TESTies, how did you think up your current handles?


Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm generally terrible when making up names, the last "original" name I thought up was for Battlefield 2's login.

But I decided to try and think up a new name for MMO games and such, so after a very long time and a large list of "what the hell is that?" I managed to piece together this name... But hey it works right?


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I ran with the name "Stealthwar" for a long time, but then the name started to get used EVERYWHERE. So one day, while eating dinner, I just thought of "SteakOfWar"....can you guess what I was eating for dinner at the time?
I'm generally terrible when making up names, the last "original" name I thought up was for Battlefield 2's login.

But I decided to try and think up a new name for MMO games and such, so after a very long time and a large list of "what the hell is that?" I managed to piece together this name... But hey it works right?
I like to think you were easting an alien Xeno Rack of War Captured Steak


Grand Admiral
Mar 30, 2017
RSI Handle
My handle ("Erchael" for the less perceptive/most drunk;)) came into my life when I had to invent the name of a(nother) live RPG/live strategy game character in... 1998 ; I had many other characters, nicknames or handles during the years (and continue to do so even now in Star Citizen) but I always had a special relationship with this one who remained my main web avatar during all those years.

And for those who would think it's mad to get to the point an avatar gets any semblance of -virtual- reality, think again : at least, that means I'm never drinking alone. :P


Apr 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I have used Narrator as a Handle/Name for quite a while.. Since around 2000 when a few friends and I played Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption. We really enjoyed the Storyteller mode and I always enjoyed making the levels. As friends would perform actions in game I would always find it funny to narrate what some of them were doing...:) After a while The name Narrator Stuck! Even so much that quite a few RL friends call me by the same name.

The Razgriz

Vice Admiral
Jul 24, 2016
RSI Handle
Mine came from one of my favorite games from my teens, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. Not terribly original, but AC5 was one of the few games I was creepy good at... plus the story and the soundtrack were one of the best in the series IMO.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Mine started back in EQ. I made the worlds worst warrior out of a gnome. I'm a fairly large guy in real life so I usually pick the smallest characters in-game. He was an alt, so by the time I made him all the good names were taken. A ton of "this name has already been taken" later I had a jumbled combination of "brutal" and "little". Hence, Bruttle was made. It didn't mean much at the time but it stuck. That's mainly due to its constant availability in most games.

So, for the last 17 or so years, I have been Bruttle. I've gone by the name in dozens of MMOs over the years. There's actually a good chance there are more people that know me as "Bruttle" than know me by my real name.

I've been using my handle since....umm...well, for the past 28 years. First D&D, then UO, EQ, WoW, DAOC, EVE, STO, SWTOR, etc. Been known as and been called my handle so long my wife sometimes even uses it by accident...but then, she's a gamer too. (yes, girl gamers DO exist...you just need to be lucky enough to find one)
My wife occasionally does the same thing. That, and occasionally keying up to talk to me even though she is sitting 4 feet away... And yes, gamer girls absolutely exist. I married one and we are raising another. Here is where we spend our evenings as a family... (pardon the mess)



Media Propaganda Czar
Jul 1, 2015
RSI Handle
My handle came from the original Mad Max in 1979


You should see the damage, bronze. Heheheh
Metal damage, brain damage Huh? ... Heheheh ... Are you listen bronze?

I am the Nightrider.
I'm a fuel injected suicide machine.
I am a rocker, I am a roller, I'm a out-of-controller! ... Heheheh
I'm the Nightrider, baby, and we ain't never comin' back!

The Toecutter - he knows who I am.
I am the Nightrider! I am the chosen one.
The mighty hand of vengeance, sent down to strike the un road worthy!
I'm hotter than a rollin' dice. Step right up, chum, and watch the kid
lay down a rubber road, rite to freedom!



Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
The Jolly Green Giant is my military squadrons patch. We're Air Force Combat Search and Rescue. Back in the days of Vietnam we had a helicopter called the Sikorsky HH-3E instead of the HH-60's we have today and the ones you all probably know as the Blackhawk. It picked up the nickname "Jolly Green Giant because it was big, green, and anywhere it would land, it would leave an imprint which looked liked a giants footprint. People would say "looks like the Jolly Green Giant's been here." With Star Citizen I took the opportunity to give myself a better gaming handle, and why not something I take pride in, it's a squadron with a hell of a lot of history and I love that were saving lives more than were taking them. There's a lot on youtube about USAF CSAR in the early days if you're interested in that kinda stuff. I usually just post this short video to make the mission I support look super cool.



Grand Admiral
Jul 10, 2015
RSI Handle
I started using Talos for WoW many years ago. I've always been a fan of Grecian mythology and since Talos was a giant bronze automation made to protect its people, it sounded seriously cool.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Took mine from an anime I used to watch a couple of years ago. I was thinking of keeping my old console name going (Irishinsainty05 or Irishnutcase05) but I thought about the travelling through the stars thing and taking up odd jobs here and there in the verse and It's what I came up with. That and booze was defiantly involved.

Could not find a clip on youtube that does Dutch's character justice. #tablethrow #tablethrow
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Space Marshal
Mar 16, 2016
RSI Handle
My name is from two computers in Blake's 7. Orac was a very fast computer that could connect to other computers wirelessly and make predictions about the future. It comes from the name Oracle. Zen was a ship computer in the same 70's tv show and means relaxed.
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