This year's CitizenCon ship?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Thalstan nice round down, but you are viewing thinks by an already baker prospective.
New player that want to try Star Citizen do not invest 250 bucks or eve 100 bucks, those will came, eventually, later. New player looks, for the most, for small package, around 50-60 bucks (the standard price for a PC game more or less) and in this range we have only 2 package: the aurora and the mustang. The Avenger package is not advertised so much and it cost more, all the other ship you mentioned are even more expensive so not a valid option for someone that want to start.

What I mean is that the game need more cheap option for new player so that they can have more choices of good all round ships to strart enjoiy the PU.
If SC if often seen as a "pay to win" game is also becouse there are tons of ship that you can buy AFTER you own a starter packege. I'm not saying that there should be more starter then "upgrade ships" but a bit of variety could really benefit the image of SC.

Not sure I see the need. You have the Mustang which is a great combat ship and in the hands of a skilled pilot still capable of going up against the Sabar and Hornet. Then you have the Aurora which is a great all-around ship capable of hauling cargo some light skirmish, remarkably fast and nimble and a hoot to fly. All of the courier missions currently in the PU are doable in the Aurora. Most of the mercenary/bounty is doable in the Mustang and both of these are some of the higher paid tasks currently available.

So you have two starting ships with their multiple variances and a whole universe of things to see, do, and accomplishable in these ships.

We can then compare this against past Space games like No Man's Sky, Eve, Privateer, and Outer Worlds and you see that in these cases you only get one choice as to your starting ship and as you progress your funds open up new options to playing the game in different ways if you so choose. Not much different here. In fact, I have and continue to caution against those players who have invested large amounts of capital into some of the larger ships that no longer have starting ships as I see it going to be a rough start with out the reputation and capital to do much and a huge operating cost to contend with.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
The biggest issue I have with such a ship is a balance in PVP as this ship would be too secure for such a low cost and low crew requirements (large computer I presumed was for unmanned turret control). The reason the Kraken works is because of its vulnerabilities especially when not crewed while allowing a pirate gang to operate out of a moving base.

So ask yourself what sort of weaknesses would you be ok with this carrier? If it's going to have strongly shielded hangers then it should have limited if any turrets relying on the ships it carries to provide cover (even better if the turrets were more like flake cannons/ scattershot for short-range anti-fighter but useless at anything more then 1k away). Give it blind spots were boarding parties can dock and secure the ship if there is no crew to deny them.
Yes, limited quantity of turrets placed more for cosmetics than function, fewer hangers than the Kraken but all are internal (something like two for bikes, one to two for space racers, and one medium to run either a salvage or emergency repair ship out of.)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
We can then compare this against past Space games like No Man's Sky, Eve, Privateer, and Outer Worlds and you see that in these cases you only get one choice as to your starting ship and as you progress your funds open up new options to playing the game in different ways if you so choose. Not much different here. In fact, I have and continue to caution against those players who have invested large amounts of capital into some of the larger ships that no longer have starting ships as I see it going to be a rough start with out the reputation and capital to do much and a huge operating cost to contend with
Concur with this wholeheartedly.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thalstan nice round down, but you are viewing thinks by an already baker prospective.
New player that want to try Star Citizen do not invest 250 bucks or eve 100 bucks, those will came, eventually, later. New player looks, for the most, for small package, around 50-60 bucks (the standard price for a PC game more or less) and in this range we have only 2 package: the aurora and the mustang. The Avenger package is not advertised so much and it cost more, all the other ship you mentioned are even more expensive so not a valid option for someone that want to start.

What I mean is that the game need more cheap option for new player so that they can have more choices of good all round ships to strart enjoiy the PU.
If SC if often seen as a "pay to win" game is also becouse there are tons of ship that you can buy AFTER you own a starter packege. I'm not saying that there should be more starter then "upgrade ships" but a bit of variety could really benefit the image of SC.
Trying to min max a starter ship is not the best thing, personally, getting the Aurora is probably the best thing for a new backer. It lets them try the game out and see if they like it, rent others, or just borrow others. They can also upgrade it and make it into a decently capable ship through in game component purchases.

Maybe they could have more ships with starter packages associated with them, but they don’t need new ships to accomplish that.

