TEST [CONCERN], Best Concern


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I highly confused and sad about the lack of TEST merchandise at the new CIG office, especially in the RTV set! Disco Lando recently gave a tour of the set and not ONE TEST logo to be found. WTF guys?! Love you all. Send some damn merch!
Sit around me children and I will tell you the tale of how our very own @Azmodeth discovered and exposed a truly nefarious TEST plot! It was a clear and unassuming Monday morning. June 1st, 2015 to be exact. TEST had been slowly infiltrating the CIG offices through the clever use of subtle propaganda, blackmail, browbeating, and free beer.

Everything was going according to plan. At that point we had several members of CIG completely assimilated into our ranks with Montoya gently pulling the strings behind the scenes. A master marionettist hiding behind the guise of a blind drunk leading blind drunks.

Montoya and TEST were well on their way to complete control of CIG turning the entire development house into nothing more than a puppet corporation furthering our interests, when the all too clever @Azmodeth saw through the smoke and lies and did everything in his power to blow the lid off of the entire operation.

His theory was quickly dismissed by much of the community and gag orders were quickly enforced against him. You can read his account still to this day located here: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/265730/rsi-advertising-personal-corps/p1 The decision was made to leave the theory up as ridicule and evidence should we, ironically, fly to close to the sun in the future.

Obviously we had to make Azmodeth one of our own so we could play the entire thing off as us being a bunch of drunk idiots with a complete disregard for who we accept as a member, but the truth is known to a select few. However we have had to become even more subtle than we were before, however the benefit is that no one that isn't supposed to know, truly knows what we're doing.
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