Exploration What to do


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2017
RSI Handle
I am debating on getting rid of my combat ships and getting a Constellation Aquila to do exploring and kind of Like Star Trek Orville style gameplay. I would be streaming it once exploration was in and recording even when I wasn't streaming to make captain log videos for YouTube when interesting things were found or happen that are laughable or interesting. I don't know if we need more explorers though or how having other players for crew will work with this if we go way out it would be kind of be a pain to have to go back to drop people off or get more crew though I know refueling will have to happen. I am torn because being a soldier/merc sounds fun too though I worry about my ground fps skills when it comes to this gameplay. I really like the idea of flying around exploring planets in the rover and finding derelict ships, life, jump points and other points of interest. To me it would be more enjoyable if I already had a crew worked out for the ship but no one I know is coming with me and I don't know how immersive the gameplay will be with an npc crew. I guess we will have to wait and see.

So what I am debating is getting the Constellation Andromeda pack and upgrading it to an Aquila(I really like the way the ship looks) and grabbing an Aurora LX to start with during the anniversary sale. The other way I could go is keep my Cutlass Black package and get a Vanguard Warden or Vanguard Hoplite to do yellow jacket/ merc work. I am having a hard time deciding which gameplay I would prefer and though it may take me a couple inheritances to master the fps playstyle(I haven't done it a ton) I know that I could.

What would be more useful to the org or what do you think people would enjoy watching in a stream or YouTube videos more Exploration gameplay or Mercenary and yellow jacket style gameplay?


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
my suggestion is to start with a ship that doesn't require additional crew

join others' crews to find out what you enjoy doing most

then buy the ship that's optimized for that

ATM people are spending a lot for ships that will seldom, if ever, leave their hangars


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm going for 90% exploration as well. The problem will be that like now there may be no meaningful exploration gameplay in the next year or so. So keep a combat ship until exploration is at MVP.
Having said that it may be that even in Stanton a large fuel tank/range will probably be an asset . Thinking about it I'm not sure I've noticed any figures on what a ships range will be with the various fuel tank options.
Because I only have one ship, a 315p. I will do some exploration/ hauling/salvaging/trading as it has cargo space. Combat is difficult.


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2017
RSI Handle
I figure if I go with the Aquila the rover will be fun to mess with on the moons we can land on in 3.0. It would still have the Merlin that comes with it though it takes a lot of skill to fight with well I believe it can also do racing though I may be wrong about that. The Aquila also has a decent space for cargo. If I go with the Cutlass it has combat and cargo hauling capabilities though less cargo than the Aquila and then the Warden would be good for escorts even though we won't be jumping anywhere any time soon it has good firepower and could do Merc stuff outside of escort as well or the hoplite could be good for dropping people off and picking them up on planets from the Idris(I think it will fit in one with the folded wings). I think the Hoplite could also be used for the same stuff as the warden since it seems to have the same loadout other than the unchangeable dropship module.(at least that's what the videos I have watch said you won't be able to change modules on it like the other vanguards).


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2017
RSI Handle
my suggestion is to start with a ship that doesn't require additional crew

join others' crews to find out what you enjoy doing most

then buy the ship that's optimized for that

ATM people are spending a lot for ships that will seldom, if ever, leave their hangars
I don't plan on buying anything I am not going to fly if I got the Aquila it would be the ship I was in the most once I made enough in game with the Aurora LX to refuel it and hopefully run with whoever wanted to join me to do missions and hauling. If I go with the Cutlass and Hoplite or warden I would do hauling and mission with people and use the warden or hoplite to run as an escort if pirates are attacking a lot on some trade routes or merc missions if they have any in 3.0 I don't know if any will be included though. I would consider the black box race one we have seen in gamescon videos a merc mission since there will be other people that get the opposite mission to stop you.
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Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2017
RSI Handle
If I get the Aquila I will have $40 left over so an Aurora to help blot out the sun makes sense to me lol. I don't know how good it will be in combat but it seems like how pvp will happen is a mixed bag of FPS and sometimes in space or atmosphere. Though they have shown derelict ships in some of the videos. I am guessing the locations are given to you for those though since they were in a Freelancer when they did it and not a exploration ship.
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Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm considering something similar; I have a thread here that has some pros and cons, might help you decide. I'd be flying mine solo for the most part. Once we have exploration I'd be happy to tag along on yours though. :)
Depending on how exploration actually works, we might be able to have someone run back and forth with fuel and stuff to supply longer journeys, though that's likely going to be even more complicated than getting a crew together.
As far as streaming goes, as long as you make it at least mildly interesting, either is probably fine. You never know, though, exploration might end up sucking. We'll have to see. :)
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Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm going for 90% exploration as well. The problem will be that like now there may be no meaningful exploration gameplay in the next year or so. So keep a combat ship until exploration is at MVP.
Having said that it may be that even in Stanton a large fuel tank/range will probably be an asset . Thinking about it I'm not sure I've noticed any figures on what a ships range will be with the various fuel tank options.
Because I only have one ship, a 315p. I will do some exploration/ hauling/salvaging/trading as it has cargo space. Combat is difficult.
We will have to see what the 300 series rework does for you. I really don’t want to put another $15 to get a 315p but I might to use for solo to start. 315p combat is possible just have to use your maneuverability to you advantage and not fly it like you would a hornet. Should be fine against npcs.


