What will be your Carrack loadout?


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Was watching LawoftheWests video on what will fit in a Carrack, along with Camurals video on what will fit.

I think I will probably go with the Pisces in the top hanger, with a Rover and two Dragonflies in the ramp hangar.

So, what vehicles do you feel would be best for your Carrack loadout?



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
This might seems a bit stupid, but if it would fit, I'd want to have 1 of the rover based mining vehicles on 1 side of the lower bay with an Ursa beside it to offer protective coverage to some degree. My reasoning is that if you have that along with a Beer-farer in your escort group, the mining rover can help mine the Quantum ore for the Beer-farer to use to fuel the fleet at a less expensive cost overall which should extend their overall range to a slight degree.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
After some wrangling and a few crashes\disconnects and one douchebag SuperHornet spawncamper at Levski I finally succeeded in loading up my Carrack, Pisces in the Hangar bay, Ursa and Dragonfly-Yellowjacket in the Rover bay.

I am not sure if the Dragonfly makes as much sense as I had hoped, it takes up a LOT of space and does not bring much in terms of capability and still seems a bit buggy to me - the Nox or Tumbril bike might ultimately make more sense, and I may even melt a Mustang and buy a Cyclone or a 2nd Ursa.

Another thought I have had is a Merlin or Archimedes in place of the bike(s).

Just the footwork\logistics required to solo the Carrack and retrieve the 3 other vehicles was surprisingly satisfying gameplay - I have not spent any real time in 'verse since 3.2 I think.

The Carrack is amazing so far, feels real, feels substantial and as an Engineer and a Pilot IRL that means a lot to me. I really look forward to testing it out more with some friends but I can see I will need to grind a bit when the patch goes LIVE because 5000 aUEC isn't enough to start-up a Carrack - I need some edumacation in the fastest ways to make coin.







Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
the mining rover can help mine the Quantum ore for the Beer-farer to use to fuel the fleet
I think they've said that the quantum ore can only be mined from asteroids. Which would make sense as pre-space flight civs would boost their tech after discovery. A civ with it initially would be much more advanced.

Also guys, you can fit these things in, but we know they're eventually wanting it to spawn with vehicles already inside. These may have specific locking plates to keep them from bouncing around during transit. So the area in front of that stopper ramp might be the only spot to hold something.

Things that fit simply stay now because they dont have the tech to do otherwise.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don't own a Carrack, and don't plan to in the future, since I am more a Polaris guy, but right now the Carrack is certainly my favorite ship in game so I'll pretend for a moment I was outfitting one.

First thing. . .I believe in ballistics. I do not believe in shooting people's shields when you can be killing the target from the start, so I gotta say Revenants all around. You can carry extra ammo, and the point of this bird is not fighting. The guns are defensive, but you do want to kill targets as quickly as possible and so again I am urging trigger control and max DPS with min energy budget. Experiment with and find the failure rates with overclocking the guns. 8 Revenants do 5,400 dps. Overclocked they do 8,100. If 40% penetrates shields, that's 3,240 damage to hull with shields at full. That will kill a SuperHornet in 3.1 seconds.

Secondly, shields. Many want to go for the Parapet for max shield value. I think the refresh rate of the FR-86 is so extreme, that it is the better choice. Just needs you feed them ample power. Combined they refresh 8,700 which means if your attackers are flying energy weapons, odds are good they can't much hurt you. Think about how many weapons need to hit every second to beat that refresh rate, and you can shrug off half dozen Buckies without breaking a sweat.

Third, Q drive. This bird is meant for deep exploration which means efficient Q Drive. Even though travel times will be longer, you will go farthest with the Agni. Unless you are with other ships, I would opt for the longest range possible. That's the Agni.

Forth, reactor and coolers. Hardpoint says the stock reactor and coolers on the Carrack are sufficient to power everything in the loadout I'm describing here, with just a 10% safety margin. That's good and reason to save pesos on these. Leave 'em stock and test for yourself if you have power management or heat troubles with any given loadout. HP shows Revenants drawing more power than Attritions, and you can bet that is not correct. So field test to be sure. You may choose to upgrade the coolers even if the reactor is fine, just so your engines stay cool when overclocked. You can increase your cooling by 70% with the CoolMax, and probably leave one off during touring for lower EM sig. It is possible that overclocking the engines will draw so much power the stock reactor is inadequate, but I tested this with everything on, including spooling the Q drive, so I doubt you'd need to swap out the reactor.

