TEST Kraken Captains only


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
For all those who have pony the money for this at huge expense I hope it turns out as a awesome as it looks. Plus I have small ships to land on it! I did laugh at them finishing the outside with the 890jump team just for the advert! I also loved it was the cargo bay the developers where concerned about from an economy point of view!
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, my wave 6 ass was in the process of melting my twin 600i ships when before I could hit send, the power went out. I just got my net back & see that all of those available are taken. I would send in a concierge ticket & explain while asking for help, but my gut tells me that this was an "act of God" type of intervention. Perhaps I'm supposed to help crew 1 of our kraken fleet or lead rival pirates into firing range of our onboard beer dispensers to convert the masses? Either way, congrats to those of you who managed to get your Drake Krakens. Maybe I'll get lucky & they will someday create a carrier or mobile space station made by Origin.
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