Where were you on 9/11?


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I had gone to bed just an Hour before the attack having just gotten off the night shift. My wife called me to tell me what happened. Once the two towers fell, I knew I would not get anymore sleep and drove in to work. I spent the next two days there, catching an hour or two of sleep as we worked to help schedule assistance and insure our own part of the system was in a secure position. Finally my boss sent the next shift home to get real sleep and I went home 12 hours later. The only time I spent more time at work (straight) was during the August 2003 blackout.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I was standing on the desk in my office when I discovered, that the room without windows actually had roof windows. I was removing the ceiling tiles while listening to the radio. My first thought was: this can't be true, is this an radio broadcast like "War of the Worlds" but soon I realized that this was the real thing.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'd just sat down from a long graveyard shift as a security guard at the local mall that was right around the corner from those muslim businesses that the FBI had raided a week earlier. I turned on the tv, flipped through the channels & was seeing somebody interview a city worker when in the background I watched the 1st plane hit live on air. They didn't even realize they'd actually caught that on camera when they pulled away to make the announcement, then showed the damaged building from a different camera. I instantly called my work to advise them to shut the mall down because the terrorists had been pulling shit at the mall for about 6 months each night multiple times where they'd park a car close to the building in a concealed area, they had their head wraps on, lights out, engines running & no plates on the vehicles. They'd sit there like that until I let them know I'd seen them & then they'd speed away across the unlit parking lot. Yes, I made a report each time, but nobody listened or cared until after 9-11. Anyways, the other guards lol'd at me when I told them that things were going down & called it an accident. Then the 2nd plane hit & I had them turn on the radio & explain how 2 separate planes like those could just happen to fly into those towers & hit a different tower each. They still tried to argue for a few min & then the Pentagon was hit. That's when they finally called the mall's General Manager asking what he wanted done. He'd just heard about it & seen the news, so he ordered it shut down until he was in touch with the local police & they give the all clear due to the circumstances. So yeah, for me it's still just as clear as though it had just happened yesterday. I stayed up & watched it all go down.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
RSI Handle
I was at the office when somebody from another department came and told us that apparently some plane crashed into one of the skyscrapers in New York. We have called our Manhattan office and after many unsuccessful attempts the phone has been picked-up; locals told us that they are not sure what happened, there is chaos, and they told us that the building is going to be evacuated due to an unspecified security threat.

We turned the CNN on and began watching live coverage. The TV stayed on for the next 6-7 hours; nobody went back to work. I continued watching the coverage at home, until 2-3 am.

I took below screenshot at around 10:30-11:00, when all major news websites were already down due to enormous number of viewers; CNN managed to put a simple static landing page providing latest news.


Never Forget


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Thank you all for your service. And big thank you to Shadow Reaper for the mention of our brothers in Benghazi (they stood up alone and did what many would not do if given a choice,07).
As for me I was at the bank just after the 1st plane. I explained to the teller that a B17 had crashed into the Empire State bld many moons ago and we both prayed for the loss.

The second plane hit before we were done and I knew it was no misfortune or accident. I swallowed and it felt like a rock going down.
I can see that day and moments like they were just yesterday. I had just recently been transferred to inactive reserve and started a new life.
I sat in my Livingroom watching rescue efforts on tv drinking myself into oblivion when I was called back.

LOL..Had to take a breather before I could finish this. Emotions can sometimes come over ya and take you right back to times and places forgotten.
I will leave it here with this. For a brief moment in time we all were united as nations and people regardless of where you were against a cowardly pack of vermin who saw no value in individual life.
... :o7:


Space Marshal
Oct 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I was in second grade. Ofc. I didn't immediately know what was going on, and the teachers weren't exactly acting strange but you could tell something was going on because the principal showed up in the middle of the class and usually he'd talk pretty loud to be inclusive unless there was something particular to a specific student. Like. They were in some kinda trouble. The school had us all grab our things and called the day early. We all thought there was an issue with the building or something. I mean, we're in second grade. We weren't exactly too concerned about anything beyond what were doing that very minute. Once I'd gotten home though, we had a huge Projector Television. Something the size of the DLP tv's years later. I saw it, both, replays and live. Didn't need a explanation anymore.

I remember hearing fighter jets going overhead as I lived in the suburbs of Detroit. Detroit metro is about 20m away so I could only assume they were helping out with that, however, ofc, the Canadian border is always right there too. Our neighbor left in a hurry not too long after I'd gotten home. The school was like, 5 mins walking from my house (though I was driven home) so I got home pretty quick. The neighbor across the street worked for the DTW Airport Security and quickly rushed to his car and I'd never seen him leave so fast from home in all my time living there.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Where was I on Sep 11, 2001? I was on my way to school in Arizona when the announcement came in over the radio. A plane had crashed into a building in NYC. People were very worried and upset. By the time I made it to school a second plane had hit another building. We didn't go to our classes that morning. The teachers pulled in a TV and turned on the news. We learned that another plane tried to hit the Pentagon.

We were only there for about an hour before we were sent home. There were bomb threats for the tunnel in Phoenix (there's only 1) and since our school was above it, we were all evacuated. There was never really a bomb in the tunnel, but you don't really know till later.

Where was I on Sep 11, 2021? ...on a plane...going to Disney World in Florida! Flight from Sky Harbor to Orlando I think.


Space Marshal
Sep 7, 2015
RSI Handle
On Sept 11 2001 I had just driven through my gate leaving for work when they announced the first plane had hit. I sat at my gate for a couple of minutes listening then started off to work. We did absolutely no work as we were all stuck to the TV until the CEO called it a day around noon and told everyone to go home and be close to our families.
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