Fifth, engines. . .the Carrack is astonishingly fast for its size. Since you can do your own repairs and maintenance, I think it is going to be worthwhile to overclock the engines to get extreme speed. My guess is, any attackers could literally be run down one at a time with all 8 guns. I think this is a case where the best defense is a good offense. Select targets and chase them so all 4 turrets come to bare at once, and eliminate opponents one at a time. Most fighters will not last past 3 seconds. This ship is fast enough to chase down most fighters! Use that speed to stay safe, but also to alter the odds in each moment. It is far easier for a turret gunner to hit a target the ship is chasing (or that is chasing it!), than one that is crossing its horizon. IIRC, gimbal assist works with turrets too. If that's so, and the pilot gives the turrets easy targets, you have every reason to expect to hit. It's especially useful to think of this as a preferred tactic in case you're attacked by a Sentinel. Early reports are the Sentinel's EMP is 100% effective against the Carrack, so killing any inbound Sentinel immediately is really important. Just stay outside its 1,200 meter pulse radius.

Important point to note here to my brothers at TEST: the Sentinel is the Carrack Killer, but if things stay as currently and reports are accurate, even an overclocked Sentinel cannot catch an overclocked Carrack. If a Carrack turns and runs and a Sentinel with a charged EMP chases it, the Carrack will control the engagement and can kill the Sentinel quite easily. The Sentinel has 23,460 hull. If it chases you, It will take min 7 seconds to kill it. IF in worst case scenario, it has fixed ballistics chin mount and doesn't ever miss, it is doing 5,734 total damage in that time to your stearn and it could scratch you, but no one flies a Vanguard like that; and the Carrack has 127,500 points hull. He can't hurt you much. He might damage an engine. It's really important to know how to sucker a Sentinel behind you, meaning you need to know exactly what your ship can do. For example, you need to know exactly how long it takes to get up to speed from a 90* turn. If you're flying a Carrack and a Sentinel comes in on your beam, you need to know if you have time to turn away and control his distance behind you. If you're flying a Carrack and a Sentinel comes in on your bow, you should QT out of the engagement. I'm saying this because lots of Sentinels have already shown they can own the Carrack, given a dopey Carrack captain.

Additionally, chase a friend flying a Razor and see if he can out-turn you in small enough time to escape. You can't stop the Carrack skidding through turns, but if you can keep the nose pointed at an agile fighter long enough to kill it, all well and good. If not, look at overclocking the rotation thrusters.

Sixth, hangar. . .Pisces. You can't fly this effectively without being able to shuttle people.

Last, garage: Razor EX plus 2 X1 Force bikes, riders with sniper rifles so they can scan distant areas.

Bonus: the 3d Radar Holoviewer--in an engagement, the bridge has to direct fire since the only person who knows the situation is whomever is watching the viewer. He's giving directions to the three manned turrets, the remote turret and the pilot. Attacking fore and aft is preferred but 3 of the 4 turrets can fire at once on any attackers amidships. I'm convinced that effective combat crews will coordinate their attacks using that viewer. Don't ignore it and tell gunners to fire at will. That's allowing your attackers to define the battle for you, which is the short road to failure.

Unknown: what sorts of drones can we use to add to all these other capabilities? I think the drone room is going to prove exciting and could change any/all of the above. Can we use drones to explore caves? Can they attack? Can they be used to broadcast fake ship signatures? Can they haul cargo boxes terrestrially? Only time will tell.

Such a very cool ship, and the best reason yet to join a merry crew of madmen!
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
After some wrangling and a few crashes\disconnects and one douchebag SuperHornet spawncamper at Levski I finally succeeded in loading up my Carrack, Pisces in the Hangar bay, Ursa and Dragonfly-Yellowjacket in the Rover bay.

I am not sure if the Dragonfly makes as much sense as I had hoped, it takes up a LOT of space and does not bring much in terms of capability and still seems a bit buggy to me - the Nox or Tumbril bike might ultimately make more sense, and I may even melt a Mustang and buy a Cyclone or a 2nd Ursa.

Another thought I have had is a Merlin or Archimedes in place of the bike(s).

Just the footwork\logistics required to solo the Carrack and retrieve the 3 other vehicles was surprisingly satisfying gameplay - I have not spent any real time in 'verse since 3.2 I think.

The Carrack is amazing so far, feels real, feels substantial and as an Engineer and a Pilot IRL that means a lot to me. I really look forward to testing it out more with some friends but I can see I will need to grind a bit when the patch goes LIVE because 5000 aUEC isn't enough to start-up a Carrack - I need some edumacation in the fastest ways to make coin.


I agree with you the Pisces is the best fit for the top hanger. As for the vehicle hanger I think that's going to be more situational. The Ursa is a great armored carrier but its rather slow compared to bikes and buggy. So if you are not expecting a hostile environment then speed might be the better option.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
I am thinking it 'might' be possible to shoehorn a Dragonfly into the Pisces bay depending on how you park the Pisces (although I forget how much 'flying' the Dragonfly can do - might not be practical when planetside.

