaters for chihuahuas. I can wait...I have infinite patience...I WILL BECOME KALI-MA, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!

(P.S. All TESTies, please let me know via PM which planets you wish to base your operation out of. You will of course be spared)
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