Devil Dog Hog

Space Marshal
Jan 28, 2016
RSI Handle
Screw ships, forget space bikes, its all new game play and dynamic opportunities with the introduction of. . . . . . THE SPACE SLED.
That's right, for those players who are fed up with regular "sitting" gameplay, CIG is introducing the belly of all flopers as you rush head long down crater faces with your own new ROSEBUD edition of the space sled, all for the low low LTI warbonded price of $399, concept only! Watch the preview commercial, it'll be EPIC!
rosebud poster.jpg


Space Marshal
Feb 5, 2018
RSI Handle
If the leaks are true we will see Carrack and Pisces, maybe some Redeemer info also.
Last year with the same period we get the Kraken but also arrow and san'tok.yai.

I bet on a Pisces being a starter scout, sold separately with a package.
Redeemer re-concept, not fly ready.
A big anvil ship.

I would like to see something like the retaliator but with weapon instead of torpedo, like a spaceship build around the spinal idris rail gun.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I bet on a Pisces being a starter scout, sold separately with a package.
Redeemer re-concept, not fly ready.
A big anvil ship.
I would fucking love this. Especially the 'Deemer.
I would like to see something like the retaliator but with weapon instead of torpedo, like a spaceship build around the spinal idris rail gun.
This would be freaking awesome. 100% badass.


Space Marshal
Oct 6, 2014
RSI Handle
If the leaks are true we will see Carrack and Pisces, maybe some Redeemer info also.
Last year with the same period we get the Kraken but also arrow and san'tok.yai.

I bet on a Pisces being a starter scout, sold separately with a package.
Redeemer re-concept, not fly ready.
A big anvil ship.

I would like to see something like the retaliator but with weapon instead of torpedo, like a spaceship build around the spinal idris rail gun.
If they bring Redeemer info out, I will actually shed a tear. I have the Redeemer game package LTI ($265) that I've waited for info on since.. what seems like forever. It was My favorite ship when it came out. I really hope you're right on all of those points!!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
If they bring Redeemer info out, I will actually shed a tear. I have the Redeemer game package LTI ($265) that I've waited for info on since.. what seems like forever. It was My favorite ship when it came out. I really hope you're right on all of those points!!
My God I wish I had a Redeemer package. So beautiful. *Sniffle*


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
A Redeemer re-concept would be a welcome surprise.

The Pisces, to my knowledge, is the Carrack snub right? I don't really forsee it being a starter ship unless CIG wants to make it one and make it a "super snub" that the Carrack is custom tailored to fit. That being said an actual starter tailor made exploration ship would be pretty neat, because the Terrapin is far outside of a starter ship price lol.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
A Redeemer re-concept would be a welcome surprise.

The Pisces, to my knowledge, is the Carrack snub right? I don't really forsee it being a starter ship unless CIG wants to make it one and make it a "super snub" that the Carrack is custom tailored to fit. That being said an actual starter tailor made exploration ship would be pretty neat, because the Terrapin is far outside of a starter ship price lol.
You do realize that the Aurora ES is also an exploration ship.
followed by
315p, Vanguard Warden, Freelancer DUR, Constellation Aquila, 600i explorer and capped with the grand Carrack.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I would like to see another science type vessel like the Endeavor only smaller. Maybe something dedicated to engineering on a larger scale I mean someone has to build space stations and death stars or is it all going to be AI built lol. Could you imagine like Star Wars Galaxies building your own space station, your own shops etc... I know its far fetched but Star Wars Galaxies had one THE best communities I have ever seen as well as housing and economic systems.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Not the warden, which is a long range fighter. The others are spot on

some people add in the 890, but it has the same capabilities as the 600 explorer
Your right. I was thinking the Warden had more capabilities than just being a long-range fighter but when I checked this morning I must have miss read it or remember some design brief where it was mentioned as a possibility. But I did forget the Corsair...

I would like to see another science type vessel like the Endeavor only smaller. Maybe something dedicated to engineering on a larger scale I mean someone has to build space stations and death stars or is it all going to be AI built lol. Could you imagine like Star Wars Galaxies building your own space station, your own shops etc... I know its far fetched but Star Wars Galaxies had one THE best communities I have ever seen as well as housing and economic systems.
I was thinking you were talking about the Reliant Sen which is marked as being light science but the rest is intriguing. We know they intend for us to be able to make land bases but nothing has been said about building space stations or any sort of space depo. As for your own shops I have a feeling that is going to be one of the strengths of the Banu Merchantman as it seems capable of being a storefront and allowing players to sell to other players. Over ships like the Hull which is purely point to point freight.