Also, I have been so disappointed with the Mustang redesign I melted my Delta and upgraded my Beta (my original package), to a Cyclone - so I will try rearranging things and see how many vehicles I can reasonably fit.

One thing I have noticed so far is that if there are ANY issues with the ramp making good contact with the ground\surface you can't really back the Ursa in due to clashes with the physics grid, it is best to roll in forward where you can generate more speed\power (the barrier stop is a great idea and I see why it is needed).

Also, if you can't reach the ramp control panel look down at the ground while slowly walking along under the ramp and you should get an open\close dialog (I didn't know that).

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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Also, if you can't reach the ramp control panel look down at the ground while slowly walking along under the ramp and you should get an open\close dialog (I didn't know that).

The open/close control panel outside the ship seems to stop working if you use the inside control panel for the ramp.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
3 things:
First, welcome back @AstroGimp01!
Second, keep this coming! I have no time bandwidth to play SC right now but I'm really interested in this ship.
Third: Thank you guys for the ship notes. This will save hours when I finally get time.
This is the first ship that I find myself wanting to join up with others in verse and do anything more than goof off.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
After some wrangling and a few crashes\disconnects and one douchebag SuperHornet spawncamper at Levski I finally succeeded in loading up my Carrack, Pisces in the Hangar bay, Ursa and Dragonfly-Yellowjacket in the Rover bay.

I am not sure if the Dragonfly makes as much sense as I had hoped, it takes up a LOT of space and does not bring much in terms of capability and still seems a bit buggy to me - the Nox or Tumbril bike might ultimately make more sense, and I may even melt a Mustang and buy a Cyclone or a 2nd Ursa.

Another thought I have had is a Merlin or Archimedes in place of the bike(s).

Just the footwork\logistics required to solo the Carrack and retrieve the 3 other vehicles was surprisingly satisfying gameplay - I have not spent any real time in 'verse since 3.2 I think.

The Carrack is amazing so far, feels real, feels substantial and as an Engineer and a Pilot IRL that means a lot to me. I really look forward to testing it out more with some friends but I can see I will need to grind a bit when the patch goes LIVE because 5000 aUEC isn't enough to start-up a Carrack - I need some edumacation in the fastest ways to make coin.


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Hey hey 'Gimp. Good to see ya!
Jesus, the "Geriatric" Predator returns! Hahah. Welcome back!


Vice Admiral
Mar 4, 2019
RSI Handle
the mining rover can help mine the Quantum ore for the Beer-farer to use to fuel the fleet at a less expensive cost overall which should extend their overall range to a slight degree.
I'd love to know where the idea that a rover can mine came from or any info on it has been posted. As Grimbli has already said, yes they want Quantanium (whatever way it's spelled) to be in space. It's still going to work much like how it was originally thought of as a hard resource to collect with the Starfarer. Now it is just in rock form but still in space and still highly unstable. You wouldn't be able to take the damage from an overcooked rock anywhere in a rover anyhow


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'd love to know where the idea that a rover can mine came from or any info on it has been posted. As Grimbli has already said, yes they want Quantanium (whatever way it's spelled) to be in space. It's still going to work much like how it was originally thought of as a hard resource to collect with the Starfarer. Now it is just in rock form but still in space and still highly unstable. You wouldn't be able to take the damage from an overcooked rock anywhere in a rover anyhow
It was discussed as a possible future vehicle during the latest CitizenCon.



Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
I could not trust the Yellowjacket to stay put, glitched all over the garage and ended up under one wheel of both the Cyclone and the Ursa, so I went and made some monies, bought a Cyclone TR and this will be my loadout until the Tumbril Ranger's drop and I will replace one of the Cyclone's with two of the bikes

Nothing is touching or clipping and you can fully walk around all vehicles on all sides except for the front of the Cyclone which is pretty close to the aft pressure bulkhead of the garage



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I could not trust the Yellowjacket to stay put, glitched all over the garage and ended up under one wheel of both the Cyclone and the Ursa, so I went and made some monies, bought a Cyclone TR and this will be my loadout until the Tumbril Ranger's drop and I will replace one of the Cyclone's with two of the bikes

Nothing is touching or clipping and you can fully walk around all vehicles on all sides except for the front of the Cyclone which is pretty close to the aft pressure bulkhead of the garage

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If you're looking for firepower in the mean time, you can let the Ursa hold your mission cargo needs then upgrade your regular cyclone to a TR for the extra pew pew power while on the move.
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