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
I get where you are coming from. I bought the 600I Explorer module in case I wanted to do solo exploration. Thats... about all I have to say haha.


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2017
RSI Handle
Would be another $25 for the 315p so not doing that got it confused with the 300i in price. So Aurora LX is what I would end up going with if I go the exploration route or I guess I could go with the Mustang Beta I just like the looks of the Aurora better. I suppose I could also go with the Avenger Titan too then at least it can also be a fighter even if it isn’t the best.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2017
RSI Handle
It always depends of what u want to do...

I plan to keep 3 ships...

One for war, when it will be require... eclipse...
One for my solo playing... freelancer
One for my multi crew... Connie andromeda...

I have a banu defender ... haven’t decide yet
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Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2017
RSI Handle
It always depends of what u want to do...

I plan to keep 3 ships...

One for war, when it will be require... eclipse...
One for my solo playing... freelancer
One for my multi crew... Connie andromeda...

I have a banu defender ... haven’t decide yet
I don’t have that kind of money to put in and I was thinking about a Freelancer DUR but if I am exploring I want a lot better view than that offers and I like the idea of the rover since the bikes look a lot harder to drive/fly and I am not even sure one will be able to fit in the DUR. The Rover could also be used in ground conflicts as seen in the gamescon demo and hold four marines if I bring it to a place we are fighting on the ground. I don’t think the Aquila would be completely useless in a fleet engagement either if it can stay back and engage from a distance and someone mans the Merlin. If I keep going like this I am going to talk myself into it lol.

I am looking for a reason to go the yellow jacket/merc route over exploration. I know it won’t do as well as a dedicated fighter ship would but it can still contribute to conflicts if I make friends and crew her and use her resources like the rover for planatary fights. I wouldn’t go picking fights with just the Aquila if I could help it though.
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Vice Admiral
Oct 10, 2017
RSI Handle
Yep going exploration as well. Melted my combat ships to do it. Though I do have a Vanguard Harbinger with both BUKS..er....combo packs. I am thinking of CCUing that to another large ship though (Hull D or Starfarer).
I do plan on getting a few fighters in the game.
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Nov 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Got my aurora, super hornet, and mustang but would love to help crew someone’s ship. As long as I can play Galaga on one of the consoles when no one is looking :). Seriousness though would love to join a crew and help explore. Will even wear the red shirt!


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2017
RSI Handle
yeah I am hoping to get some people together to crew the Aquila if I can do that I will so go for a Star Trek like experience once we can really go out and try to find new planets and stuff but it will pry be closer to The Orville than to any of the other Star Trek stuff. Though if anyone wants to be my Spock I could have fun with that lol.
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Nov 5, 2017
RSI Handle
yeah I am hoping to get some people together to crew the Aquila if I can do that I will so go for a Star Trek like experience once we can really go out and try to find new planets and stuff but it will pry be closer to The Orville than to any of the other Star Trek stuff. Though if anyone wants to be my Spock I could have fun with that lol.
I lack the logical!
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Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Let's see......
Exploration is about finding UNKNOWN or UNDISCOVERED things.. Jump Holes, Derelicts, Minerals, etc etc
These can be quite profitable and/or useful to you and TEST.

Streaming what & where you find things seems, to me at least, counter productive.
Just a thought.

If you decide on exploration, may I suggest the Freelancer DUR?
It is much least expensive than an Aquila and can be flown Solo more easily.
Or you could start with the 315P.
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