I keep looking over the current known ship list and wonder what is missing. They have talked about a large/capital sized Interdiction ship as being a possibility. One ship I would really love would be modules for the Terrapin to allow it to be a drop ship or search and rescue with a class 3 or 2. Or even a new ship Terrapin size that was as tanky.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I think if the Carrack or 600i get some modules that are more specific like the Endeavor has telescopy, Biodomes, Supercolider and Medical bay, I dont expect something on that scale but if they had a few modules that were more specific or unique and could change their mission capability that would work as well. I just think the Reliant Sen is extremely small and the Endeavor is a capital ship something in the middle that was strictly science and not just an exploration vessel would be cool.

As for space engineering I figured they made a Pioneer so we can establish building on planets etc... so why not building in space.

A large interdiction ship? Like the Mantis? Something that could pull a ship out of quantum travel? Imo this is a mistake they could literally farm people forever if the ship is to large at least with a Mantis it has to bring other ships to do the job, its like putting a Polaris out there with a QT damper or QT snare would be insane imo.

Also some ships we may be missing......

Blockade Runner? Something extremely large with heavy armor/shields meant to smash through a large fleet or defense system.

What about a ship that can create a bubble to hide or lower ships signatures around them? There would have to be restrictions on the size,. how fast you could move etc... but it would be like a stealth ship but one that can hide another ship or two? Or even create a signature to mask or imitate another ship or ships signature.

Holographic ship? Make your ship look like an asteroid? Or a different type of ship lmao

So we have torpedo's which are meant for capital ships but what about a cannon like a rail gun which could also be anti capital if it was large enough, we could have a ship with a huge ass cannon on it that was anti capital ship as well, were gonna need bigger lazers man!!

Just some crazy thoughts!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Blockade Runner?
What about a ship that can create a bubble to hide or lower ships signatures around them?
what about a cannon like a rail gun which could also be anti capital if it was large enough, we could have a ship with a huge ass cannon on it that was anti capital ship
I fucking love all of these ideas, and would 100% be behind any and or all of them


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
.... Maybe something dedicated to engineering on a larger scale I mean someone has to build space stations and death stars or is it all going to be AI built lol. Could you imagine like Star Wars Galaxies building your own space station, your own shops etc... I know its far fetched but Star Wars Galaxies had one THE best communities I have ever seen as well as housing and economic systems.
Hmm like the Pioneer or the Crucible?? I'll like to have some news on the crucible, this will be an interesting addition to hte game play...

So we have torpedo's which are meant for capital ships but what about a cannon like a rail gun which could also be anti capital if it was large enough, we could have a ship with a huge ass cannon on it that was anti capital ship as well, were gonna need bigger lazers man!!
Granted, I'll buy it...


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I think if the Carrack or 600i get some modules that are more specific like the Endeavor has telescopy, Biodomes, Supercolider and Medical bay, I dont expect something on that scale but if they had a few modules that were more specific or unique and could change their mission capability that would work as well. I just think the Reliant Sen is extremely small and the Endeavor is a capital ship something in the middle that was strictly science and not just an exploration vessel would be cool.

As for space engineering I figured they made a Pioneer so we can establish building on planets etc... so why not building in space.

A large interdiction ship? Like the Mantis? Something that could pull a ship out of quantum travel? Imo this is a mistake they could literally farm people forever if the ship is to large at least with a Mantis it has to bring other ships to do the job, its like putting a Polaris out there with a QT damper or QT snare would be insane imo.

Also some ships we may be missing......

Blockade Runner? Something extremely large with heavy armor/shields meant to smash through a large fleet or defense system.

What about a ship that can create a bubble to hide or lower ships signatures around them? There would have to be restrictions on the size,. how fast you could move etc... but it would be like a stealth ship but one that can hide another ship or two? Or even create a signature to mask or imitate another ship or ships signature.

Holographic ship? Make your ship look like an asteroid? Or a different type of ship lmao

So we have torpedo's which are meant for capital ships but what about a cannon like a rail gun which could also be anti capital if it was large enough, we could have a ship with a huge ass cannon on it that was anti capital ship as well, were gonna need bigger lazers man!!

Just some crazy thoughts!
Blockade running is one of the things the BMM has been billed as being capable of.
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